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13060. Ms. No - 1/5/2005 9:06:06 PM

Guess you'll just be raking. Bummer.

My parents have a gorgeous little Willow tree in their backyard that they started from a sprig in a flower arrangement. In six years it's gone from a sprig to a 12 foot tree. I think they only live about 15 years but it's lovely and if they grew it from a cutting I can't imagine that it's particularly fragile. It's got kind of curly/corkskrewy branches and no fruit. Seems like it would be a good ornamental for the city but I don't know anything about what it would cost to by a more mature tree than what they started with.

13061. Max Macks - 1/5/2005 9:10:52 PM

wonkers , re, the ding by credit card companies.

Only recently did I sign up for OnLine Banking.

It is so great I am surprised I did not do it sooner.

You can pay your credit card thru Bank on Line.

I was paranoid at first about putting that stuff
on the Internet , but the bank assumes me they
have encrypted (??- is that the term) soft wear
making things safe.

As as been pointed out hundreds of times
every time you give a waiter or sales person
your credit card you could be taking a rist.

13062. arkymalarky - 1/6/2005 1:49:36 AM

Willows grow very well here because they like a lot of moisture. I want to plant a weeping willow in the yard, which just means getting a cutting from a friend up the road, but I don't know where I want it yet and you have to watch out for where the roots grow.

We are absolutely saturated here, and it's been in the 70sF, but tomorrow it's supposed to only get in the 40s. I dread the temp shift, but I'll be glad to see the sun.


My parents and daughter have been trying to get us to go to online banking, but we're still on dial-up and I haven't wanted to mess with getting it arranged, but I really should. I'd save myself a lot of time and headache, from what they tell me.

13063. judithathome - 1/6/2005 1:55:58 AM

Arky, it's below freezing here right now...it was almost 69° at midnight and at 4am, the temps started to dive and have been dropping all day.

13064. arkymalarky - 1/6/2005 2:13:59 AM

That's just now happening here. I don't know the temps, but at lunch it was pretty warm and it's cold now.

13065. Max Macks - 1/6/2005 2:18:54 AM

Mago re. your post 13059
( don't know how to do a shortcut to a post
here in the Mote as can be done in World crossing)

I haven't heard from or about Robt. McNeil much since
he left the McNeil Lehr News Hour.
I thought he was the best part of that news program
I don't care for Jim Lehr and I rarely watch TV news
since bush got made POTUS., but when I do I still watch
the News Hour as it is commercial free.

I have never heard that Imus but I have read that he
is a very nasty man.
So I can't picture McNeil and Imus together , they
seem like polar opposites.

13066. Absensia - 1/6/2005 2:52:42 AM

It's been below freezing every night here and snow is expected by Friday. Brrrrrrrr.

13067. wonkers2 - 1/6/2005 2:58:59 AM

Same here. We got 4 inches of snow last night and we're expecting more tonight! (Michigan)

13068. Absensia - 1/6/2005 3:09:45 AM

It doesn't snow much here (Seattle) and with all the hills and the city's minimal snow budget things close down when half an inch of snow falls. Schools close and buses stop running. Then the ice starts to melt, temperatures drop and it ices over. Very bad news.

13069. wonkers2 - 1/6/2005 3:17:24 AM

Abs, I didn't realize you live in Seattle. My wife and I were there over Thanksgiving visiting our son and his fiancee. We weren't there long, but I might have tried to contact you. My son lives near Green Lake. We enjoyed the Bob Dylan exhibit at the new Gehry-designed music museum. And we had some good food while we were in Seattle.

13070. Absensia - 1/6/2005 7:50:51 AM

Wonks, that would have been great! I was at the Dylan concert and el kid lives near Green Lake too. Wow!

13071. Magoseph - 1/6/2005 1:59:05 PM

I have never heard that Imus but I have read that he
is a very nasty man.
So I can't picture McNeil and Imus together , they
seem like polar opposites.

Max, the more appropriate description of him would be blunt, opinionated, and independent. Because he has ten million early-morning watchers, the network has almost no influence in respect to what he says or does. His independence is reinforced by that he has become extremely wealthy. Overall, he is a breath of fresh air at an early hour. It doesn't hurt that he gets any guests he wants, except of course the ones he has profoundly insulted. That's what I think, but then I'm a fan.

13072. Magoseph - 1/6/2005 2:03:16 PM

About five inches or so, not enough to close the schools, the roads are already clear, everyone will make it to work or school and I'll probably even be able to walk around here.
Hello, everyone!

13073. The Summer Woman - 1/6/2005 4:50:04 PM

It was 65 degrees here at 5:00 AM!


13074. thoughtful - 1/6/2005 4:56:44 PM

i listen to imus regularly too...put up with his adolescent fits and snits because he is one of the best interviewers going. He actually lets the guest TALK!

13075. iiibbb - 1/6/2005 6:12:48 PM

I really wanted to watch that "Do you speak American" show. I'm a good boyfriend so we watched "West-Wing" instead... one of her favorite shows.

While I don't much care for serial television... West-Wing has good character development.

Still... I don't like serial television.

13076. iiibbb - 1/6/2005 6:13:12 PM

Anyone know when/if it'll be on again?

13077. judithathome - 1/6/2005 7:37:16 PM

Google PBS and it should list a re-showing of it if there is to be one.

13078. thoughtful - 1/6/2005 8:02:03 PM

Saw this and thought of Calgal...as I recall she and i as well as others had long painful arguments about the andrea yates case way back.

13079. judithathome - 1/6/2005 8:20:23 PM

Yes, I recall those arguments. Good times, good times. ha!

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