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12688. neato - 12/14/2004 1:18:13 PM

I agree with Macnas - if it doesn't matter that the manager is wrong about something - just let it go. I get quite a bit of this in my work, and it's better to leave it. Everyone knows the manager is foolish/lacks judgement, so there isn't any need to point it out to him/her.

But if it does matter, then I say something like "It's my understanding that ..." or "I'm a bit concerned about...". I would probably say it directly, though, rather than through someone else.

12689. neato - 12/14/2004 1:30:02 PM

Managers know that "It's my understanding that ..." is a polite way of saying "you are totally wrong about blah, and this is what it's all about..."
And "I am a bit concerned" means "I am really really worried".

12690. Macnas - 12/14/2004 1:30:29 PM

That's because you're a good person neato, not an underhand backstabber like me.

12691. neato - 12/14/2004 1:47:55 PM

Macnas, I usually dislike/disagree with them openly. Sometimes I do the sly/political Thing. I don't think they suspect at all, believing me to be a good up front person ...

12692. Macnas - 12/14/2004 1:54:59 PM

I don't believe it for a second neato

12693. Magoseph - 12/14/2004 2:00:21 PM

I definitely agree with Mac and Neato because too many times I have paid a stiff price for being too upfront about others' mistakes.

12694. alistairconnor - 12/14/2004 2:18:49 PM

I have no advice on the matter. My usual policy is : blurt it out, and get it in the neck.

Which I don't specially recommend.

12695. judithathome - 12/14/2004 5:13:45 PM

Good luck with whatever you decide to do, Con.

12696. Macnas - 12/14/2004 6:43:37 PM

Another hour and I'm away home until next year, ha ha!

12697. alistairconnor - 12/14/2004 7:01:03 PM

oh well... have an excellent season!

I'll miss you Mac.

I'm taking a week between christmas and the new year.

12698. judithathome - 12/14/2004 7:01:08 PM

Have happy holidays, Macnas!

12699. Magoseph - 12/14/2004 7:04:45 PM

Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année, Mac!

12700. Macnas - 12/14/2004 7:06:16 PM

I'll miss you all, maybe even so much I may pop in over the holidays.

I doubt it though!

You all take care, have a splendid Christmas and have lashings of ginger beer. I'll talk with ye again next year!

12701. Ms. No - 12/14/2004 7:19:15 PM

Have a wonderful holiday, Mac!

12702. PelleNilsson - 12/14/2004 7:30:18 PM

Have a good time, Macnas, and see you. Sooner rather than later, I hope.

12703. arkymalarky - 12/15/2004 1:20:39 AM

(probably too late)
Bye Mac!

12704. concerned - 12/15/2004 8:19:59 AM

Take care, Macnas, and enjoy.

12705. concerned - 12/15/2004 8:25:24 AM

Btw, I have a related question about this same person. In a performance review, I noticed that credit for some contributions I made that substantially helped a major project be more successful was not included. When I brought this up with my supervisor, he said: "You told me, not the project engineer, so I'm not giving you credit." which is ridiculous and unfair, since the suggestions were included. Some of them had been solicited from me in the first place and I did indeed respond to the project in those cases and some others.

How do you guys think I ought to respond to this one? This guy's new at the job but that doesn't mean my job and career should be a victim of such stupidity.

12706. concerned - 12/15/2004 8:28:55 AM

...and I did indeed respond to the project engineer in those cases and some others.

You maybe can tell I'm upset at this moron of a supervisor.

12707. concerned - 12/15/2004 8:36:17 AM

Re. 12687, 8,

I sort of hate to admit this, but it does affect something important to my job.

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