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12236. jexster - 11/23/2004 8:55:22 PM

Certainly...man candy is worth seeing twice!

12237. Magoseph - 11/23/2004 8:57:05 PM

Yes, if it shows up---I still can't see it.

12238. arkymalarky - 11/23/2004 10:39:37 PM

What wonderful-sounding Thanksgiving plans! Except the idea of shopping the day after gives me hives. My Bro's wife's family has a tradition of it. They get up at 4:00 AM, hit the center of the mall as soon as the doors open (it's quite a drive to a mall from where they live), put their hands together like a basketball team and holler "One two three SHOP!" as they split all directions. They shop until late that evening.

I go a few days before Christmas, on a weekday.

12239. arkymalarky - 11/23/2004 10:40:50 PM

When Bob's dad was siok we had their family and mine at our house--20+ people of all ages and sizes--and it was really nice. Now the two families are separate again so Bob and Mose and I will eat at two different places, which is nice too, especially since I'm to busy to cook this year.

12240. arkymalarky - 11/23/2004 10:40:58 PM


12241. arkymalarky - 11/23/2004 10:42:33 PM

I see where the extra "o" is for my "too," it's in "sick."

Speaking of which, I came home early because I was sick. My stomach launched a surprise attack about 10:00 this morning.

12242. jexster - 11/23/2004 10:56:50 PM

Mags...something's wrong with your browser or somethin

12243. jexster - 11/23/2004 10:59:36 PM

Then you don't want my Miss Nipsy Carville's cornbread dressin recipie Arky!

Just got back from our Tuesday Lunch Bunch for the homeless where I do it annually...

Last year's cost, same store, same things - 53

This year - $70

However, when one client said he'd skipped the NAACP T'givin lunch jess cause my dressin...made it all worth it

12244. arkymalarky - 11/24/2004 3:44:52 AM

Wow. I have a feeling it will only get worse.

Do post your dressing recipe in The Good Life, Jex!

12245. Jenerator - 11/24/2004 5:40:47 AM


I can't see the picture of you.

12246. wonkers2 - 11/24/2004 6:56:31 AM

Greetings from beautiful downtown Berkeley. Attended my wife's cousin's husband's funeral over the weekend in Sacramento. Jexter will be pleased to know that he went out in style to a packed house in Trinity Episcopal Cathedral with at least four priests and a verger, no less. Messages from the Governator and from a biggie Dem legislator lady in person were read at the reception following the burial commending him for his contributions over nearly 30 years to California environmental legislation. RIP Jeffrey David Arthur.

12247. alistairconnor - 11/24/2004 10:44:10 AM

Jex : your picture is filtered out by the proxy at work. Alleged to be porn.

I am grateful for this protection.

12248. judithathome - 11/24/2004 2:27:09 PM

I'm up early because Keoni is baking pies for the party at his work today. So I was awakened by the aroma of cherry and blueberry pie and got up knowing I'd have none of it to eat for breakfast. But that's okay...the house smells delicious!

(He made me a sauage and cheese omelet and a big pot of coffee, though...such a sweetie!)

12249. judithathome - 11/24/2004 2:27:58 PM

Just as the post scampered off to the page, I saw the missing "s" in sausage.

12250. Ms. No - 11/24/2004 5:00:59 PM

There'll be about 30 people at the house tonight - family and friends. We're making chili and cornbread and my aunt Connie is bringing dessert.

Tomorrow will be just family and that'll also be about 30 people. Thanksgiving is at my Aunt Janices and it's potluck. My mom is doing deviled eggs and salad. Somehow I've never been called upon to bring a dish. I think it just goes by household rather than individual. My mom is going to make my grandmother's sweet potatoes this year which will get some laughs and probably a few tears as well.

It is well known in our family that my grandmother was not the greatest cook in the world. Every year she'd make these really awful sweet potatoes that everyone would put on their plate and pretend to eat but actually hide under other things and eventually scrape off into the trash.

Since my grandmother won't be here to make them this year, my mom is making them. I'm sure they'll take pride of place on the table and we'll all laugh and weep around them but for the first time in my life I won't have to eat any. ;->

12251. judithathome - 11/24/2004 5:57:27 PM

You should make something like a meat pie, MsNo...I'd bet money that would be good! ;-)

12252. wabbit - 11/24/2004 6:11:13 PM

We're heading to PA for Thanksgiving. Aunt Dottie is hosting and my parents will be there, along with various cousins. Cousin Ed and his partner John are cooking, and as both are excellent cooks, the food should be wonderful. I am taking wine.

My grandmother used to make tourtiere and I couldn't get enough of it as a kid. I had some last time I was in Montreal, but it wasn't quite the same.

12253. thoughtful - 11/24/2004 6:46:08 PM

i'm just trying to figure out how you mess up sweet potatoes...

12254. Magoseph - 11/24/2004 6:51:14 PM

I could do a good job of doing just that, thoughtful. We will be going to a Thai restaurant tomorrow, right here in town. The natives will not be anywhere to be seen, entertaining at home, or being out of town--an ideal time to eat in peace with no one coming over and trying to engage Flexy in conversation.

12255. PelleNilsson - 11/24/2004 6:55:20 PM

I like everything that goes into a traditional Thanksgiving meal except the sweet potatoes and the cornbread.

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