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Go to first message Go back 20 messages Messages 12851 - 12870 out of 29250 Go forward 20 messages Go to most recent message
12851. Max Macks - 12/21/2004 11:39:15 PM

I have two south windows in my apartment
and I get so much solar heat (when the sun is shinning)
that I often have to open the door or a window.

12852. Max Macks - 12/21/2004 11:41:50 PM

When I lived in San Franciso
and was rich intead of poor like now
I lived in a house that had radiant heat.
I guess pipes run under the cement floor and have
hot water circulate thru them.

So what happens if a pipe springs a leak I used to wonder,
Do the ever leak ? How would one know?

12853. wonkers2 - 12/22/2004 12:46:09 AM

The Cap'n came through surgery in fine shape today with a local anesthetic which permitted him to hear the O.R. conversations and join in occasionally. He asked the doctor, a cosmetic surgeon, if he had taken the Playboy breast test. He said he had and didn't believe one of the answers was correct. But his score was 19 out of 20. That led into a discussion between him and the O.R. nurse about breast surgery, when it's appropriate, why so many women go overboard, etc. The surgeon opined that shape was more important than size to which the Cap'n and the nurse readily agreed. The doctor said mostly topless dancers are the ones who want two sizes too big and that he turned those jobs down. Demi Moore's claims of not having breast surgery also came in for discussion as well as several others, e.g. Tyra Banks. All in all, not a bad surgical experience!

12854. arkymalarky - 12/22/2004 1:36:51 AM

One never knows what sort of valuable things one might learn during surgery.

Congrats on the smooth operation, so to speak.

12855. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 12/22/2004 3:19:49 AM

Ditto on the congrats, Cap'n.

Thought you'd find this site interesting.

12856. OhioSTOPAS - 12/22/2004 2:00:15 PM

The Cap'n insisted on a local anesthetic so he wouldn't have to ask someone to hold his beer.

12857. thoughtful - 12/22/2004 3:57:02 PM

glad for the news cap'n, and thanks for keeping us...er....abreast....of the situation!

12858. alistairconnor - 12/22/2004 3:58:02 PM

If I've followed correctly, the Cap'n had a supernumary nipple removed from his face?

12859. thoughtful - 12/22/2004 4:11:01 PM

I mean the surgery could've been a real bust.

12860. thoughtful - 12/22/2004 4:11:26 PM

Thank goodness your doc wasn't a real boob.

12861. thoughtful - 12/22/2004 4:12:17 PM

When he finished, I hope cap'n told the doc, "Thanks for the mammaries."

12862. Dubai Vol - 12/22/2004 4:23:04 PM

If I give you a rimshot, thoughtful, will you cease and desist?


12863. Ms. No - 12/22/2004 6:26:00 PM

Glad to hear the good news!

12864. Max Macks - 12/22/2004 11:29:34 PM

thoughtful .. what's the difference tween a stand up
comic and a sit-down comic?

wonkers ...are there two wonkers Mrs. W.
and Captain wonkers.?

12865. wonkers2 - 12/22/2004 11:39:41 PM

No! There is only one wonkers2! There is a missus W2, but she's too busy for the Mote. Cap'n Dirty is a wizened little bearded perv with a peg leg who stole w2's password and from time to time uses it to post on the Mote.

12866. Magoseph - 12/23/2004 2:27:31 AM

I just love Cap'n Dirty. When he is around, we know that Wonk is feeling well. For a while lately, I thought that the Cap'n was grooming himself to be a grandpa. I thought that he was gone for ever for us.

12867. Ulgine Barrows - 12/23/2004 10:57:22 AM

Bicycles might need fish, but a different upbringing...




in a marriage is always unsettling.

12868. Ulgine Barrows - 12/23/2004 10:59:03 AM

hello, I've just come from the religion thread

12869. Ulgine Barrows - 12/23/2004 11:26:10 AM

This is no time to screw the pooch, alistairconnor.
I feel it's only fair to warn you, j'oublie mon sac.

PsychProf may be a legend here, but he's not kept up.

Waltzing Matilda.

12870. Ulgine Barrows - 12/23/2004 12:02:00 PM

I just painted my nails a ghastly shade of blue.


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