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12307. Redemption Song - 11/26/2004 9:27:53 PM

Really, Magoseph. Stop the pressure. All in good time.

12308. judithathome - 11/26/2004 9:46:01 PM

What pressure? Surely you're used to forums where being on topic is of primary importance....it's not so much so here in this thread but that was clearly a post about a movie and discussion of movies goes in the movie thread. You act like you've never been here before. Spare us, please.

12309. Redemption Song - 11/26/2004 9:59:37 PM


12310. PelleNilsson - 11/26/2004 10:02:29 PM

Get out of here Rosetta.

12311. christipeters - 11/26/2004 10:30:30 PM

That mesquite marinade, Christi, did you make it yourself?

Only if you consider mixing the contents of the envelope with water and olive oil as 'making it'.

12312. Magoseph - 11/27/2004 12:01:45 AM

Thanks, Christi. I'll get it and try it on my vegetables.

12313. neato - 11/27/2004 4:01:18 AM

Vegemite!! Mago, I like it very much, (though prefer marmite), but you have to have eaten it since early childhood in order to like it. People I know who have tried it as adults loathe it.

12314. christipeters - 11/27/2004 4:14:02 AM

My daughter brought home some vegamie from her trip to Australia. I haven't been brave enough to try it.

12315. SnowOwl - 11/27/2004 11:08:10 AM

I sent some Vegemite to an American friend who described it as solidified soy sauce.

It's actually impossible to describe the taste - her description is probably about as near as it gets.

I always have to include a jar of Vegemite and a jar of Marmite in every parcel I send to my sons in the UK and Sweden. Marmite is available in England but it is apparently vastly inferior to the NZ made stuff.

We're happy little Vegemites
As bright as bright can be.
We all enjoy our Vegemite
For breakfast, lunch, and tea.

Our mother says we're growing
stronger every single week.
Because we love our Vegemite.
We all adore our Vegemite.
It puts a rose in every cheek

12316. SnowOwl - 11/27/2004 11:10:05 AM


Seriously, the best way to eat it is very thinly spread on hot buttered toast. Give it a try - it's really not bad at all and quite addictive to those raised on it.

12317. Magoseph - 11/27/2004 4:45:12 PM

Thank you, Neato and Snow--I will definitely try it. I like the taste of brewer's yeast in my morning's power drink. I want to experience more ways to make my diet more nutritious and interesting,

It's snowing now here. An ex-farmer told me last week that the Indian summers we had the last few years, promote trees' growth providing we have frequent rains before it freezes.

12318. PelleNilsson - 11/27/2004 6:01:55 PM

I think I had Marmite once in the UK. Not bad, I thought, but then I'm the kind of person who enjoys anchovies straight out of the can.

12319. rdbrewer - 11/27/2004 6:32:11 PM

Happy Thanksgiving, y'all.

12320. wonkers2 - 11/27/2004 6:33:49 PM

Visited the Bob Dylan exibit at Seattle's EMP (Experience Music Project) yesterday. What memories it brought back! The show was a mix of videos, audios and physical objects, e.g., early Dylan photos, letters, high school essays, etc. His Vietnam war era lyrics apply even more aptly to Bush's evil folly in Iraq.
The spectacular EMP building was designed by Frank Gehry and funded by Paul Allen and other local benefactors. Quite spectacular.

12321. thoughtful - 11/27/2004 6:47:25 PM

Latest scientific evidence (fwiw) says don't rinse. The water splatters more germs all around the kitchen increasing risk more than just popping bird straight in the oven where it's completely cooked, blood and all.

However, i made a roast chicken last week and rinsed it. And i always remember julia child when i roast a chicken as many many years ago on one of her shows, she showed the easy way to truss a bird.

Lay bird on back. Tuck tips of bird wings up and over the back. Place middle of long piece of cotton cord over top of bird's tail. Crisscross under the tail and bring cord up and around capturing each ankle and crisscross cord again, pulling tight in around cavity. Bring cord around backside of bird, flipping bird onto belly and crisscross again over middle of bird's back. Then bring strings forward under wings, pulling tight and tie off, catching neck flap if you can. No needle required.

At least that's how I think I do it...it's so automatic now that it's difficult to break down into the specific steps, but it comes out great every time.

Thanks, julia!

12322. arkymalarky - 11/27/2004 6:59:03 PM

Thanks RDB, you too!

12323. judithathome - 11/27/2004 8:17:22 PM

We're going to our second Thanksgiving dinner today...the traditional gathering of our gang of friends who go off to relatives on Thursday and get together for the alternate one on the Saturday after. Sometimes we have Chinese, home made by Keoni and Jamie, and sometimes we have traditional turkey and all the trimmings, like today.

Jamie bought a prepared turkey from Central Market...he swears it is delicious, haveing had one on the day at his in-laws. We'll see...last year he had fried turkey and it has to be better than that. I had heard people rave about fried turkeys and was expecting something special (or ultra greasy) and it was neither. Just kinda blah, dry turkey.

12324. judithathome - 11/27/2004 8:18:28 PM

Drop the e from having....maybe someday I will learn how to type!

12325. Magoseph - 11/27/2004 8:27:34 PM

I can't type either, Judsie. I have to preview almost every post. One of these days, there will be a contraption that will type for people like us. I hope you enjoy your outing today.

12326. Magoseph - 11/27/2004 8:28:38 PM

Hi, Ms. No. Are you at work, or did you set up your computer in your new place?

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