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11520. judithathome - 12/30/2014 6:36:22 PM

Boehner's #3 Man Scurries To Distance Himself From David Duke

House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.), whose office has been beating back criticism about a speech he gave at a 2002 gathering hosted by a white supremacist group, received some ill-timed praise from the group's founder Monday evening. The notorious former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke described Scalise as "a fine family man" with whom he often agrees.

For his part, Scalise's office has said he was unaware of the white supremacist group's views when as a state lawmaker, he spoke at the 2002 conference. But in 1999, then-state Rep. Scalise told a Washington newspaper that he agreed with many of Duke's "conservative" views.

Yeah, I think that might be a problem with some in the Republican Party...no matter that a LOT of them agree with the views of David Duke.

Sidenote: At the time Scalise spoke in front of the group, two semi-professional football teams were booked to stay at the same hotel...upon arriving and learning that the Duke organization was booked there, the teams cancelled their reservations and booked rooms at another hotel. That's pretty rich when a group of football players is more aware than a man representing his political party.

11521. arkymalarky - 12/30/2014 7:01:22 PM

Grimm is resigning. I wonder if it's going to start to be a string of this kind of crap between now and 2016. Now that Republicans control both houses, I wonder if they're going to be anxious to get some of their nuts like Issa and Cruz under control and take some of their focus off of Obama so they have a prayer in the presidential race. They're going to throw stuff and he's going to veto it and it might not be worth the fight to do more than that. Especially if the Supreme Court helps them out and they save fights for things like nominations and budgets and stuff like that. it's going to be an interesting two years, either way.

11522. judithathome - 12/30/2014 7:32:58 PM

Grimm: this idiot should have withdrawn from the race in the fall...he had no business running while under indictment. But then, it may have proved helpful...now we know how many New Yorkers will vote for a indicted crook.

I am nearly certain the Dems will put a buffoon with no chance of winning in the upcoming special election, though...so it really won't be of much benefit that Grimm
finally resigned.

The more I think about it, I feel Grimm should have to pay some of the freight on this new election; he knew when he stayed in the race that he would likely face trial for at LEAST one of the twenty counts. I also blame Boehner for not "urging" him to drop out of the election.

But mostly, I blame those who voted him back in...speaks volumes about how much they will tolerate in one of their own AND to how lousy the alternate choice was...once again, Democrats shooting themselves in the collective foot...if you can't beat a bozo with a 20 count indictment against him, you're doing something damned wrong and/or just plain STUPID.

11523. robertjayb - 1/8/2015 1:58:37 AM

And so it goes...

HOUSTON – A small central Texas oil producer could be the first U.S. petroleum firm to file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in the current oil crash, a sign the shale boom’s high debt may prove costly.
The bankruptcy filing comes as U.S. oil producers are expected to feel financial pressure on two fronts, as oil prices have fallen to less than half their peak 2014 prices and U.S. oil companies have racked up half a trillion dollars in risky corporate bonds and leveraged loans, according to Deutsche Bank’s head of U.S. credit strategy.
(Houston Chronicle)

No stake in the game, darn it, but I've watched long enough to realize that in the oil patch, bust follows boom and vice versa.

Maybe the bust and more reports of fracking-induced earthquakes will slow down that shortsighted effort.

11524. alistairconnor - 1/8/2015 10:41:27 AM

Ms No, I just want to kiss you, for your post 11510...

#JeSuisCharlie, and you too.

11525. judithathome - 1/8/2015 9:52:37 PM

Maybe the bust and more reports of fracking-induced earthquakes will slow down that shortsighted effort.

Instead, we're getting "studies" to discover the REASONS for the earthquakes...well, duh. Ask any second grader.....

11526. robertjayb - 1/11/2015 6:51:31 PM

Anita Ekberg,

the Swedish-born actress best remembered for her overflowing decolletage (oh, yes!), sultry ice-blond looks and her sensual dip in the Trevi Fountain in Federico Fellini's 1960 masterpiece of hedonistic Rome, “La Dolce Vita,” died Jan. 11 in Rome.

11527. judithathome - 1/12/2015 12:04:32 AM

Wow...as per CNN: one of the attackers of Charlie Hebdo had a "spiritual leader" working as nurse intern at a hospital where some of the people injured in the attack were taken....couldn't write this stuff in a screenplay and be believed!

