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14401. wonkers2 - 3/31/2005 10:37:05 PM

Cap'n Dirty sez,"Nothin'like sex oncet a day fer the butt!"

14402. Magoseph - 3/31/2005 10:54:58 PM

Announcing a quiz in Religion and Philosophy, folks.

14403. thoughtful - 3/31/2005 11:30:04 PM

or as mae west said when asked what her secret was for staying young, she replied, "A daily enema."

Then there was george burns who asked what his secret was for a long life and he replied, "A glass of brandy and a cigar every day." The interviewer asked, "Really? What does your doctor think about that." Burns replied, "Him? He's dead."

14404. arkymalarky - 3/31/2005 11:41:43 PM

There was an old lady in AR who was interviewed on the news several years ago--she was 110 or some outrageous age--and she said she drank Crown Royal and chewed Wrigley's Juicy Fruit gum every day.

14405. judithathome - 4/1/2005 12:55:40 AM

Yes, thoughtful, I love having my birthday. I don't mind being old because I don't think I look it and I know I don't feel it.

14406. arkymalarky - 4/1/2005 2:27:02 AM

30 really bothered me. Now I don't pay a lot of attention to them. And neither does Bob.

14407. arkymalarky - 4/1/2005 2:27:41 AM

I mean to mine, not necessarily to his own.

14408. iiibbb - 4/1/2005 3:37:55 AM

I turn 36 this April... it's a little freaky because it's twice as old as I was when I started college.

I think 50 will be wierd.

Really... I just want to be somewhere I like.

14409. iiibbb - 4/1/2005 3:39:14 AM

My brother get's promoted to Lt. Col. today. I don't know the significance of Apr 1... Hopefully it's not all a big ruse

14410. wonkers2 - 4/1/2005 3:52:20 AM

Your'e just a bit older than my oldest son! How about a bit more respect! :-)

14411. prolph - 4/1/2005 5:40:11 AM

My 77year old heart is stone youse guys. 30 ? 45? Many jolly times to come aand some not so good same as when we were little kids.

14412. Macnas - 4/1/2005 8:14:19 AM

Ah thoughtful, happy birthday girl, never mind the slings and arrows.

14413. Magoseph - 4/1/2005 10:43:02 AM

April Fool's Day
In 16th century France, the start of the new year was celebrated on April1st. It was celebrated in much the same way as it is today with parties and dancing into the late hours of the night. Then in 1562, Pope Gregory introduced a new calendar for the Christian world, and the new year fell on January 1st.There were some people, however, who hadn't heard or didn't believe the change in the date, so they continued to celebrate New Year's Day on April 1st. Others played tricks on them and called them "April Fools". They sent them on a 'fool's errand' or tried to make them believe that something false was true.

That's one theory, probably.

14414. thoughtful - 4/1/2005 2:09:56 PM

Thanks mac. I think we're heading out to lunch today to celebrate my bday to a most romantic restaurant. Hope the weather clears up so we can really enjoy it.

We're expecting major rain tomorrow into sunday...somewhere upwards of 4"...if it were snow, it'd be 50" Yow!

14416. Magoseph - 4/1/2005 7:15:55 PM

I deleted my own post #14415 because it is far too contentious--really, I wonder what I am thinking about sometimes.

14417. Magoseph - 4/1/2005 7:18:29 PM

If the person to whom this post was addressed read it before it was deleted, please accept my humble apologies.

14418. Magoseph - 4/1/2005 8:28:12 PM

14419. RickNelson - 4/2/2005 12:32:07 AM

Hey, I don't want to be after Mago's post, but I have to tell thoughtful Happy Birthday. Wish I'd been around earlier, but I took the chance to try and finish my Fed. Return. Which I did.

14420. RickNelson - 4/2/2005 12:33:18 AM

Hi PatsyRolph!

I just haven't seen your name for a while. I'm glad I was here today to read it.

14421. uzmakk - 4/2/2005 2:50:07 PM

Its Saturday morning, I have a bit of time, and I want to check in on the Mote. I have it seriously in mind to come back to the Mote, but I do not have the time right now. When I was first introduced to this most fabulous of places I was absolutely delighted. I enjoyed myself so much that my time on the Mote interfered with work, and since I have been working for myself with no one watching over my shoulder for the past 20 years there was and is the possiblity for real interference.(I was always puzzled by the fact that whenever I, a true Mote abuser, got on the Mote Pseudo was there. I did ask him about his problem.) The Mote requires genuine effort from me if I am going to contribute anything worthwhile.

The Mote is my spiritual home.

The Mote is a major news source for me.

Ofcourse, you may say, Uzmakk, surely you have the self-control to make just one post a day? I do have some measure of self-control, but, as I have told you recently, I use my forum time on a local forum under the belief that this forum is, or can be, to some degree, connected to local politics.(I am attempting to exact tribute from my vassals, Neilsson.) The local politicians listen to the local talk radio because local politics is part of the station's schtick and the politicians are interested, at some level, in the changing sentiments and dim conciousness of the mob. We have six hours of local talk on weekdays with an additional three hours on the weekend. All of the aformentioned talk has at least some political content. Additionally we have local sports talk and money talk. This is an expensive undertaking and an interesting decision by the management of the radio station in a market that is not bulging with money.

(I have run out of time, but I will be back. Perhaps not today. Yesterday was our first gorgeous day and I trimmed the roses and ornamental grasses, raked the lawn, and fertilized, even though I was working on a self-imposed deadline. Today it is raining and I will be working in the shop. If I get last week's work done this weekend I will remain on schedule with this weeks shipment sent out a day late. Remind me, when I come back, to begin with a description of the host that would most please the Moties. His name is Kevin Lynn and has been in television news and sports in both Chicago and NYC. Does anyone know him?)

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