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13007. arkymalarky - 1/3/2005 3:00:16 AM

That sounds great. Two weeks isn't much longer at all.

13008. Magoseph - 1/3/2005 1:36:03 PM

Good morning! I see that I missed some old friends here the last week or so. Order is restored finally around here--we had relatives on their way east stopping to say hello to Flexy. The recent death of his brother reminded everyone that time is short for some of us.

Summer, I want to know more about your Christmas trip to Paris.

13009. judithathome - 1/3/2005 7:55:01 PM

Our party was a huge success...45 people at one time or another throughout the day. It ran from 11am to 6pm. Great seeing everyone and feeding everyone. ha!

13010. wonkers2 - 1/3/2005 9:33:02 PM

I've found a major American corporation which, in my opinion is worse than Wal-Mart--Citi-Bank.

I failed to pay my bill due on October because either it was lost in the mail or went out in the trash with the junk mail. In November I received a bill which included a finance charge and notification that the my annual percentage interest rate had been increased to 29.4%. This was done despite the fact that for the past three years I've had the card, I've paid my monthly balance in full on time. [Also, my credit rating is about as good as they get.] My November payment, in full, was a day or two late because I was out of town for two weeks around Thanksgiving. Therefore, on my bill due in December I was again charged a finance charge. I paid that bill, in full, ON TIME.

Today, I received my bill due January 14. Despite the fact that I had paid my previous bill, in full, on time, this bill included a finance charge of $36.40. I called customer service and was informed that this was a "residual" finance charge from the previous month and that the representative was not empowered to remove it. I spoke to her supervisor who gave me the same answer. And when I complained about the 29.4% APR she said that it could not be reviewed until I had made all my payments on time for either 6 months or a year, I don't recall which. When I asked her to review my previous 3 years of on time payments in full, she replied that she could not go back more than one year.

Citi-Bank is worse than the Mafia!

Anybody have a credit card company they would care to recommend?
Today I received my

13011. judithathome - 1/3/2005 9:54:13 PM

We use USAA and have never had a problem with it.

About twice a year, I only pay half my monthly bill so they can make a little interest off me...I think they hate it when people pay in full all the time because they don't make any interest off them so I always give them a little taste, usually in months when we have little activity.

13012. judithathome - 1/3/2005 9:54:40 PM

That's USAA Visa & Mastercard.

13013. thoughtful - 1/3/2005 10:26:49 PM

wonks, now you know why they can afford to offere everyone and his brother credit. Heck we still receive credit card offers for my FIL who died in 1989...i guess he has a good credit rating. I'm so tempted to spend it up to the limit, list his address as woodlawn cemetary and let them try to collect!

13014. Magoseph - 1/3/2005 10:43:05 PM

Bank One Visa, Won, we recommend to you.

13015. wonkers2 - 1/4/2005 1:11:15 AM

Thanks, all. We already have a USAA card which the Missus uses. They are much nicer to deal with. I've had car and homeowners insurance for many years. And I don't remember reading bad things about Bank One. Maybe I'll try them.

13016. judithathome - 1/4/2005 1:29:12 AM

I think Bank One is merging with Chase. We bank at Bank One but have USAA cards.

13017. arkymalarky - 1/4/2005 1:37:10 AM

Damn. Citibank just bought out my mortgage company. I'd never had any problems with them as a credit card company, but that sounds scary. Somebody'd better be prepared to rent Bob and me a room.

13018. Max Macks - 1/4/2005 3:30:10 AM

I never heard of USAA

as a credit card . Is that only a Texas company?

I have had ATT Universal card since it began

It was a no fee when others charged. Never any problem

but it was bought out by Citi Bank.

and funny/ unfunny thing was to get a a phoney
email with the Citi bank logo trying to
get me to send information.
Did not know until I called ATT card that it was
now owned by Citi bank.

I have also Visa via Bank of America.
No problems with them either.

13019. Macnas - 1/4/2005 10:33:53 AM

Hello all you good people.

Here's hoping you had your best Christmas yet, and the coming new year will better all that have gone before.

13020. Dubai Vol - 1/4/2005 1:30:36 PM

I had a similar experience with citibank, and since they were being unreasonable about it I just let them eat the entire balance and went back to paying cash for everything. Fick 'em.

13021. alistairconnor - 1/4/2005 2:02:32 PM

my annual percentage interest rate had been increased to 29.4%. This was done despite the fact that for the past three years I've had the card, I've paid my monthly balance in full on time.

Probably because of that fact. You're a dirty rotten freeloader who pays his bills on time. People like us are parasites on the backs of the honest folks who pay their 29% interest and say thank you.

Reminds me of the allegation that Amazon charged its regular customers higher prices than new users...

13022. alistairconnor - 1/4/2005 2:06:40 PM

Hello Mac. I trust you were christmasly cheerful and everything, and that your health hasn't suffered too much from the usual excesses.

I'm certainly hoping for a better class of year this time.

13023. Macnas - 1/4/2005 2:58:06 PM

Indeed alistair, I feel every bit of good for what amounted to 3 weeks of reverse detox.

I rarely dwell on the year past, and never try and divine what a new year will bring. In comparison to others around the world, my life is so good I should feel guilty.

I don't though.

Highlights of Christmas, well, the solstice, (bonfire burning pagan that I am).

The snow on Christmas day, the ensuing snowball fight with 2 of my brothers, the kids running around in it, more happy with snow than with any gift given them on the day.

The Saint Stephens day hunt, not a horsey affair, us commoners follow the hounds on foot. Myself and the kids headed off to the lonely crossroads where the hunt usually starts from, and by listening out for the "eyower-ower-yower" call of the harrier dogs we found them. Standing in the snow at the side of the road looking down at a wood where the pack was hunting, we could hear them but not see them. The kids shouting and laughing as the pack broke over the ditch bordering the wood and streamed across the boggy meadow in full throat, brought smiles to the faces of the hardbitten huntsmen we were in the company of.

My last day out shooting, where I struggled to get to a remote bog, a real bog complete with dangerous deep holes filled with brown peaty water, deep enough to swallow cattle nevermind myself. Breaking the gun and looking on in wonder as the dog rose maybe 30 or 40 snipe from one corner, then the whole bog coming alive with them, the twisting wisps screeching and spiralling into the air all around me. More snipe than I have ever seen in one place, who could shoot while this was happening? Not me.

13024. alistairconnor - 1/4/2005 3:29:27 PM

Hey there's a thought... I suppose they do fox-hunting in Ireland?

That will be a juicy little business sector when the ban in the UK comes into effect... stables and lodgings and catering and weekend flight packages.

13025. Macnas - 1/4/2005 3:33:43 PM

Nope, in fact the Irish Master of Foxhounds has issued a public statement that UK foxhunters are not welcome here.

13026. Macnas - 1/4/2005 3:37:24 PM

Foxhunting, on horses at least, is not what you might call the most popular of sports, as it is expensive and has the smell of gentry about it. Also, the practicalities of our countryside,lots of wet bog, high ditches complete with barbed and electric wire, does not lend itself to hunting with horses.

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