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13287. thoughtful - 1/14/2005 4:07:50 PM

We are having wild weather here. I usually walk after breakfast but one look at the radar suggested that was not a good idea. So I walked first and got in just before it started pouring. Temp this a.m. was 54F. By this p.m. it's supposed to be snowing and down near 20F tonight.

And last night's drive home was the absolute foggiest I've ever seen it. Warm air hitting cold snow fields generated such dense fog I was luck if I could see a foot or 2 in front of the fender all the way home. Yikes!

13288. judithathome - 1/14/2005 4:27:23 PM

who is attracted to a one-week course in fish skin tanning?

The artsy-fartsy crowd...they've been showing a lot of "decor" ideas using tanned fish skin. Collages, gift boxes, faux book covers. The ideas are limitless.

13289. PelleNilsson - 1/14/2005 4:30:47 PM

"Codskin codpiece" was quite funny. It reminded me of James Boswell, Samuel Johnsons biographer, an oversexed young man, who after contracting the clap the first time, resolved to always use condoms which at the time (18th century) were made of sheep's intestines. However, he found the experience unsatisfactory and suffered the predictable consequences.

The fish skin thing turns out to be more mundane. I did what I should have done in the first place: I asked my wife. It turns out that fish skin is used to make wallets and purses and similar things. Eel skin is the most favoured because of its durability and pleasing appearance.

13290. judithathome - 1/14/2005 4:38:39 PM

Well, over here, people are wild for wall hangings with swathes of fish hide running through them. And trinket boxes covered in it, too.

13291. thoughtful - 1/14/2005 4:57:01 PM

Maybe it's all about tanning fish.

I remember when summer would hit and i'd put my shorts on for the first time, my father would look at me and say, "You're as white as a dead mackerel." So maybe they want to get fish into tanning booths...I mean who are we to judge????

13292. PelleNilsson - 1/14/2005 5:31:51 PM

But mackerels aren't white, even when dead.

13293. PsychProf - 1/14/2005 5:34:19 PM

Jackson Square, Cafe Du Monde...New Orleans at its best.

13294. thoughtful - 1/14/2005 6:07:00 PM

They look pretty white to me.

13295. PelleNilsson - 1/14/2005 7:41:28 PM

To me they look black and green.

13296. Ms. No - 1/14/2005 7:57:31 PM

Ah, but if the mackerel is dead in the water it will float belly up in which case all you see is the white.

13297. Ms. No - 1/14/2005 7:58:44 PM

My friend's Dumbek is made with fishskin.

13298. Magoseph - 1/14/2005 8:15:55 PM

Your friend Dumbek, who is he?

13299. Magoseph - 1/14/2005 8:50:45 PM

If you have a sec, go see in News the baby-hippo and his friend the turtle.

13300. judithathome - 1/14/2005 8:52:45 PM

I'll bet you friend drummed that little bit of info into you, heh?

13301. thoughtful - 1/14/2005 8:54:52 PM

Dear Pelle, Big SMOOCH.
I take it that's a holy mackerel!

13302. thoughtful - 1/14/2005 9:18:23 PM

Mags, there is a family resemblance between them, no?

13303. PelleNilsson - 1/14/2005 9:59:35 PM

It's the largest mackerel caught in Sweden. It weighed in at 3.6 kg (8 lb).

Yes, the mackerel belly has that peculiar blueish-white lustre that is often sported by British tourists on arrival to Mediterreanen beaches. Two days later one sees them sitting all covered up in dark bars suffering from severe cases of sunburn.

13304. ronski - 1/14/2005 10:02:49 PM


You sure are right about that fog. The only way we could find our way up our road was to try to follow the line between the dark pavement and the headlight reflecting in the snow that was left by the plow on the side.

Even so, I drifted off twice to the other side of the road. The air temperature rose as I drove up the hill, the reverse of normal. I'd say you could see only a foot in front of the bumper. Whew.

13305. thoughtful - 1/14/2005 10:37:43 PM

Pelle, you just reminded me of our trip to St Martins...we were on the beach and though my hubby wanted to roast in the sun, I insisted we stay in the shade of the palm trees and use sunblock.

There was this one european gal who was pale, red head who dragged her beach lounger out to the edge of the water so it was lapping under the chair. She chose to go topless so with only this little bikini on she layed in the sun all day. A bunch of friends came over to her at about 3 pm and sent her inside immediately as even in the sun she was clearly red. We never saw her the rest of the vacation! All I could imagine was, with that little skimpy bottom on, there would be no place at all for her to lay without being on tender skin. Oh man, I still ache just thinking about it.

Even with all the care we took, I got sun poisoning on my shins. The slightest touch of fabric caused excrutiating pain. I spend the last few days of my vacation in long pants just to protect my legs.

It was a wonderful vacation, especially the sail boat ride to anguilla. Mind you this was back in the early 1980s and anguilla was barely a hamlet. The beaches looked like white sand and we went snorkeling with the fishes. Phenomenal. Nothing quite so relaxing as the gentle sway of a sail boat with that distinct rhythmic creak of the stretched ropes.

13306. thoughtful - 1/14/2005 10:39:11 PM

er...edit...the beaches were white sand..duh!
the beaches looked like white sugar!!!

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