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11648. judithathome - 12/8/2015 9:15:36 PM

No kidding...he is getting constant coverage on his daily screed on Morning Joe...every show on MSNBC today has covered his asinine Fascist ravings on that earlier show today.

The Republican party HAS to come out en masse and condemn this BS from him or they are going to find themselves with a maniac winning the nomination...not the first time but maybe the most dangerous....

11649. iiibbb - 12/9/2015 3:21:38 AM

My wife posits that Trump doesn't want to be president. That he's been it all along for publicity and a way to make a buck. As far as he's seen it, the longer he's up front the better for his bottom line.

Now he feels it's time to sabotage his own campaign and bow out... but he's only been gaining. At night he's like... WTF do I have to do to get out of this race?! Says something even more bizarre and to his dismay people are eating it up.

He doesn't want to work for a living. Being President is a lot of work. He's not so dumb except he's completely underestimated his base's horribleness.

11650. iiibbb - 12/9/2015 3:22:06 AM

He's literally going to have to run over a baby drunk.... and I'm not sure that's going to get him out of this.

11651. arkymalarky - 12/9/2015 3:30:28 AM

His base will just blame the baby for not having its own semi automatic to defend itself.

11652. judithathome - 12/9/2015 10:15:24 PM


Seriously, if 3i3b's wife (and Rachel Maddow, who agrees with her) is correct, he underestimated the stupidity of the American public...he may be as shocked as the rest of the world at the support he's getting.

Then again...the man is a megalomanic...that we already knew...and the thing that feeds one is attention, good OR bad. So he may be in over his head but he can't get out because he craves the attention.

Trevor Noah pointed out last night on the Daily Show that any other candidate who talked so often...and sooooo sleazily...about wanting to have sex with his daughter would have been political poison in any universe except for today's American politics.

11653. judithathome - 12/31/2015 9:59:39 PM

Huge hotel fire in Dubai....63 story apartment/hotel in flames. It's called the Address.

News says the fireworks they have every year (near that hotel) are still scheduled to go off in about 10 minutes...absolute insanity. The entire edifice is engulfed in flames and they think it's a good idea to shoot off fireworks all around the city....

11654. Ms. No - 1/8/2016 4:49:44 AM

I'm still giggling over a toddling baby with bourbon in his bottle stumbling and hiccuping his way across the road.

I'm sick. I know.

11655. arkymalarky - 1/9/2016 6:12:35 AM

I missed that story

11656. arkymalarky - 1/11/2016 7:38:59 PM

Just so bummed about David Bowie.

11657. judithathome - 1/11/2016 8:00:43 PM

The new video, Lazarus, is heart-wrenching.

11658. judithathome - 1/11/2016 8:06:10 PM

Another point about David Bowie: he was an excellent actor.

My fave of his was Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence which also marked the acting debut of Ryuchi Sakamoto as the camp commander...Sakamoto also did the score of the movie.

Haunting performance by Bowie.

I'd bet the two of them really gelled as creative types...you could tell it from the performances.

11659. Ms. No - 1/12/2016 6:04:32 PM

I'm just devastated. I suppose I thought "He's Bowie, he'll live forever." My students were really sweet yesterday when I'd tear up periodically over the news. Then I called my brother last night and we reminisced about times we'd spent together with Bowie tunes, what different songs meant to us at different times in our lives. My brother remarked that, while he has always been a fan, he was surprised by how much it hurt to hear of Bowie's passing. He cried, even.

This will be a hard one to get past.

11660. judithathome - 1/12/2016 11:56:48 PM

This is a great over-view od Bowie's influence, fashion-wise

11661. judithathome - 1/17/2016 8:34:15 PM

Five Iranian-held American prisoners released from Iranian custody....Obama ridiculed for not doing it sooner and for giving over 7 Iranians we've held....

Face it, Obama could raise Ronald Reagan from the dead and install him back in the White House and the Republicans would bitch because it wasn't a younger-looking Ronnie.

11662. iiibbb - 1/25/2016 12:18:21 AM

Uh oh... he settled a 1970-something bill with it. 1.8 billion payment to Iran. Republicans will surely spin this as a ransom.

11663. judithathome - 1/25/2016 11:10:29 PM

Isn't that money they were due? I have heard it was their money that WE were witholding....not as though we paid them OUR money out of the US treasury.

11664. robertjayb - 1/26/2016 4:01:12 AM

Planned parenthood suit tossed...

A Houston grand jury that was investigating accusations of criminal misconduct against Planned Parenthood on Monday instead indicted the leader of an anti-abortion group that recorded covert videos of the organization's employees.


11665. iiibbb - 1/26/2016 9:42:08 PM

Things in the news that are driving me nuts right now.

The Oregon standoff. I suspect the FBI has this thing in hand, but the ignorance and idiocy about land management in the US is just awful. And the press doesn't help because I really think their ranks may be among the stupidest professionals in the US.

Trump's success. I cannot figure his success out... at all... he is totally vacuous... and an asshole to boot. Why isn't the press showing how his proposals are EMPTY. How his words are EMPTY. It's just fucking nuts. Are we really this stupid?

Democrat infighting and millennial apathy. Even though I'll be voting for them for the foreseeable future, I'll never be a Democrat.

Social Justice Warriors... I am totally on board with equality, but they approach and vision make me hate the idea of it... it's just so Animal Farm. To bring it back to the Oregon standoff... The fact that the powers that be have not come swooping in as they have for Black Lives Matter has nothing to do with "white privilege". It is not my privilege to have law enforcement act in a racist manner--- racist police are as bad for me as they are for Blacks. It's not that they should swoop in on Oregon, it's that they should leave #BLM protests the fuck alone. Privilege is having economic or educational benefits because the mechanisms for advancement are tailored for me. Privilege is about fairness, not justice. But whether you agree with me about that point or not... social justice warriors wouldn't be happy until I was totally silenced in a discussion about it because a) it goes against their narrative, and b) I'm a waspm so I should just shut the fuck up.

11666. Trillium - 1/27/2016 6:25:18 AM

Who benefits? Some news items that were known in 2012 seem to have disappeared down the journalism memory hole.
Malheur County targeted for gold, uranium mines

How land gets taken away from the Hammonds and given to more powerful people

11667. Trillium - 1/27/2016 6:53:30 AM

NOT "news or current events", but still instructive about how to get things done if you have the clout, and the general public is apathetic:

How General Wilder came to own a coal mine in rural Tennessee's Fentress County ... bought for cheap after Confederate currency was absolutely worthless... using "convict labor" to haul out the valuable resources

Brief history of Wilder Coal Mine

When "convict labor" (form of slave labor) was outlawed in the 1890s, there were still expendable rednecks to be used up. Of course the rednecks revolted; but the government could be counted on to step in and put them in their place. The people who own most of West Virginia and Eastern Kentucky don't LIVE there. They just live off the land, so to speak

Breaking the Wilder coal strike in 1932

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