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14426. Magoseph - 4/2/2005 4:16:07 PM

Sunny here, high 47 today!

14427. wonkers2 - 4/2/2005 4:24:02 PM

Your weather today will be ours tomorrow.

14428. judithathome - 4/2/2005 7:02:10 PM

I never understood why it was considered low wattage to use a ;-) but was considered a sign of intelligence to shun that one and write "grin" after something one meant to be funny. Seems to me if one is cringe-worthy, they both should be.

(I don't mean anything about you using it today, Magos, but rather, when you made mention of the attribution, it reminded me of past feelings and discussions about use of the two....)

14429. wonkers2 - 4/2/2005 7:13:59 PM

I wasn't aware of the silly distinction, either. :-)

14430. judithathome - 4/2/2005 7:32:59 PM

Ha! Well, now you know. ;-)

14431. Magoseph - 4/2/2005 7:47:04 PM

Hey, Cap'n, ;-)!

14432. PelleNilsson - 4/2/2005 7:57:55 PM

I learned early on that :-) = joke and ;-) = sardonic, so I'm permanently confused.

14433. Magoseph - 4/2/2005 8:13:00 PM

Do you know what this one * means, Pelle? ;-)?

14434. jayackroyd - 4/2/2005 8:59:48 PM

You're supposed to use a larger font to make that one clear. IAC, while I'm a fan of TLAs I've never liked emoticons.

14435. PelleNilsson - 4/2/2005 9:07:37 PM

Which one? And what are TLA's?

14436. Magoseph - 4/2/2005 9:24:35 PM

TLA - Three Letter Acronym

14437. Magoseph - 4/2/2005 9:41:16 PM

You're supposed to use a larger font to make that one clear. IAC, while I'm a fan of TLAs I've never liked emoticons.

Oh, I see--I didn't know that, thank you.

This one, Pelle: *

14438. jayackroyd - 4/2/2005 11:38:05 PM


14439. PelleNilsson - 4/3/2005 7:58:36 AM


14440. Magoseph - 4/3/2005 8:59:22 AM

Good morning, Pelle. Okay, that ends it now-- Jay, you and I are The Three Asterisks.

By the way, the Random link to the Mote isn't there anymore--have you noticed?

14441. wonkers2 - 4/3/2005 1:36:16 PM

Then why don'e we nuke RI's link on the MOTE? Screw PP! Death to PP!

14442. Magoseph - 4/3/2005 7:00:34 PM

Nuking PP, are you bonkers, Cap'n? I know this is you talking now, don’t bother to deny it, I know you steal Wonk's’ username whenever it suits you—I’ll talk to him and tell him not to take you on his boat anymore.

I’d rather nuke Pelle than go after PP, if truth be told—he’s much meaner than PP will ever be, you old renegade you!

14443. judithathome - 4/3/2005 9:34:26 PM

I am going to do my civic duty and take a job for 10 days (April 2o through May 3) as an early-voting poll watcher for our candidate for mayor. He asked me if I would do it...each candidate can appoint his choice of poll watcher and Andy chose me.

I will only do it from noon to five for 10 days and will be paid to do it. I told them I couldn't do it in the mornings because I have to go to exercise and I wouldn't want to keep the dog cooped up inside for the whole day, anyhow. So two other ladies are going to take the morning shifts.

14444. robertjayb - 4/3/2005 10:43:54 PM

Better take along your combat cane, judith.

14445. judithathome - 4/4/2005 1:10:33 AM

I plan to, Robert. And a bag of celery to snack on....

I have a funny story to relate. My son came to our New Year's Day party and about 3 weeks later, he called and wanted to know who a lady was he'd met there...he couldn't remember her name but he described her and I figured out who he meant...she was "sitting on the porch and had curly dark hair and a really pretty smile..." Well, that had to be Kathy! So one thing led to another and they began to exchange email.

Last night, he met up with us at Gallery Night and Kathy was there. I noticed he didn't seem to recognize her and nothing "sparked" between them and later he said to me "Who is that?" and I said "It's Kathy...the lady you've been emailing" and he visibly paled and said "Mom, that's not the lady I was talking about...."

No love connection, evidently, and I have dropped out of the matchmaker business.

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