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13043. The Summer Woman - 1/4/2005 9:36:27 PM

Mago - I will try to wind it up tomorrow.

13044. PelleNilsson - 1/4/2005 10:06:13 PM

Ms. No

Why don't you ask them and enlighten us?

13045. Ms. No - 1/4/2005 11:46:13 PM

What a novel idea!

I'll do that!

13046. Ms. No - 1/5/2005 1:10:03 AM

This is what she had to say:

Ok, about the tree. Yes, you can spray right at time of blossom, from what I remember the chemical either makes the blossom drop or protects it so that it can't get pollinated, either way, no fruit will produce. You really have to be on top of it though so that it gets sprayed at just the right time, or else it won't work very well. We actually kept the tree pruned well and the olives only dropped on the dirt, the gardeners would blow and rake them up, so they never got "mushy" and it became a non issue.

She didn't remember the name of the chemical or anything but I imagine you could ask at a nursery or landscaper and they would probably know.

13047. Magoseph - 1/5/2005 12:46:02 PM

Good morning, Mac.

13048. Macnas - 1/5/2005 2:39:54 PM

Hello there Mago.

13049. Magoseph - 1/5/2005 2:53:55 PM

Do you have snow, Mac? We had a couple of inches last night and are expecting another four to five inches today.

13050. Magoseph - 1/5/2005 2:56:13 PM

Bonjour, Ali.

13051. alistairconnor - 1/5/2005 3:01:09 PM

Salut Mago...

Luckily our snow nearly all melted over the weekend. That's the perfect snow episode for me : started on the 26th (OK, 25th would have been better), stays deep and crisp and even for the whole week of my holiday, and gets washed away by rain the weekend before I have to go to work.

Weather's cold and clear today.

13052. Macnas - 1/5/2005 3:21:33 PM

We had snow for Christmas day Mago, and it was all gone 2 days later.

I have to laugh when I think of the snowball fight we had. My kids were running around acting as skirmishers for me, pelting my brothers with snow when they were concentrating on getting me.
We broke off for a while and helped the kids make a snowman, where my youngest brother was busy rolling up a large sphere of snow for the torso. I took the opportunity to fire off a shot at him that hit him on the back of the neck.
He took umbrage at this and picked up the sphere he had been making and advanced on me. I, of course, was unable to run due to the amount of laughing I'd been having at his expense, and did not see him until nearly too late.

"Please, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" sez I, He just grinned and continued to advance with this huge armful of compacted snow. "Ah come on, you wouldn’t throw that at a fellow wearing glasses would you?" This had him nonplussed for a second, as I was not even wearing glasses, and I took the opportunity to peg him with a snowball I had been hiding all the while. It hit him under the chin this time.

The look on his face as it went from disbelief to betrayal to fury was just too much, and I collapsed onto my knees laughing. He dropped the 20 pound lump of snow right on top of me. I was still laughing as I was flattened and lay there covered in snow.

Ah me, things like that brighten my working day.

13053. Magoseph - 1/5/2005 3:45:59 PM

Mac, that was very funny. You really have a gift for making one feel that they are right there on the scene with you.

13054. Magoseph - 1/5/2005 7:02:37 PM

Check this, please:

Message # 7722 in thread 19

13055. judithathome - 1/5/2005 7:38:06 PM

Oh wow...great minds think alike! I was coming here to post about that program. I can't wait! We are going to tape "West Wing" so we can see the entire 3 hours of the PBS show.

13056. The Summer Woman - 1/5/2005 7:49:49 PM

Ms. no - The chemical your step-father's sister used was probably Florel, which is the chemical ethephon, which releases ethylene, that prevents the fetilized ovules from becoming fruit. And she is right - application is very tricky - especially the timing. Too low a concentration and it may actually increase the number of fruits on the tree. Too high, and it will damage the tree.

It sounds impractical to use for large trees, like mature Sweetgums.

Keeping the fruits raked up before they get "ripe", in both senses of the word, is definitely the best option. But again, trees that keep their fruits for months at a time makes the raking nearly a year-long process.

13057. The Summer Woman - 1/5/2005 8:00:56 PM

Cheap trees, unwanted fruit.

More and more cities are planting Crab Apples as street trees - they are pretty to some when in flower, often beautiful in fruit and... they are incredibly cheap. What are they thinking? The fruits are hard when they first fall, and walking on them is like roller-skating. Terrific for the elderly. Worse, the fruits are a favorite food of rats! And while they may be cheap for a city to buy, they are not cheap to maintain. If not pruned annualy, the branches become an ugly, graceless tangle. They are also one of the most disease susceptible of ornamental trees (scabs and rusts) and are an alternate host for cedar-apple rust.

When I looked up Florel, I found out that the pesticide Sevin can be used to prevent fruit formation on crabapples. It's use, even as a pesticide is heavily discouraged here in WV as it is toxic to honeybees and caused a severe decline in the state's honeybee population - not good for the apple growers in the Eastern Panhandle.

13058. The Summer Woman - 1/5/2005 8:06:41 PM

I was really confused when you said she had used a chemical that made the olive tree sterile. Except for plants that have naturally sterile flowers, the only way to accomplish this would be to cause an in-situ genetic mutation, such as is caused to create variegated-leaved variants of many plants. (A virus is usually the agent that causes the variagation. Trouble is, it's often not permanent - as many people who purchase these plants discover, as the plant reverts back to producing plain old green leaves.

13059. Magoseph - 1/5/2005 8:09:28 PM

Oh wow...great minds think alike!

Robert MacNeil was on Imus this morning.

13060. Ms. No - 1/5/2005 9:06:06 PM

Guess you'll just be raking. Bummer.

My parents have a gorgeous little Willow tree in their backyard that they started from a sprig in a flower arrangement. In six years it's gone from a sprig to a 12 foot tree. I think they only live about 15 years but it's lovely and if they grew it from a cutting I can't imagine that it's particularly fragile. It's got kind of curly/corkskrewy branches and no fruit. Seems like it would be a good ornamental for the city but I don't know anything about what it would cost to by a more mature tree than what they started with.

13061. Max Macks - 1/5/2005 9:10:52 PM

wonkers , re, the ding by credit card companies.

Only recently did I sign up for OnLine Banking.

It is so great I am surprised I did not do it sooner.

You can pay your credit card thru Bank on Line.

I was paranoid at first about putting that stuff
on the Internet , but the bank assumes me they
have encrypted (??- is that the term) soft wear
making things safe.

As as been pointed out hundreds of times
every time you give a waiter or sales person
your credit card you could be taking a rist.

13062. arkymalarky - 1/6/2005 1:49:36 AM

Willows grow very well here because they like a lot of moisture. I want to plant a weeping willow in the yard, which just means getting a cutting from a friend up the road, but I don't know where I want it yet and you have to watch out for where the roots grow.

We are absolutely saturated here, and it's been in the 70sF, but tomorrow it's supposed to only get in the 40s. I dread the temp shift, but I'll be glad to see the sun.


My parents and daughter have been trying to get us to go to online banking, but we're still on dial-up and I haven't wanted to mess with getting it arranged, but I really should. I'd save myself a lot of time and headache, from what they tell me.

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