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13355. judithathome - 1/18/2005 4:28:18 AM

Okay, can you see me now? ;-)

Wabbit helped me with it. A lot!

13356. judithathome - 1/18/2005 4:28:50 AM


13357. wonkers2 - 1/18/2005 5:21:05 AM

Cap'n Dirty sez, "How about a bikini shot, judith me dear?"

13358. Macnas - 1/18/2005 10:56:49 AM

Would you look at that handsome couple.

13359. Macnas - 1/18/2005 10:57:58 AM

Weather here this morning is rotten. Sleet and rain, high wind, cold as a whores heart.

13360. seadate - 1/18/2005 10:59:15 AM

Nice, Judith ....

13361. Magoseph - 1/18/2005 1:56:31 PM

Yes, Mac, Keoni and Judith are a very good looking couple, besides being charming and excellent hosts.

13362. thoughtful - 1/18/2005 3:33:43 PM

Very nice, Wiz and best of luck in Italia!

13363. lemwalker - 1/18/2005 4:36:09 PM

It is flooding. Yesterday we had 4.5 inches of rain. Worse yet it melted all the snow in the surrounding hills and much of the mountains. It has also rained all night and at 6:30 am is still pouring. Working out doors should be fun today. It will be wet and one dares not look up! Are normal is 120 inches a year, but it is bad when it falls all at once.

13364. lemwalker - 1/18/2005 4:37:10 PM

Our not "are", sounds like a pirate.

13365. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 1/18/2005 4:38:43 PM

Thanks, thoughtful.

Indeed a handsome couple. And keep your hair-cutter, Judith - he or she knows what their doin'!

13366. thoughtful - 1/18/2005 4:55:31 PM

lemwalker, i know lots of rain can be a mess, but being warm enough TO rain sounds wonderful. It was 5 at home this am and -10 with wind chill. Tonight actual temps are heading south of 0. Brrrr and Rrrrrr...the latter being the roar of the oil burner trying to keep the house warm.

13367. Magoseph - 1/18/2005 5:02:45 PM

Our area's rainfall is 31 inches--I can't imagine a place where it is 120 inches, lem.

13368. judithathome - 1/18/2005 7:16:20 PM

Thanks, guys...and Wiz, how sweet of you to notice my hair! I am definitely keeping her; she is a "wizard". ;-)

It's in the low 40s here and for me, a Texas girl, that is very cold.

13369. concerned - 1/18/2005 7:29:10 PM

Where's global warming when you need it?

13370. Dubai Vol - 1/18/2005 7:33:54 PM

We even had rain here today, and when the annual rainfall is 3 inches, rain is as big an event as snow in Florida. Some years it doesn't rain at all...guess that's why its a desert! Excuse me I think I left the faucet running, again! :p

13371. thoughtful - 1/18/2005 7:53:29 PM

i manage to make it rain wherever I go...it rained on me in the desert in vegas and it rained on me on the dry side of hawaii where they only get 2" a year.

go figure.

I understand there's a desert in Chile where it hasn't rained in 400 years...i'm thinking of making that my next vacation spot!

13372. Ms. No - 1/18/2005 9:01:57 PM

Ha! That would be a great test!!

13373. PelleNilsson - 1/18/2005 9:07:52 PM

And if it's successful untold fortunes will come your way.

13374. thoughtful - 1/18/2005 9:23:34 PM

Hmmm...not quite what lawyers mean by "rainmaker", but it might work nonetheless.

It started when I was 3 and family drove down to FL for a week's vacation in Feb. We went to the beach the afternoon we arrived. That was the last we saw of the sun the whole time we were there.

We took a weekend trip to nantucket, arrived late friday night. It started pouring sat a.m. By Sun, we gave up and headed for an earlier ferry back to the mainland...as the ferry was making the crossing the front came by and nothing but sunshine for our ride home.

Another trip in FL, the front rolled in as my plane landed. I spent 5 days there and didn't see the sunshine again until the wheels left the ground on the return flight. (Mind you FL gets 300 days of sunshine out of the year.)

Then there was our short trip to Charleston in April. Afternoon we arrived it was sunny and in the 80s. Gorgeous. Next day we woke up to rain and in the 50s which we weren't dressed for at all!!! Nice trip.

Then there was our trip to NH. Well we did a good job avoiding the hurricane that came up the east coast, but it did manage to make it's way into NH while we were there and it just soaked us through for a couple of days...puts a whole new twist on hiking.

Of course, you expect that kind of thing in the canadian rockies where it was cloudy and only a few breaks of sunshine in between. Pouring rain stopped us from hiking Lake Louise.

But when I went to England and it was pouring, I figured that was typical. Nope. The shopkeeper I spoke with was complaining about how awful the weather was. I said, doesn't it always rain in merry ol' England, and she said, "Not like this!!!"

Family got to teasing me about making sure I stuffed my bags full so there was no room for me to pack my cloud.

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