14719. jayackroyd - 4/27/2005 3:13:43 PM Mags--
Where can I find that calendar? I had a lovely time in Provence, even if the lavender had long ago been harvested.
14720. jayackroyd - 4/27/2005 3:14:49 PM Skype update:
Calling from a random internet cafe that supports wifi worked like a charm. Ms No, you can expect a call sometime around 0300 pdt. 14721. Magoseph - 4/27/2005 3:22:42 PM Jay, go here:
and type Provence.
14722. Magoseph - 4/27/2005 3:37:17 PM Here is another useful link. 14723. Ms. No - 4/27/2005 3:39:28 PM I'll make sure I've got my phone voice on. 14724. Magoseph - 4/27/2005 3:44:48 PM Which one is that voice? 14725. Ms. No - 4/27/2005 3:49:24 PM I'm not really sure, but I've been told I have one. Apparently I sound different when I answer the phone than when I'm just speaking normally. I think it's because there's a little speaker only half an inch from my mouth rather than any attempt on my part to entice callers, but for whatever reason it got me nominated to answer the phones at the office when our receptionist left over a year ago. 14726. jayackroyd - 4/27/2005 4:13:56 PM mags-
You've gotta call Ms. No, just once. Once was enough to haunt my dreams for weeks (and NO, I am not giving out details). 14727. Macnas - 4/27/2005 4:20:36 PM We used to have a meridian phone system here. For the voice mail answering and whatnot, it utilised a smooth american female voice.
A 'phone engineer told me that, after it being installed in an oil plant in Saudi, they had to change the voice recording to that of an arab male, as some guys really, really liked the female voice and kept using it as, well, a sex line of sorts. 14728. jayackroyd - 4/27/2005 4:31:52 PM rofl. Circle jerks around the speaker phone? 14729. Macnas - 4/27/2005 4:33:58 PM I didnt ask about the specifics! 14730. jayackroyd - 4/27/2005 4:51:05 PM Riiiight. 14731. wonkers2 - 4/27/2005 4:58:49 PM The greatest female voice I ever heard was the one who announced the flights in the Rio airport. