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13879. PelleNilsson - 2/19/2005 8:49:02 PM

How many times over the past two years or so have you made that prediction, arky?

13880. arkymalarky - 2/19/2005 11:10:35 PM

Hahaha. Too many.

13881. arkymalarky - 2/19/2005 11:13:04 PM

In fact, I saw my brother yesterday at my parents' house (he lives a few hours away) and when I told him the same thing he just rolled his eyes.

13882. alistairConnor - 2/20/2005 12:09:47 PM

Yes well when I get back from this holiday then I'm going to put my house in order. That's what I'll do. My word yes.

13883. arkymalarky - 2/20/2005 7:45:36 PM

Hope you're having fun, btw.

We've decided we're not going anywhere this summer. We may change our minds and do a short stint within a one-day drive, but nothing lengthy. I'm actually excited about the prospect of being domestic all summer. Mose will be here, though she'll be working a lot, I'm sure.

13884. arkymalarky - 2/20/2005 7:47:14 PM

And this summer I WILL put my house in order. I used to do that every summer, and I'm going to get back to it--including paint.

Paint and repairs.

13885. SnowOwl - 2/20/2005 9:37:56 PM

We did a LOT of work on our house recently and now I've run out of steam, with some things still not finished. Even my beloved garden has been left to its own devices but, unfortunately, the weeds are winning the war.

I'm putting my faith in winning Lotto so I can move out and have a team of workmen move in to complete the job.

My faith seems a bit misplaced though.

13886. PelleNilsson - 2/20/2005 10:08:45 PM

It's the last 10% syndrome. I recognize it all too well.

13887. arkymalarky - 2/20/2005 10:21:22 PM

Oh yeah. We had that after we built our house. But we got it all done within a few years (porch fans, finishing areas, etc.).

13888. judithathome - 2/21/2005 9:19:20 PM

Jeez, it is in the 80s today! Arky, are you having the same thing?

13889. arkymalarky - 2/21/2005 10:12:10 PM

Yep. It's gorgeous outside, but I got home from Hot Springs and turned the AC on. It was very damp last night too--beautiful moon, but fog on the ground in the yard. Very pretty and creepy.

13890. arkymalarky - 2/21/2005 10:14:25 PM

And I have the first head cold I've had since I started allergy treatments. I'm attributing it to running out of Zyrtec and skipping two days of it, but the crud's been going around. It's not nearly as bad as just daily stuff before this summer, though. Enough to remind me that the shots and meds are worth it.

13891. Magoseph - 2/21/2005 11:29:22 PM

It is 31 here and it snowed last night. I went out right after the township’s ploughs had gone around--good thing because it snowed again mid-morning. Right now, I just came back from another round--I'll be darned if I lose all the tightness I have achieved this last year. I am going out again before it gets dark--I will combat the winter doldrums getting lean and muscled—that is what I am going to do everyday.

13892. Magoseph - 2/22/2005 2:51:23 PM

Good morning, Won!

13893. wonkers2 - 2/22/2005 3:55:04 PM

Good morning, Mago! When we returned last night from sunny and warm Texas we found six inches of snow in our driveway and 20 degree temperature. This is the worst winter in recent memory.

13894. Magoseph - 2/22/2005 4:17:40 PM

Won, a friend with his son strapped in the back in a restraining seat, found himself and the child heads down after his SUV flipped on a patch of ice yesterday. Although the radar showed that he was driving within the speed limit, the police officer gave him a ticket—the reasoning was that he was going too fast for the road conditions. The police officer added that, had they been on a rural road following the speed limit, he and his son might not have survived the accident.

13895. Ms. No - 2/22/2005 9:47:13 PM

Well, it's been pouring rain here again. More mudslides, more roads washed out. bleh.

I did a little house sorting and cleaning last night. Hard to get motivated when it's pouring rain and I can't move stuff out to the garbage without a raft. Okay, so it's hard for me to get motivated to do this stuff anyway, but I was actually kind of excited about it and then was completely thwarted by the rain. We had an hour or two of sun yesterday so I scurried around tossing things out.

For some reason both cardboard boxes and paper seem to swarm and multiply in my house. I've no idea where all this stuff comes from, but the single most abundant clutter culprit in my home is paper.

13896. thoughtful - 2/22/2005 10:23:21 PM

Well, I feel badly for you 'fornians with all that rain...but then again not so badly seeing as you have fabulous weather the vast majority of the year. We just had 6" of snow yesterday. I refused to believe it though insisting, as I looked out the window, that it was sunny, 70 and the daffodils were blooming. Amazing what a little self-deception will do.

13897. Ms. No - 2/22/2005 10:29:40 PM

hahaha, yeah, I wouldn't mind the rain if we had the drainage systems for it, but we just don't. We get washouts and lakes in the middle of elevated freeways because they were built with the idea that "it never rains in California". Even our regular rainfall here makes things tricky and some areas are already at 5 and 6 times their annual rainfall for the year.

We've had 4 more inches of rain than Seattle so far.

13898. judithathome - 2/22/2005 10:34:27 PM

MsNo, is your friend on American Idol?

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