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13919. arkymalarky - 2/24/2005 12:43:46 AM

I was posting this when my isp messed up:

I could have taken a sick day because I have a bad headcold, that is. I wouldn't take one unless I was sick.

That read funny when I looked at it after posting.

13920. alistairConnor - 2/25/2005 3:10:07 AM

Yeah that's rotten, Arks.

... I'm at my sister's house : the door was unlocked, apparently no-one there. So a I'm behaving like a burglar : helping myself from the fridge, plugging into the LAN to use the printers and broadband.

Nephew eventually emerges about 12.30. He is a brilliant 3rd year university student, total geek, socially inept, or rather, oblivious, and somehow very cool.

All I wanted to be at his age, and never quite managed.

13921. arkymalarky - 2/25/2005 3:27:52 AM

I know EXACTLY what you're talking about, but you never know--your nephew might see you the same way.

I was very flattered and sort of appalled the other day when one of my students said she wanted to be like me when she grew up--which was a bit of humor, since she's a senior--and I said, no...no you don't. Trust me. I wish I'd been more like her in high school, both studious and cool. I couldn't be both, so I was neither.

13922. Magoseph - 2/25/2005 3:35:43 PM

Hello, everyone—Friday is the best day of the week for me—I still look forward to it with trepidation, even though, I don’t hold a job these days. I still want to go to a fish-fry restaurant near us because it is a rite we have since I moved back up here nine years ago. I remember fondly the family reunions we had every Friday when my kids were small. Their dad’s brothers were then big football types, and when they came in the restaurant, the owner assigned a server strictly to our table.— I asked why he did this, and he said that the quicker these boys were fed, the better it was for having a family at our table who didn’t eat so much. Besides, he added, it was painful for him to watch and compute in his mind how much he would net every Friday if the brothers weren’t there.

This man still runs the restaurant, gives a glass of white wine to Flexy when we come in, and stands there until he drinks it. Flexy usually doesn’t drink anything ever, a fact the owner knows well—One day, the owner saw me drinking Flexy’s wine and mine—I suspect that he enjoys Flexy’s discomfort--just like he enjoyed embarrassing other kids when they were summer playmates, this last according to Flexy.

13923. thoughtful - 2/25/2005 4:24:47 PM

We're going out for dinner tomorrow night with 2 other couples to a Malaysian restaurant...have never been and not sure what to expect, but it should be fun.

Also decided that this weekend were going to start planning our trip to wyoming...yellowstone & grand tetons. I'm most anxious to see the mud pots.

We tried a couple of years ago and were waylayed by my neck problems. So now we'll try again. Only this time I think we'll shoot for July...last time we booked in june for our wedding anniversary and they were still having snow and temps in the 20s. No thank you. We've had quite enough winter so far this year.

We shoveled about 5-6" off the drive just this a.m. and we're supposed to get more in a few days. I just keep telling myself that it's sunny, in the 70s with green grass and daffodils, but it's not working.

13924. Magoseph - 2/25/2005 5:25:06 PM

In springtime, we have those around here, thoughtful.

13925. thoughtful - 2/25/2005 5:51:37 PM

very nice!

Daffy's are one of the things we can grow because they are poisonous so they are untouched by deer, mice, moles, voles, etc.

One fall I planted 100 tulip bulbs and all but one were destroyed by the rodents. The one that came up got up about 5" and then the deer mowed it down. I said, no more.

13926. Magoseph - 2/25/2005 6:24:43 PM

I had received a bouquet of spring flowers last year around the time the daffodils bloomed--I decided to add some of them, just to make a contrast to the other flowers. To my dismay, the arrangement didn't last very long.

13927. Magoseph - 2/25/2005 7:10:00 PM

Posted by Glamour Puss in Mind's Eye Revisited.

13928. Magoseph - 2/25/2005 7:14:58 PM

13929. Magoseph - 2/25/2005 7:19:45 PM

13930. Magoseph - 2/25/2005 7:26:20 PM

I remember wanting to post that one for Wabbit--maybe I did already...the trouble is that I don't remember why I wanted to post that particular one...no, I'm not drinking, I swear.

13931. Magoseph - 2/25/2005 7:33:14 PM

Hey. Cap'n!

13932. Magoseph - 2/25/2005 7:43:26 PM

13933. judithathome - 2/25/2005 8:11:18 PM

That last one is gorgeous.

13934. wonkers2 - 2/25/2005 8:13:58 PM

The Cap'n sez, "I didn't know you were a redhead, Mags. But I got ther rest of you right!"

13935. thoughtful - 2/25/2005 8:42:37 PM

those are really quite something.

13936. Magoseph - 2/28/2005 12:51:11 PM

Thank you for posting during your vacation, Ali, we just can't spare anyone, you know—I trust you found your place in good shape-no broken pipes or such and most of the snow gone.

13937. Magoseph - 2/28/2005 1:30:45 PM

Salut, Mac!

13938. Macnas - 2/28/2005 2:38:33 PM

Salut Mago, ca va?

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