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11773. Ms. No - 6/14/2017 4:28:36 PM

No one dead, fortunately. Even the shooter is alive.

Is it wrong of me to hope that he's a disgruntled conservative with an arsenal he bought through gun-shows?

11774. Ms. No - 6/14/2017 4:29:07 PM

Crap. I gotta go fix that.

11775. Ms. No - 6/14/2017 4:30:48 PM

Oh, maybe not.

Sorry, I screwed up the coding and that link takes you to the story from this page rather than opening a new tab in your browser. It doesn't look like I've corrupted the whole page, though.

11776. Ms. No - 6/14/2017 4:38:13 PM

Turns out he's a Bernie Bro, the second most violent candidate in the race. (I mean for inciting/not quelling violence, not committing it.)

11777. Trillium - 7/25/2017 10:59:31 PM

Expendable workers for TVA. Disgustingly ignorant leadership at so many levels

Coal ash spill workers

“They called it the Kingston crud,” said Jeffrey Dwight Brewer, a 42-year-old worker and married father of three from New Market, Tenn. “When new men would come in on the job, they would be healthy like you. After a couple of weeks on the job, it sucked the life out of them. They would start the cough.”

John Cox, a Halls native and once a star trumpet player at the University of Tennessee, had strong lungs when he started working at the site. Before long, he couldn’t stop coughing. Antibiotics didn’t help. His doctor in Oak Ridge told him it was the fly ash that was making him sick.

“I said, ‘They told us the stuff won’t hurt us,’” Cox told his doctor. “He said, ‘Why, that stuff will kill you.’”

11778. wabbit - 8/20/2017 1:28:37 PM

RIP Dick Gregory

11779. arkymalarky - 8/20/2017 4:37:24 PM

Stan went to see him in like 1969 or 70 when he came to Arkansas.

11780. wabbit - 8/20/2017 7:21:54 PM

RIP Jerry Lewis

11781. wabbit - 9/9/2017 5:00:44 PM

Glued to the weather channel and Key West Dispatch, sister and family are hunkered down in the Lower Keys, the house they are in (not their own) is built high and strong, they should be ok. Don't know how their own house will make out, main floor is above the predicted surge level, but we'll see. Niece rents a conch house in Key West, expecting to lose everything she couldn't get out, maybe the house will still be there. Nephew is in Gainesville, a close friend is just above Orlando, everyone has done what they can. Fingers crossed.

11782. arkymalarky - 9/9/2017 6:18:12 PM

My lands! Stan's nephew and his fam are near Orlando, so hopefully won't be impacted like they thought they would it first. His cousin lost everything in Harvey in Houston my cousin was stuck in flood waters, but did okay. I wonder what Jose is going to do.

11783. wabbit - 9/9/2017 7:22:16 PM

Sent one of these bathtub water reservoirs to my sister a few years ago, this is the first time she's had to use it, says it's great. If the house survives, she'll have fresh water for a few days.

11784. wabbit - 9/14/2017 9:20:23 PM

My sister and family are all ok, and the house survived! Lots of debris, she lost a couple trees, there is a boat in the middle of the street, someone's refrigerator is in her yard, and a lilac point style cat has decided to stay at her house, so she's looking after him until they figure out where he lives. Some water damage, unavoidable, it blows in no matter what you do, and mud on the ground floor, which is expected, but the roof and shutters held and the house is in pretty good shape. Her island was where the eye of the storm passed over, if you watch MSNBC you might have see her being interviewed.

Some good post-Irma satellite images here, folks can get a fairly good idea of what their roofs look like. Still no power or water for probably at least a week, but cell phones are working again.

Key West dodged a bullet, only a couple feet of surge, trees down, but not bad. Bars are open, niece's rental house is just fine, hardly any damage.


11785. arkymalarky - 9/15/2017 1:12:32 AM

Well that's great news! I watch MSMBC, I'm trying to think back on who would have been her that I might have seen.

11786. arkymalarky - 9/15/2017 1:18:37 AM

While I'm here, this article in HuffPost brought on a trip down memory lane:


11787. arkymalarky - 9/15/2017 1:19:09 AM

They're going around the country and they're in Arkansas right now. HuffPost that is

11788. wabbit - 9/24/2017 9:59:13 PM

My sister has water and electricity back already! The utility folks from all over have been down there getting things up and running. The local volunteer fire departments, the local police, the county sheriff's department, the National Guard, the Navy personnel who are docked offshore, all have been busting their humps getting things done, roads cleared, damaged roofs tarped, and keeping an eye on the opportunists who always show up to loot or rip people off.

FEMA? She hasn't seen anyone from FEMA outside of Key West a week ago, where they are not needed. Evidently whoever is in command of the aircraft carrier took control away from FEMA when he realized they didn't know what to do. He turned control over to the Monroe County commissioners and told them to tell him what they needed done, and since then, it's all good. FEMA is useless.

11789. Ms. No - 10/2/2017 5:04:46 PM

Las Vegas Shooting: Live Updates

From CNN:

What we know right now:

What happened: At least 50 people were killed and more than 400 injured in a shooting on the Las Vegas Strip last night.
The suspect: The gunman, 64-year-old Stephen Paddock, is dead.
The location: It happened during a country music festival on the Vegas Strip. The shooter fired from the Mandalay Bay hotel.

If you're looking for a missing loved one, call 1-866-535-5654.

11790. wabbit - 10/5/2017 8:53:54 PM

JaH still can't get logged in to post. Anyone have any thoughts as to why?

from JaH:

Keoni’s nephew is an Assistant Manager at a hotel on the strip (and safe) and also, Keoni’s two step-grand-daughters were there, in the street, and were led to a safe place by some good-Samaritan, but seriously in need of “trauma” counseling.

11791. Ms. No - 10/6/2017 8:04:51 AM

Oh my goodness, I'm so glad they're safe!

Can we delete her id and re-create it? Will that work?

11792. fromTX - 10/6/2017 6:43:27 PM


I'm baaaaaack!

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