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13863. judithathome - 2/16/2005 5:03:23 PM

My neighbor's father...he was in his late 80s and seemed fine.

One thing that chilled me...she found him in his chair at his apartment and called the police. Then, she had to stay there for two hours with the police until the medical examiner arrived. She's really wrecked over the loss and was just devastated by that...it was an efficency apartment and she said it was awful spending those two hours with him there like that. They didn't even cover the body.

At least he just went to sleep and didn't suffer.

13864. thoughtful - 2/16/2005 7:53:48 PM

Sorry to hear that.

13865. judithathome - 2/16/2005 8:19:52 PM

Well, I guess I brought the thread down with that post...

But thanks, Thoughtful.

The service will be very nice, I'm sure. When this lady's mother died, the service was absolutely beautiful. My friend celebrated her mother's life...no preacher who didn't know her, no maudlin "come to Jesus" moment. There was a poster of Casablanca and pictures of her parent's wedding and their lives together. They played As Time Goes By...the parents' first date was to see that movie. People got up and spoke of what a wonderful life the couple had had...it was truly the most beautiful funeral I'd ever attended.

I expect this one to be very similar.

13866. thoughtful - 2/16/2005 8:38:49 PM

I worked really hard at my dad's memorial service to make it just so. I guess I was successful as my mother said that when it's her turn, she'd like me to do exactly the same thing. Made me feel good.

13867. arkymalarky - 2/17/2005 12:55:46 AM

I'm sorry about your neighbors, Judith. Bob once got called to go stay with an elderly woman whose husband had died in the bathroom until everyone could arrive (since we live so far in the boonies), which was rather awkward since he didn't like either one of them--old rural family feud stuff dating back to his grandfather.

Great you and Keoni are coming up! (to shift the tone and subject rather abruptly--sorry about that)

13868. judithathome - 2/17/2005 6:33:50 AM

This was read today at the service...not a dry eye in the place after.

The Dash

13869. Magoseph - 2/17/2005 3:58:54 PM

Touching eulogy, Judith--my sister at our mother’s memorial service went to the casket and started a diatribe that shocked the family. Her husband went to her, whispered something, and led her out of the church at a fast trot. Later my brother-in-law admitted that he threatened to take her life if she dared to cross him. Considering that these two people are respectively an ex-nun and an ex-priest, the incident could be funny if it had not happened in such sad circumstances for us.
Hello, everyone!

13870. Magoseph - 2/17/2005 4:45:03 PM

Re reading what I wrote, I want to say that the incident would have been funny because these two persons are very religious and each one committed a sin that day.

13871. judithathome - 2/17/2005 5:51:05 PM

Good morning...I'm staying home today because I'm feeling extremely lazy. I have things I need to do but like Scarlett O'Hara, I am saying tomorrow is another day.

13872. Macnas - 2/18/2005 9:45:45 AM


Been busy, have lurked, will lurk again no doubt. Talk with ye later.

13873. Magoseph - 2/18/2005 1:39:43 PM

Thanks, Mac--have a good weekend.

13874. wonkers2 - 2/18/2005 2:19:23 PM

Good morning Mago. You're up early as usual. Have a good day!

13875. Max Macks - 2/18/2005 7:38:55 PM

lurking ,,,,,, a day of death today??

13876. Magoseph - 2/18/2005 8:03:16 PM

Oh, thank you, won—I am always up around three in the morning—an old habit that came from wanting peace and quiet when my boys were small children.

,,,,,, a day of death today??

Yes, Max, it was a week of death really.

13877. judithathome - 2/19/2005 5:41:25 PM

This afternoon we are going to a play...Vanities*...and then out to dinner to celebrate one of our friend's securing a teaching position in Vienna.

*Vanities...with a different cast, of course.

13878. arkymalarky - 2/19/2005 7:12:36 PM

Congrats to your friend! I'm hoping to get my house and car in order this weekend. They're both a wreck. I finally finished that paper and now I need to get caught up on everything else, including a stack of papers. After that, except for a few events between now and early April, things should be much less hectic. After the first of April they definitely will be.

13879. PelleNilsson - 2/19/2005 8:49:02 PM

How many times over the past two years or so have you made that prediction, arky?

13880. arkymalarky - 2/19/2005 11:10:35 PM

Hahaha. Too many.

13881. arkymalarky - 2/19/2005 11:13:04 PM

In fact, I saw my brother yesterday at my parents' house (he lives a few hours away) and when I told him the same thing he just rolled his eyes.

13882. alistairConnor - 2/20/2005 12:09:47 PM

Yes well when I get back from this holiday then I'm going to put my house in order. That's what I'll do. My word yes.

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