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Go to first message Go back 20 messages Messages 13401 - 13420 out of 29250 Go forward 20 messages Go to most recent message
13401. judithathome - 1/19/2005 10:57:33 PM

Jen, I think this is better put in another thread....

13402. Magoseph - 1/19/2005 11:09:20 PM

Jen, I moved post # 13400 to Conflict in the Middle East, where you undoubtedly wanted to put it.

13403. Jenerator - 1/19/2005 11:15:55 PM

No problem.

It was just something I thought of when I read the dream and comments about Rice.

13404. judithathome - 1/20/2005 12:46:18 AM

Well, I am all set to watch the orgy of Bush adulation tomorrow...my Not Me! bracelet came today and I will be wearing it with a full black outfit. Not leaving the house so I won't be spending One Damn Dime and I plan to turn my back on the TV when he takes the oath.

13405. Jenerator - 1/20/2005 1:39:05 AM

Oh my gosh, I have to tell my colleagues that it's not a joke.


Why don't you turn off the tv and do something that brings you pleasure. You are pretty focused on Bush these days and it only seems to make you feel worse.

13406. judithathome - 1/20/2005 1:46:36 AM

Jen, I think it's important to see for myself the outrageous excesses they are willing to go to...it's going to give me great pleasure indeed.

Yes, I am focused on Bush and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. I feel about him the way your side felt about Clinton. Take about an unhealthy interest...you people couldn't get enough about him, including what direction his penis was pointing. So don't worry about my interest in Bush and his cronies...they are going to throw a $40 million party tomorrow while "the nation is at war" and I want to see every bit of it. I'd also like to see how they can justify it. It seems that old "we're at war" canard applies only when it suits Bush's mood.

13407. seadate - 1/20/2005 8:17:46 AM

Hi LS! ...

For a moment, I considered posting a poltical remark ... then I came to my senses (or maybe just "non" senses). :-)

13408. angel-five - 1/20/2005 8:24:08 AM

I work in DC. The city's being forced to pick up most of the tab for this fucking monstrosity of a party. They've asked for more funds.

Guess where they were told to withdraw the funding from? You'll never guess.

That's right. Their Homeland Security budget.

13409. angel-five - 1/20/2005 8:25:05 AM

And it is going to be impossible to get around this place tomorrow.

But pride goeth before the fall.

13410. alistairconnor - 1/20/2005 11:41:05 AM

I hear that Washington is turning on appropriate weather for the inauguration.

Sheets of ice over every machine
from election day to Halloween
am I acting badly in some bad dream?
please pull me out of this Arctic ditch
crush the winter, throw the switch
burn my ticket to the satellite fridge
An avalanche buries the bridge
while scornful eyes on a windswept ridge
peer down at me in cold storage
but underneath this everlasting frost
the best will in the world is lost
his fingers too cold to count the cost

Thank you Howard Devoto... I seem to remember that it was written in honour of the re-election of Margaret Thatcher.

13411. Magoseph - 1/20/2005 1:31:05 PM

Hello, Ali, Mac, and everyone--Six or more inches of snow on the way, added to the solid packed three we have, will be so much fun this weekend for the kids--this time the snowmobiles will be out in force.

13412. thoughtful - 1/20/2005 3:34:24 PM

Actually i'm quite delighted that today's inauguration day for w....the sooner the next 4 years start, the sooner they'll be over!

13413. Magoseph - 1/20/2005 4:30:25 PM

Will you watch the inauguration, thoughtful?

13414. thoughtful - 1/20/2005 6:10:05 PM

no ma'am. I won't watch, have no desire to watch. Just glad to start the countdown. Come 2008, we'll enjoy the next pres bush...jeb bush...who i'm sure will be no worse than w, and odds are he'll be a touch better.

13415. thoughtful - 1/20/2005 6:28:08 PM

We finally have a day of sunshine here. Seems years since I've seen the sun. Even tho it's cold and no snow will be melting, it far more cheery than the gloominess we've had. Though I understand we're in for a potentially big snow storm this weekend.

13416. judithathome - 1/20/2005 6:31:55 PM

Good lord...everyone is in heavy wool or fur coats with scarves and gloves at the coronation inauguration and Laura Bush strolls out in a white suit...no coat, no gloves, no winter gear at all. She will freeze her ass off at this rate.

13417. wonkers2 - 1/20/2005 6:33:00 PM

Maybe she's wearing wool knickers.

13418. Linnea - 1/20/2005 6:55:40 PM

Anyone who thinks I have a cool job, consider this: as today is one of my scheduled workdays, I *must* listen to NRP's special inauguration coverage, in its entirety. All two and a half fucking hours. I can do other things at the same time, but I have to keep a modicum of attention on it all the way through.

At least I don't have to look at the spectacle.

13419. PsychProf - 1/20/2005 6:59:22 PM

Lin...I am listening now, just to drive myself crazy. I would much rather listen to you.

13420. thoughtful - 1/20/2005 6:59:31 PM

she probably has electric knickers on and a heated throne seat.

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