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11692. neato - 10/15/2004 3:51:05 PM

Ah. Thanks.

11693. Magoseph - 10/15/2004 8:23:59 PM

Hi, everyone!

11694. Ms. No - 10/15/2004 8:35:51 PM

Hi Mago! How's your Friday?

11695. Magoseph - 10/15/2004 8:44:08 PM

It's going nicely, Ms. No. Since it's raining and cold, I'm happily listening to my friends while reading my forums and checking the TV news. How is your weekend shaping out?

11696. concerned - 10/15/2004 8:54:51 PM

Re. 11691 -

Wonder how much it costs to actually produce that wine? For American beer, it's apparently less than 1 cent per 12 oz can.

11697. angel-five - 10/15/2004 8:56:42 PM

The only thing I've heard about two buck chuck is that they make plenty of money off it.

If it's like other mass market wines the bottle probably costs more than what's in it.

11698. arkymalarky - 10/16/2004 12:03:03 AM

I've got to grade papers all weekend. Bob got his done before he left work. He makes me want to puke.

Ulgine's aim post reminded me that there is a white commode on the side of the road on my commute. It's complete with the lid and everything. I don't know if someone thought it was a good place for a rural Arky reststop or what, but it's been there several weeks.

11699. arkymalarky - 10/16/2004 12:03:40 AM

It would make a good marker in giving directions.

"Turn left at the white commode...."

11700. wonkers2 - 10/16/2004 4:52:40 AM

Actually, it costs $3 now. The chablis isn't too bad, but the red is hardly drinkable.

11701. Magoseph - 10/18/2004 7:32:11 PM

Hello, where is our friend Mac today? I'm raking leaves and I’m thinking how nice it would be if I could start a garden, as Ms. No did over the weekend.

11702. Ms. No - 10/18/2004 7:47:10 PM

Great weekend, got lots done and I've been thinking of my garden all day. I can't wait for the gardenias to bloom. Mr. C who owns the property next to mine is a good ol' boy from Tennessee and was quite pleased with the southern flavor of my planting. I've no idea if gardenias and hydrangeas are common everywhere, but they remind me so much of my grandmother and the Carolinas that I just had to plant them. It's a bit dry here in California for hydrangeas, but that's what the garden hose is for.

Celebrated my nephew's 4th birthday last night although today is the actual day. He helped with the garden and played with Billie on Saturday which thrilled them both. I came into the living room where they were sitting on the couch together watching The Lion King and he looked up and said "Billie likes me. Look! Her tail wags when I pat her butt!"

The new neph is cute as a button. He's got the most intense focus and he was grinning and giggling last night. He's going to be another giant --- he's only seven weeks old and already wearing his 3-6 month clothes.

11703. Magoseph - 10/18/2004 9:31:49 PM

It looks as you gave the happy parents some time off yesterday, Ms. No.

11704. Ms. No - 10/18/2004 9:36:44 PM

Mostly it was everyone hanging out and doing home projects and cooking meals and watching baseball, passing the baby around, wrestling with dogs, playing board games. Quite a satisfying trip.

11705. Magoseph - 10/19/2004 7:45:29 PM

We have very good news today--Flexy’s high-blood pressure is way down, as are his cholesterol readings. Now we're preparing him for his upcoming operation, mentally you understand and that is not an easy undertaking with him.

11706. Ms. No - 10/19/2004 7:46:59 PM

Very good news, Mags!

11707. arkymalarky - 10/19/2004 11:50:41 PM

Good luck on everything, Mags.

11708. Magoseph - 10/20/2004 12:14:24 AM

Thank you, Ms. No and Arky.

11709. wonkers2 - 10/21/2004 1:17:09 PM

Arky may be interested to know that The Cap'n was expelled last week from his local WalMart after an argument with the store manager over his attempt to exchange a $10.54 defective, knock-off made in China, pocket knife for a real made in USA $18.00 Schrade knife. The Cap'n foolishly has failed to keep his receipt for the Chinese WalMart knife. Although the store manager said she didn't doubt that the knife was purchased at her store she refused "because WalMart policy only allowed for exchanges not upgrades for returns without receipts." The Cap'n said he wanted to pay the difference for a real Schrade knife and didn't want another "toy Chinese knife." Tempers flared, The Cap'n raised his voice above the level allowed in WalMart, at some point referring to the manager as a "peanut brain" whereupon store security was called. When he said he wasn't ready to leave, the manager asked the security lady to call the local police. For about ten minutes the Cap'n, the store manager and the security lady had a little parade around the store. The Cap'n tired of this and left, much less of an aficianado of WalMart. The local police pulled up to the store entrance as he was getting into his car. He would be grateful if Arky would obtain an apology from WalMart heeadquarters.

11710. PsychProf - 10/21/2004 1:27:29 PM

Surely you can understand how an irate person scares employees. These are just working people trying to make a living.

11711. alistairconnor - 10/21/2004 2:35:30 PM

... and an armed one at that. I can understand why they didn't want you to have a decent quality knife!

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