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14447. Magoseph - 4/4/2005 3:28:53 AM

Wonk, I know you were kidding and so was I--now I can only hope that Pelle believes that I was kidding because it certainly looks that making jokes is not my thing.

Judith, it is indeed a funny story about your son and the woman guest. Congratulations on your job as an early poll-watcher and please tell me what this work entails exactly?

14448. alistairconnor - 4/4/2005 8:37:50 AM

What a cruel story, Judith! I love it.

Two questions :

- Is Kathy heartbroken?

- Who was the mysterious lady with the pretty smile?

14449. arkymalarky - 4/4/2005 7:40:36 PM

Oooh yes! Answers to those two complete the story!

Enjoy your job, Judith. Sounds like a great thing to be doing.

WRT emoticons, they don't bother me. What does is people who don't get subtle humor without them, especially when they complain when people use them. Someone needs to develop an emoticon for "brick to the head." ;-)

14450. arkymalarky - 4/4/2005 7:44:09 PM

Conference was great, hotel was great, weather was awful. We didn't "do" Charleston because of that and being so tired from the driving. I couldn't change to a flight, which I'd about decided I should have, but the other Arkies who attended said the flight was awful, and at least take-off was probably pretty bad going home, too, because it was so windy.

Bob and I might have enjoyed the trip more had 1) the weather been better 2) it had been later in spring--no bluegrass and 3) I'd felt better. I would have backed out of the trip if there was any possible way, but there wasn't, but now I can mark that one off my "to do" list.

And again, the conference was fantastic, so I'm very glad I went.

14451. Magoseph - 4/4/2005 7:44:41 PM

I don't get subtle humour with or without them, Arky? Are you talking about me?

How was your trip and when is the operation?

14452. arkymalarky - 4/4/2005 7:46:40 PM

Hahaha! YOU are the subtle one!

I'd rather leave a bit of mystery as to who (if anyone) who's still here might fit that description! ;-)

Trip post X-post, and the surgery's next week.

14453. Magoseph - 4/4/2005 8:07:09 PM

I'm glad glad you are back safe--you must rest now, eat well, and get fresh air in the shade. Are you completeley through with school?

14454. arkymalarky - 4/4/2005 8:18:10 PM

Thanks so much, Mags! I will definitely do that.

I'm going in for a bit tomorrow, and that's probably going to be it. If I feel like it, I may come back and finish a couple of weeks of the school year, but I'm free to stay out if I don't feel up to it, especially since my replacement is certified in my subject.

14455. judithathome - 4/4/2005 8:34:47 PM

Two questions :

- Is Kathy heartbroken?

- Who was the mysterious lady with the pretty smile?

Kathy took it in stride or didn't actually get it that she was not the one; they sat together at dinner and talked up a blue streak so I'm relatively sure my son was not socially inept enought to blurt out the fact he thought he was in contact with another person this whole time.

And Keoni and I figured out last night that the woman he was interested in was Deborah...who's married. It didn't occur to me he might have meant Deborah because, well, I knew she was married.

I sent him an email this morning saying "I have good news and bad news" and explained the mistake.

Haven't heard back......

14456. Jenerator - 4/4/2005 9:15:26 PM

My mom tried to fix me up, once. She had a friend (also named Kathy) with a cute son and evidently the two of them had been planning some sort of scenario in which we'd accidentally meet. I busted my mom after she had forgotten to hide a picture of the guy. He was quite handsome and I was interested in meeting him if he was interested in meeting me.

It turns out that his mom had shown him a handful of pictures and he was interested in meeting me but didn't want me to know that he had seen me already.

So, the three of them planned it - that we would accidentally meet at a restaurant the family ate at every Friday night.

My mom and I went there and a few tables away sat the family. The guy was completely shy and wouldn't say anything and when he stood up to shake my hand, he had noticeable man-boobs. My mom commented on them, which sealed it.

The chemistry just wasn't there.

14457. judithathome - 4/4/2005 10:54:59 PM

Well, I am never interferring in my son's love life again. He is on his own from here on out.

He's not doing too badly, either...tomorrow night he's coming over for his annual "made by mom" pot roast birthday dinner and he's bringing a lady friend named Brandy.

His gift from me is copy of a sworn statement that I am henceforth out of the matchmaking business where he is concerned. I'm certain he will treasure it forever.

14458. arkymalarky - 4/4/2005 10:57:00 PM

Mose is never unattached long enough for us to try a hand at it. I'd like to be an UN-Matchmaker and convince her that spending some time without a love interest can be fun.

14459. arkymalarky - 4/4/2005 11:06:14 PM

...and when he stood up to shake my hand, he had noticeable man-boobs.

Those are called pecs.

14460. judithathome - 4/4/2005 11:11:01 PM

Hmmmmm....I think there's a difference in pecs and man-boobs, Arky. One looks hot and the other looks weird.

14461. arkymalarky - 4/4/2005 11:15:12 PM

Judith! I was trying a post without the ;-) to see if it snagged anyone in here.

(I never thought YOU'D be the one! ;-))

14462. Magoseph - 4/4/2005 11:36:59 PM

ROFL, Arky and Judith (I must look for these TLAs Jay likes.)

14463. judithathome - 4/4/2005 11:37:45 PM


Ah, yes...you are a wily one, Arks!

14464. wonkers2 - 4/5/2005 12:01:10 AM

But he may have had a good personality and a heart of gold!

14465. arkymalarky - 4/5/2005 12:34:51 AM

I used to know married musicians whom I've quoted in here a time or two. The woman was stunningly beautiful and the man was not at all attractive--pudgy and short. They wrote and performed in Kentucky and came to AR and made some friends here and would come back regularly for a while. Haven't heard from them in a long time, but I don't know that they stayed married. They were great together when I knew them, though.

ANYWAY...she wrote a song about performing and noticing an Adonis in the audience and went to great lengths to describe his build, hair, face, eyes, etc, and all the things she was thinking about him while she was performing. The last line of the song (which completely shifts melody, tempo, and everything from a lilting lovesong): "But then what a big joke. You came up and spoke, and I saw what a drag you are."

14466. iiibbb - 4/5/2005 1:43:49 AM

So I had a fun weekend. Some of you may know I am an amateur race car driver... Now that I am more gainfully employed I can afford to indulge my hobby a bit more. I went to a 2-day driving school this weekend and had a total blast. We had 4 instructors who have all held national championships at some time or another. It was cool to have some of the stuff I do with a car validated... and especially cool to have some of my bad-habits pointed out to me. I even overheard one of the instructors saying to another that I had some "good instincts".

Can't wait for my next race.

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