11528. judithathome - 4/17/2015 9:43:05 PM

Robert Bates, the Tulsa shooter, spoke out for himself this morning on the Today Show...at the end, Matt Laurer asked him about his training records...Mr. Bates, in the old "saying a bit more than we asked for" routine...said: "I have a paper from a Deputy Crittenden, now in jail for first degree murder, that says I did a good job."

I nearly fell off my chair...his lawyer was sitting right there with him. I assume he had told him that this fact might come up if he used the man's name...but the lawyer looked a little strained when it popped out of his client's mouth and sat there in the room...like the "other woman's love child" showing up at your wife's family reunion.

Maybe more like a case of "Here is my foot and here is my gun...foot, meet gun."

The more I hear of that interview...the more I think that man shouldn't have been allowed out of the home, much less on an undercover sting and armed to the teeth.

11529. judithathome - 4/17/2015 9:44:13 PM

Has it REALLY been three months since the last post in this thread???

11530. judithathome - 4/25/2015 8:31:23 PM

I'm guessing not many here watched the Bruce Jenner interview?

Most surprising thing in it was his admission that he is a conservative Republican and when asked what he thought Mitch McConnell or John Boehner would say to him...he actually said he thought they would wish him well and that they would support him.

BIGGEST shocker of the entire two hour interview!

11531. Ms. No - 4/26/2015 4:06:33 AM

Ha! Well, they might personally wish him well, but I doubt they'd do so publicly.

I didn't watch the interview --- I didn't believe his transition was anything other than tabloid speculation until just recently.

11532. iiibbb - 4/26/2015 12:31:12 PM

The biggest shocker of the interview is that anyone watched the interview.

11533. judithathome - 4/26/2015 9:56:15 PM

Well, I did...and he came off as very sympathetic...and I believe he's lived with this all his life and I truly feel for him.

11534. Ms. No - 4/26/2015 11:09:34 PM

Yeah, I do too. I wonder if it was more or less comfortable to live in a house full of anatomic females.

11535. iiibbb - 4/27/2015 4:00:43 PM

I'm not a fan of this kind of interview not because I'm anti-transgender--- I just don't think the press is sophisticated enough to present the issue.

One can only assume that independent of the dysphoria, Jenner's comfort with them is tied to whether there is love and acceptance.

I recognize in myself a certain degree of dysphoria -- I've never felt 100% comfortable in my own skin, but I don't think it's a gender thing specifically. Nobody really knows --- too hard to explain; for me it's manageable as it is and I just live with it.

I can understand the palpable need for change.

11536. judithathome - 4/27/2015 7:04:38 PM

Well, Sawyer did a good job with that interview...not sure I'd trust FOX news with something like this but...

Naturally his ghoulish stepdaughter Kim (at the urging of her publicity hungry husband) appeared on the Today show this morning to talk about how it has changed HER life...the Armenian genocide wasn't even on anyone's radar until Kim and Kanye decided to go "honor it" last week.

Sorry, their hearts might have been in the right place but those two people can't do anything without sucking out the last little drop of "look at ME and look how this affects ME".

Of course, it DOES have an effect on the family but if he had wanted everyone in the family talking about it, he'd have had them on Diane's show...he had his children on...not his step-children.

11537. judithathome - 4/27/2015 7:07:52 PM

3i3b, I think everyone feels uncomfortable in the skin at times...if it means anything, you come across as a very smart and "feeling" person. You express your emotions well, in other words.

11538. iiibbb - 4/27/2015 7:23:19 PM

What I feel is and isn't a gender thing.

If I had felt compelled to act on the feelings I had, at the time in my life it would've made sense, I'm pretty sure I would have just traded some problems for others and my life wouldn't have been all that much better.

I'm too holistic of a thinker to filter the world through my gender --- to many irons in the firer --- and I'm not saying that those that transition aren't holistic thinkers. I'm sure they're doing what's right for them.

The cost to me is there's always this part of me that's not accessible to anyone.

I'm not unhappy. It's just this thing that's there.

11539. iiibbb - 4/27/2015 7:23:41 PM

But I relate.

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