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13453. judithathome - 1/20/2005 10:40:21 PM

Well, someone threw a large piece of fruit at the limo so I guess it's good they weren't in a convertible. Shame to ruin Laura's white outfit.

In the luncheon shots, she was in the suit and you could notice a pin on her suit jacket. In the picture above, she doesn't have it on...it's under the coat. So, to Jen, my apologies if she wore a coat...I was only concerned about her health, honest! (At least she has on gloves now!)

13454. thoughtful - 1/20/2005 10:53:49 PM

check the news sites and you can see pics of the protesters...anti-war. Shades of the 60s...everything old is new again.

Heck they're even bringing back the colored appliances now. Remember harvest gold and avacado green???? I thought it was bad enough to see the young gals in hip hugger bell bottoms. What'll be next...sit ins? love ins? Let's hope we can avoid the national guard shooting unarmed students this go round!

13455. judithathome - 1/20/2005 11:10:53 PM

Well, I think they are doing that but in another country now.

13456. thoughtful - 1/20/2005 11:21:49 PM

so it would seem.

13457. Max Macks - 1/20/2005 11:27:50 PM

really someone thru a grapefuit or something
at the limo

was this on the TV ???

13458. judithathome - 1/20/2005 11:33:03 PM

No, not shown. But the motorcade sped up and later Wolf Blitzer explained that the cause of the speed-up was due to someone throwing "a large piece of fruit" at the President's limo. They also sped up when he went past the largest group of "sanctioned" protesters. Can't have him facing reality, can we?

13459. iiibbb - 1/21/2005 2:12:15 AM

See if you can figure this out.

13460. wonkers2 - 1/21/2005 2:52:42 AM

Simple: Every answer is a multiple of 9. All the multiples of 9 through 81 have the same symbol. 90 and 99 don't matter because they are too big to ever get as an answer. Each time you try a new game, a different symbol represents all the multiples of 9, i.e, the symbols shift from game to game.

In the interest of full disclosure: The above explanation is from my wife, the mathematician. It took her about three minutes. [W2 could probably have done it in two minutes, but he can't be bothered with such useless trivia!]

Cap'n Dirty sez, "If you believe that I gott a bridge I'd like to sell ya!"

13461. Magoseph - 1/21/2005 5:51:08 PM

Okay, it's snowing. We're going to get it this time, big too--predicted 10 inches at least. We are ready, prepared with batteries and candles, big bags of salt, and food. It would be a good time to check in a nice motel for a few days.

13462. thoughtful - 1/21/2005 6:01:13 PM

We're supposed to get that stuff this weekend. Talking 12"+

I'm looking forward to hibernating again.
Got stuffed peppers on the menu. I'll pop 'em in the crockpot, and spend the rest of the day cozied up by the fire.

13463. angel-five - 1/21/2005 7:17:48 PM

I don't miss the snow, not one bit. I mean, we have a little on the ground right now and Wednesday the damned city about fell apart because there was an inch of snow, and I guess we're getting more this weekend. But I can deal with all that. It's snowed less than five times since I've been down here and that, fellow correspondents, is fine with me.

People ask me 'How can you not like the snow?' and I don't bother explaining to them. And there are people who live where I grew up (a place known as the Snow Belt) who still love it. I guess as a night owl/late riser I begrudged it more, as snow means getting up early to warm up the car, scrape the windshield and windows, shovel off sidewalks and driveways, and driving slowly to work on roads that often aren't plowed or salted. When you're still tired and grumpy it elicits such concise mental commentaries as 'This is bullshit' and 'Fuck winter'. When you're actually walking in it, say as a college student heading to classes, you tend to get a bit more verbose about it.

I don't know. Some people love it, I guess, and it's all right by me. Probably happier that way. I hear land's cheap in Minnesota.

13464. Magoseph - 1/21/2005 8:12:10 PM

Snow does nothing for me either—People around here say the same thing to me, “How can you not love snow? Well, I don’t because I grew up in a very temperate climate with the seasons defined and rarely extreme. Here in the snow belt, we often have no spring, no summer, a long bearable autumn, and a miserable winter when it is either snowy or very cold. It is not unusual to still deal with snow in April and get into a torrid summer in July. In the area where we live, roads are clear early and store parking lots are always easy to manage. The migration of city families in our area is beneficial in my view only as far the winter roads are concerned. The sudden influx of new subdivisions the last five years assures the local municipality plenty of tax money that permits good road service. Therefore, we have no problem to get anywhere anymore. Nevertheless, winter here is a miserable time any way you think about it, for me I should add.

13465. Magoseph - 1/21/2005 9:49:47 PM

To still deal with snow Well, I finally did a split infinitive. I'm so embarrassed. I thought that I could never do that. I really should have previewed.

13467. Magoseph - 1/21/2005 9:56:51 PM

I deleted post # 13466 because it was redundant--Sorry.

13468. Magoseph - 1/21/2005 9:57:19 PM

The post was mine.

13469. robertjayb - 1/22/2005 12:49:35 AM

Have fun, Y'all!

Storm Expected to Dump Snow Across U.S.


Published: January 21, 2005

Filed at 5:17 p.m. ET

A snowstorm moving Friday from Canada into the Great Lakes drew weather warnings from North Dakota to New Jersey and the Long Island Sound, with some areas bracing for a foot of snow or more.

Bring in the pets and protect tender vegetation, especially your earlobes.

13470. arkymalarky - 1/22/2005 1:52:51 AM

All you snow-bound folks stay safe. We usually have a good snow every few years. About once a year it's ice, and when it's bad, it's really bad. Our biggest snow kept us out of school for several days, but we never lost power. The biggest ice storm we did for almost 2 weeks, and it was a nightmare.

13471. arkymalarky - 1/22/2005 1:56:47 AM

My stupid late tags ticket was $150. Ridiculous. I'm going to court to try to get it reduced or rescinded. The trooper suggested I do that. The lady at the Revenue office suggested that he could have just not given me the ticket.

13472. RickNelson - 1/22/2005 2:40:23 AM

I like snow storms a lot better than ice storms. I hope all around you are safe arky?

Those late tag tickets are stupid. That fine seems larger than what tags cost? A warning seems sufficeint and if the gov. has to establish a fine a smallish one would suffice. Expired tags should not be a source of revenue. Speeding, illegal parking, reckless driving and such sure, but some of the inane things like tags are over the top.

I hope your fight works arky. I know it's a mixed bag. One thing about Minnesota is that if you do go after the ticket's legitimacy, the writing officer must show in court or you automatically win. Also if the officer shows up to fight something other than what your actually fighting against then you win too. So, it may be worth trying just for the odds of winning by default.

But, if you lose, I don't know if they add some court cost or not? That would be a real downer.

13473. RickNelson - 1/22/2005 2:45:45 AM

Snow, snow everywhere is snow...

I've used the snowblower once already to keep it at blower depth. It's supposed to snow most of the evening and night and it's already snowed since 10-ish am today.

I don't know why anyone wants this kind of snow. I might enjoy it a little with a snowmobile, skis or snowshoes, but none of those are available to me. So, I'm with the crowd who would rather just go snowless most of the winter.

I'm glad this is our first real snow in the Minneapolis Metro area this season.

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