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13034. PelleNilsson - 1/4/2005 5:19:04 PM

You spoke French with an American accent? In Paris? And didn't get your throat slit? Stunning.

13035. wonkers2 - 1/4/2005 6:04:31 PM

Another complaint about CitiCard. The bill was dated (the closing date for December) December 21. I didn't receive the bill until January 3. Payment was due January 14, leaving only 11 days to avoid a penalty charge. This, in effect, sets a trap for anyone who happens to be away from home or otherwise unable to respond during this brief window. And once the trap is sprung, the interest rate on unpaid balances goes up to 29 percent. Citi-Bank could give lessons to the Mafia juice racketeers.

13036. thoughtful - 1/4/2005 6:15:33 PM

yes often credit cards do that where the bill rec'd has eaten far into the 'grace period' over which you can pay the bill. The only solution is to pay the bill more frequently...with or without having rec'd a bill.

And if you've messed up and missed a payment, be sure to overpay the next bill so that you will cover any add'l finance charges/fees they might have attached. Otherwise, even if payed in full on the old balance, they'll continue to charge finance charges on the total outstanding due including finance charges and late fees until they're paid.

Nasty business, but ubiquitous.

My mother made the mistake of getting a capital one card. While she's not had the payment issues with them (yet) she is absolutely inundated with junk mail and phone calls from them to the point she wishes she never did business with them.

13037. Macnas - 1/4/2005 6:33:08 PM

Summer Woman, you are far too kind, but I am happy that you liked it.

Now I must away, as it is going home time and I've had more than enough of work. Talk to yez tomorrow.

13038. The Summer Woman - 1/4/2005 6:36:11 PM

Pelle - I never have bad experiences in France - ok, maybe one. My problem is usually that someone assumes that I am fluent once a converstaion has toodled along for quite a while, and then, when I say, "Je ne comprends pas" all hell breaks out.

Oh - you were being ironic. :)

13039. alistairconnor - 1/4/2005 6:36:44 PM

Dame d'hiver! (A woman for all seasons) More! Please!

Why are there so few nudes of males in non-religious paintings?

Since the commissioners of art works have almost always been rich/powerful men, probably because the only gay men who feel they have a strong enough alibi tend to be bishops, cardinals and the like.

13040. Magoseph - 1/4/2005 6:56:40 PM

I have more to tell, but perhaps this is enough.

No, Summer, never enough for the Mote, you know that--as the Prof has made it clear, 10 posts aren't enough for us.

As you think about your trips to France, tell us about them again and again, please.

And thank you very much.

13041. Ms. No - 1/4/2005 8:04:11 PM

Could French gardeners be using the genetically-altered "ball-less" Sweetgum?

When my stepfather's sister and her husband bought their last house there was a large and quite fruitful olive tree in the backyard. It was very old, however, so the fruit was plentiful but not very good. They wanted to keep the tree but not have to deal with the thousands of olive-plops that littered the terrace and pool area. So they had the tree "fixed". I've no idea what that entails but I think it's some kind of chemical sterilization.

I don't know whether the tree continued to blossom and just not produce fruits or whether it ceased blooming altogether but they managed to keep the tree and also maintain their patio.

13042. The Summer Woman - 1/4/2005 9:35:50 PM

Ms. No - Gosh, I've never heard of such a process - unless some virus was introduced that prevented the ovules from developing.

I'm going to have to investigate this one.

13043. The Summer Woman - 1/4/2005 9:36:27 PM

Mago - I will try to wind it up tomorrow.

13044. PelleNilsson - 1/4/2005 10:06:13 PM

Ms. No

Why don't you ask them and enlighten us?

13045. Ms. No - 1/4/2005 11:46:13 PM

What a novel idea!

I'll do that!

13046. Ms. No - 1/5/2005 1:10:03 AM

This is what she had to say:

Ok, about the tree. Yes, you can spray right at time of blossom, from what I remember the chemical either makes the blossom drop or protects it so that it can't get pollinated, either way, no fruit will produce. You really have to be on top of it though so that it gets sprayed at just the right time, or else it won't work very well. We actually kept the tree pruned well and the olives only dropped on the dirt, the gardeners would blow and rake them up, so they never got "mushy" and it became a non issue.

She didn't remember the name of the chemical or anything but I imagine you could ask at a nursery or landscaper and they would probably know.

13047. Magoseph - 1/5/2005 12:46:02 PM

Good morning, Mac.

13048. Macnas - 1/5/2005 2:39:54 PM

Hello there Mago.

13049. Magoseph - 1/5/2005 2:53:55 PM

Do you have snow, Mac? We had a couple of inches last night and are expecting another four to five inches today.

13050. Magoseph - 1/5/2005 2:56:13 PM

Bonjour, Ali.

13051. alistairconnor - 1/5/2005 3:01:09 PM

Salut Mago...

Luckily our snow nearly all melted over the weekend. That's the perfect snow episode for me : started on the 26th (OK, 25th would have been better), stays deep and crisp and even for the whole week of my holiday, and gets washed away by rain the weekend before I have to go to work.

Weather's cold and clear today.

13052. Macnas - 1/5/2005 3:21:33 PM

We had snow for Christmas day Mago, and it was all gone 2 days later.

I have to laugh when I think of the snowball fight we had. My kids were running around acting as skirmishers for me, pelting my brothers with snow when they were concentrating on getting me.
We broke off for a while and helped the kids make a snowman, where my youngest brother was busy rolling up a large sphere of snow for the torso. I took the opportunity to fire off a shot at him that hit him on the back of the neck.
He took umbrage at this and picked up the sphere he had been making and advanced on me. I, of course, was unable to run due to the amount of laughing I'd been having at his expense, and did not see him until nearly too late.

"Please, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" sez I, He just grinned and continued to advance with this huge armful of compacted snow. "Ah come on, you wouldn’t throw that at a fellow wearing glasses would you?" This had him nonplussed for a second, as I was not even wearing glasses, and I took the opportunity to peg him with a snowball I had been hiding all the while. It hit him under the chin this time.

The look on his face as it went from disbelief to betrayal to fury was just too much, and I collapsed onto my knees laughing. He dropped the 20 pound lump of snow right on top of me. I was still laughing as I was flattened and lay there covered in snow.

Ah me, things like that brighten my working day.

13053. Magoseph - 1/5/2005 3:45:59 PM

Mac, that was very funny. You really have a gift for making one feel that they are right there on the scene with you.

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