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13202. Jenerator - 1/13/2005 1:15:23 AM

I get my coffee from various places - it depends on what I am in the mood for and how much I want to spend.

I suspect Gevalia is just the mother company and that it orders beans from other suppliers. Sweden would produce the grosset beans if allowed to- but the climate makes it impossible.

13203. Magoseph - 1/13/2005 2:12:03 AM

Hi, Arky, how is the editing coming along?

13204. arkymalarky - 1/13/2005 4:14:02 AM

Hey Mags! I think it's going well. I sent a page to the people who are working on it to make sure I'm heading the right direction, and I hope to finish next week. Hopefully I'll hear a good word back from them tomorrow and can go forward from there.

13205. Wombat - 1/13/2005 4:31:50 AM

You can get a stove-top espresso pot for around $10.00. It is what the Italians use in their homes.

13206. judithathome - 1/13/2005 6:27:27 AM

I've got an entire family of those stove-top espresso pots...from one serving up to eight. They look so cute together, all in a row.

They make the BEST espresso! My Italian friend taught me a secret...after you pack the coffee into the little holder, you make three little pokes in the middle with a toothpick. She says her grandfather always did that so she did it...I do it, too, and I must say, my espresso os exquisite. ;-)

13207. Macnas - 1/13/2005 12:03:51 PM

My missus bought me one of those for me. I was envious of my brother, who had come home from Holland with one.

After tasting the coffee he made using it, I thought I'd pick one up if I saw it. I saw one in a dept. store, but it was far too expensive for what it was, so I didn't bother.
Then the Missus saw the exact same make for something like 7 euro, and picked it up for me.
Can't help loving that wife of mine.

13208. alistairconnor - 1/13/2005 1:01:11 PM

so, your brother hangs about in coffee shops in Holland, hmmm?

13209. neato - 1/13/2005 1:07:26 PM

I bet all those Macnas's like a puff or two

13210. Magoseph - 1/13/2005 1:34:17 PM

Hello, everyone! Hi, Neato, long time, no see, as they say around here. I hate to say it, but I relegated coffee pots and coffee machines to the pile of stuff to be sold eventually. Instant coffee is just fine for us and even that is on its way out.

13211. PelleNilsson - 1/13/2005 1:37:33 PM

We must show due respect to Macnas. I lives, I think, in Europe's 2005 cultural capital.

Hello Neato! Long time.

13212. alistairconnor - 1/13/2005 2:08:48 PM

Instant coffee? ... now I understand why you feel you could never go back to live in France.

... you'd be lynched.

13213. Magoseph - 1/13/2005 2:42:59 PM

Ali, there I get Nescafé and Nestlé milk (the sweet condensed one), naturally to the horror of my relatives, who aptly call me "l'américaine".

13214. Macnas - 1/13/2005 2:44:55 PM

Cork, the European capital of culture. Who'd have thunk it.

Actually that long haired long bearded brother of mine lived in the south of Holland, where coffee shops sold.....coffee.

As for myself, why, I couldn't say.

13215. PelleNilsson - 1/13/2005 2:56:10 PM

Instant coffee was the rule when I lived in the Mideast. I promised myself never to drink it in Sweden. They had German coffee but I like that even less.

That a classy French lady can drink Nescafe (and boast about it) is entirely beyond my comprehension. Life sure is a mystery as AlD used to say.

13216. Magoseph - 1/13/2005 3:17:42 PM

You are very kind, but I would never call myself classy, Pelle, definitely pedestrian however, yes, for some things that are too bothersome to me, as I get older.

13217. thoughtful - 1/13/2005 3:29:44 PM

Re 13196, Pelle, Maxwell house owned Gevalia...hardly the other way around. I heard that from the CEO of maxwell house several years back so I assumed it was true.

13218. thoughtful - 1/13/2005 3:43:09 PM

My mispeak...she was the Pres of Maxwell House, not the CEO.

Anyway, the history of Kraft Foods shows that in 1853 Gevalia was started, in 1971 General Foods acquired Gevalia, General Foods being the owner of Maxwell House since 1929.

13219. PelleNilsson - 1/13/2005 3:55:27 PM

You are absolutely right, thoughtful. I discovered that myself but I hadn't got around to posting it. My claim that Gevaila is family-owned is seriously dated but I have been brought behind the light (as we say here) by its advertisements which emphasize their roots and hide the fact that it is owned by a multinational giant. Now, when I think about it, it is very cleverly done.

13220. thoughtful - 1/13/2005 4:06:05 PM

Pelle, I find 2 things amazing about it. One that the same company that can produce such excellent coffee is also capable of producing sludge that passes for coffee. The other, to turn it around, that a huge conglomerate like kraft can have the flexibility to allow such a premium coffee to continue to exist rather than sacrificing its quality for profits as so many other conglomerates have done once they take over a premium product.

Given the globalization of the food industry over the last 30 years, I would imagine it's hard to find any food producer that isn't part of some conglomerate, excepting the local shop keeper around the corner. Heck even Ben & Jerry's is owned by Unilever.

13221. Magoseph - 1/13/2005 4:45:52 PM

Men Just Want Mommy by Maureen Dowd
A few years ago at a White House Correspondents' dinner, I met a very beautiful actress. Within moments, she blurted out: "I can't believe I'm 46 and not married. Men only want to marry their personal assistants or P.R. women."

I'd been noticing a trend along these lines, as famous and powerful men took up with the young women whose job it was to tend to them and care for them in some way: their secretaries, assistants, nannies, caterers, flight attendants, researchers and fact-checkers.

Have you noticed this trend too?

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