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13680. Magoseph - 2/4/2005 2:04:49 AM

I have a job if I want it, but I am still thinking the offer. If I take it, it means that I will have five large classes, two French and three Spanish, 11 and 12 grades. I am not discussing this yet with Flexy-- I have to decide if I want to be away from him for five months during the day. The school principal wants me to start in the morning—that is how urgent he needs someone to replace the teacher. I talked to an ex-colleague who says that the teacher is not coming back—he has been put on emergency leave, but it is over for him in that school.

Well, I guess I have to wait until Flexy is finished with the news and look at his expression when I tell him the news. He is doing so well now and without bragging too much, certainly in part due to my constant presence. I talked to his daughter and asked her if he ever talks about having me around sometimes. She said-- he loves it, he has never been so happy.

In the meantime, I am thinking...

13681. Magoseph - 2/4/2005 2:07:07 AM

One thing I really don't like is the driving to that school and back--it will take an hour and a half everyday.

13682. arkymalarky - 2/4/2005 2:57:48 AM

Hey, they sell key lime yogurt at my grocery store.

13683. arkymalarky - 2/4/2005 3:06:09 AM

3i3b (Message # 13653),
I can really relate to that--the dynamic of working on something like that with other people, that is. Though it's not on that academic a level, this paper I've been working on is being published and I just got a shortened version to five people who have to get back to me before I have it reviewed by several professors and it's got to be published before the end of the month. And this is the last stage. We've been wrangling with it for literally weeks and I've been working on it, beginning with the research, about a year.

As much trouble as this project has been (resulting in a long unfinished paper and a published short one) I can't imagine dealing with it on your scale, though I do have another fulltime job that has nothing (directly) to do with this stuff.

13684. arkymalarky - 2/4/2005 3:07:53 AM

The only thing I remember from a semester of 9th grade French is "ferme la bouche" (sp--I never saw it written out).

13685. arkymalarky - 2/4/2005 3:12:13 AM

That doesn't sound very appealing to me, Mags, but I certainly don't know what makes other teachers tick. Our science teacher is leaving next week to run a ranch out west with her husband. I have been considering dropping back to part time after next year. I love teaching, but not what the paperwork and outside pressure is becoming. And I will not teach in anything but a rural school, period.

13686. arkymalarky - 2/4/2005 3:13:20 AM

And I'm getting a root canal Tuesday. My first. I dread it, but pain drove me to the dentist. I suspected he would conclude root canal, and sure enough, I have an abcess.

13687. Macnas - 2/4/2005 1:19:54 PM

Think of the blessed relief it will bring arky.

13688. Magoseph - 2/4/2005 3:09:20 PM

Arky, I discussed the situation extensively last night with my loved ones and the consensus is that my husband requires my presence at all times. Naturally, I have to agree to what is reasonable. This is what I heard last night, supposedly my favorite past rejoinders: money, money, and more money, that is always good—who are you telling me what I should do or not do? I did not come to this country to be told what to do; I know what is best for me, etc.

I never talked just like that to my sons, but I admit that the messages they got from me are true to form—shame on me! One good thing came out of these conversations--my sons were happy that I called them to discuss a personal matter instead of usually announcing a decision to them.

Hello, Mac, Ali, and everyone—the big melt is on its way, bevies of crows are on their way north and it is getting warm. How is the weather in your countries?

13689. Macnas - 2/4/2005 3:39:08 PM

Hello Mago.

Some showers, wind, cold.

13690. Jenerator - 2/4/2005 3:50:21 PM


I think it's great that your husband wants you to stay home. I'd quit my teaching job in a heartbeat if it was economically feasible to do so.

Arky, we have 28 people suspended today. Oh, and the woman I replaced was on emergency leave.

13691. Macnas - 2/4/2005 4:34:09 PM

Hello Mago.

Some showers, wind, cold.

13692. PsychProf - 2/4/2005 6:10:46 PM

Snow again here in New England.

13693. thoughtful - 2/4/2005 6:12:54 PM

My husband wants me to keep working, and I'm nervous about not working. Our primary reason is for the benefits. Health insurance costs acquired privately are out of sight. A friend of mine is not old enough for medicare but his wife is...his health insurance + her supplemental is costing him over $12,000 a year and rising. That's not for full blown coverage...rather that's with a high deductible, no Rx, no dental, no eye care, etc, etc.

13694. PsychProf - 2/4/2005 6:23:32 PM

Thoughtful...time to meet for a beer.

13695. alistairConnor - 2/4/2005 8:10:48 PM

Thaw here. Snow nearly all melted off the roof of the house.

Warm, mid-twenties, in Auckland, with occasional light rain, predicted for when we get there.

Kuala Lumpur is pretty constant : highlands near the equator, 30 degrees and fine.

13696. thoughtful - 2/4/2005 8:59:00 PM

pp, we'll have to include the wiz too!

13697. thoughtful - 2/4/2005 9:01:32 PM

Good: gave blood today
Bad: forgot to wear red for women's heart awareness day.

Oh well. They did give me a pin with a red dress on it which I'm wearing.

Very short of blood supplies in our area....seems a lot of the regular donors aren't giving because of the flu.

So if you can, please think about giving blood. Each donation can go to save up to 6 lives. Pretty impressive.

13698. PsychProf - 2/4/2005 9:15:33 PM

Thoughtful...yes, it would be a pleasure to meet him

13699. judithathome - 2/4/2005 10:11:00 PM

I wore read today but it was purel;y by accident.

Mags or Robert, if you are around, could you go into my newpaper site and check to see if my letter is in there today? I didn't get a paper today, even after I called at 8am and bitched about not getting one...they said they would send one right out and here it is 2pm and no paper.

And NOW the damned site won't come up, either.

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