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12823. Max Macks - 12/20/2004 3:44:19 AM

Judith do you have a fire place?

12824. arkymalarky - 12/20/2004 4:29:12 AM

It was cold here today. Took a little bit of time from typing to go to the candlelight service. They had it outside with their live nativity scene. It was very cold, but tolerable--until one of the cows passed gas.

12825. Absensia - 12/20/2004 4:39:01 AM

Hahaha, Arky. That's realism for you. Surprisingly so, it has been rather warm here, in the high 40s.

12826. wonkers2 - 12/20/2004 5:55:33 AM

Thanks to all for the good wishes. It's no big deal. Not like a bypass or lung cancer.

12827. Ms. No - 12/20/2004 7:07:02 PM

It was 80F both days this weekend. Yep, this from the girl who was complaining about 36F three weeks ago.

I'll be in the Bay Area myself for this holiday. Driving up to Clayton at the butt-crack of dawn on Friday morning. At least, that's the plan. I was reminded this morning of how bad the fog can be this time of year so I may have to wait for daylight.

Usually the fog doesn't set in until you get down the Grapevine onto the central valley floor. At least I'll get that far before I have to pull over.

12828. judithathome - 12/20/2004 10:05:45 PM

No, Max, I don't have a fireplace.

I am so glad I've done all my shopping and wrapping...I am sick with a bad chest cold and am planning to sleep it off the rest of the day and tomorrow if need be.

12829. PsychProf - 12/20/2004 10:11:20 PM

Bitter cold and 5 in of snow this morn...I shoveled for fun at 5 am...

12830. Max Macks - 12/20/2004 11:10:28 PM

Mrs. No

It's been quite cold in the Bay Area
in the mornings. close to 45F and when it is that
cold there isn't any fog ( at least I dont think so)

Where do you live, Mrs. N?

12831. Max Macks - 12/20/2004 11:15:47 PM

arky...that's a pretty funny story
about the farting cow .
I thought you were joking. Hope none of the lighted
candles were close to the cow at that moment.!

Which brings to mind an old and unanswered question.
When Mary and Jospeh took over the manager for
that famous birth , did they kick the cows and donkey's
and goats out ?

12832. alistairConnor - 12/20/2004 11:44:55 PM

I'd say they probably kept them, for warmth. That's the advantage of sleeping in a stable in winter. Often warmer than the house, if you're too poor for firewood.

12833. Snowowl - 12/21/2004 12:23:51 AM

I'm feeling about ready to move into a stable.

Not only does the place look like a bomb site but it's also been raining ceaselessly here for weeks and it's damn cold. We've had to have the fire on nearly every day.

Alistair, there was a heavy snowfall in Queenstown over the weekend. The central Otago holiday makers have to wear snowsuits instead of bathing suits this year. This must surely be the most dismal summer on record.

12834. Ms. No - 12/21/2004 2:10:06 AM


I'm in Los Angeles -- Burbank to be precise. I'm mainly worried about fog coming up the 5 through the Central Valley. It can be really bad there even when the Bay Area is clear. I'll just have to check the weather conditions before I leave. If nothing else I'll get over the Grapevine and then wait for the fog to burn off while I sit in Buttonwillow or something.

12835. arkymalarky - 12/21/2004 3:18:31 AM

Hey Max. It was no joke--unless the cow was trying to pull a joke on the crowd for making her stand around out there.

12836. PelleNilsson - 12/21/2004 8:55:47 AM

Today is the winter solstice. Sunrise in Stockholm at 8.46 am, sunset at 2.48 pm.

12837. Magoseph - 12/21/2004 12:55:48 PM

I read somewhere that the December solstice takes place today at 6:42 a.m. Central Standard, our time here. I don't know when the sunset will take place.

12838. alistairconnor - 12/21/2004 1:14:08 PM

Alistair, there was a heavy snowfall in Queenstown over the weekend.

My dad, who grew up in Ashburton, said that it once snowed there on Christmas day, when he was a boy. i.e. in the 1920s or 30s.

12839. judithathome - 12/21/2004 5:05:34 PM

Arctic cold front due here this afternoon...supposed to drop down to the teens tonight. I know this is small taters to those in the north but it's a big friggin' deal to those of us who get chills when it's 35°.

12840. thoughtful - 12/21/2004 6:22:33 PM

Today our sunrise is 7:15 and sunset at 4:22

Maybe someone can explain why there is variation around sunset/sunrise time this time of year...I mean last week, the sunrise was getting later but so was the sunset, only the sunrise was getting later faster than the sunset was. I always thought it would just be a steady progression toward shorter days at both ends until the winter solstice, and then a steady reversal. Of course we're only talking a minute or two, but it still seems odd.

12841. Ms. No - 12/21/2004 6:23:35 PM

I LIKE cold weather if I'm prepared for it. Nobody in LA is prepared for 36F in the middle of November. Hell, it rarely gets that cold here even in January or Feb.

So I ran the heat for four days but haven't turned it on since. I'll be at my step-dad's folks' place this weekend and it's toasty in their house....although I think I may be sleeping on an air mattress in the living room.

As the only single adult offspring I get to sleep like the rest of the "kids".

I think I may get a hotel. Sheesh, I can't believe I didn't think of this until just now.

12842. thoughtful - 12/21/2004 6:24:13 PM

We had a sharp cold snap yesterday. Morning started out at 5 and it cooled off to 4 during the day. Woke up this am and it was 2. Fortunately, it will be quick. Today it's supposed to hit 30 and maybe near 60 by Thursday...go figure!

Better believe we had our woodstove cranking all day.

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