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13639. robertjayb - 2/3/2005 1:51:30 AM

All hail the bringer of justice. Well done, wonkers2.

13640. judithathome - 2/3/2005 1:51:39 AM

Halo, when something I love and have been using for a long time is discontinued, I feel they just don't know a good thing when they see it. It pisses me off that are so short sighted. I usually write a long letter, predicting doom for their company if they continue to make such bad decisions.

13641. arkymalarky - 2/3/2005 1:53:55 AM

I felt that way when they quit making green Pixy Stix. After a couple of years I seem to have finally adjusted. And no, I'm not kidding.

Congrats Wonk!

13642. Halo - 2/3/2005 1:59:15 AM

Hi Magoseph

Curry paste is the proper base for curries, tradionally it is made and stored in one's own kitchen from old family recipes.

I look on the supermarket shelvss at things in jars that haven't changed since the war, in fact I suspect they're the same jars - I'm in London after all. BUT, my nice curry paste has the dreaded label "discontinued". I bought the last 4 jars which will last me 6 months but it's the principle!

13643. Magoseph - 2/3/2005 2:05:33 AM

Are you English, Halo?

13644. Halo - 2/3/2005 2:43:02 AM

No, I am Australian born.

13645. Magoseph - 2/3/2005 3:04:59 AM

Good night, Halo--please, come back soon!

13646. wonkers2 - 2/3/2005 7:30:07 AM

Thanks, all. W2

13647. Macnas - 2/3/2005 11:46:29 AM

Wonk, good on you.

13648. alistairconnor - 2/3/2005 1:13:06 PM

Ah, a fellow euro-antipodean.

Welcome Halo.

Four jars of curry paste in six months? You've really gone native, haven't you.

13649. wonkers2 - 2/3/2005 3:53:42 PM

Thanks, all. W2

13650. thoughtful - 2/3/2005 3:59:29 PM

Congrats wonks...more power to you.

I've had a number of products discontinued once I found I loved them. Mocha java bars are still available at one grocery store, but I fear they will dry up soon. Used to love cheese-filled pastry puffs but they replaced them with something awful and hardly the same. Of course I've long since stopped eating pastry anyway. Hood ice cream made a reverse choc chip that was to die for...chocolate ice cream with white choc chips, but that ended almost as soon as it started. And when I used to eat yogurt, i loved the key lime...they stopped making that one too.

So it goes.

13651. Magoseph - 2/3/2005 4:29:20 PM

I get the Yoplait Yogurt for a treat once in a while--Have you ever tasted it, thoughtful?

13652. thoughtful - 2/3/2005 4:56:46 PM

Yeah, mags, I tried it quite awhile ago, but didn't like it at all. Of course now i'm off of yogurts anyway, unless it's plain, full fat, which is fairly hard to come by.

13653. iiibbb - 2/3/2005 5:44:30 PM

May I just say... as a budding scientist the single most frustrating thing is dealing with people who already have their reputation.

I have 2 papers out for review right now... one came back today, and while they want me to resubmit much of the criticisms made of this paper are addressed by the paper that should have been finally accepted months ago but 1) my primary co-author insisted he be given time to go over my first set of revisions... and then took too long to get to them which may have prompted a re-review... 2) the reviewers themselves are taking longer than they told me they would.


I have a good idea (method)... it really is... I just want it to get established somewhere so that the unfamiliarty with it is no longer the thing that causes resistance... I want to just be able to cite the place where it resides in the mainstream and we can just focus on what it's actually telling us.

Mild Frustration.


It will be a good day when paper 1 gets accepted.

13654. iiibbb - 2/3/2005 5:44:58 PM

actually it's paper 3... but it's the first paper that uses the 'good idea'.

13655. PsychProf - 2/3/2005 6:07:54 PM

Wabbit...this cracked me up..."My paternal grandmother's name was Hortense. Mostly people called her 'that spiteful bitch'."

13656. Magoseph - 2/3/2005 6:35:13 PM

I have a good idea (method)... it really is... I just want it to get established somewhere...

Are you protecting your method so that no established scientist can run away with it? Maybe, this a stupid question, but I want to know anyway, iiibbb.

13657. Ms. No - 2/3/2005 6:37:09 PM

Bonjour, Magoseph! Comment ça va?

13658. Magoseph - 2/3/2005 6:41:53 PM

Ms. No, ça va bien, merci, et toi, comment vas-tu ce matin?

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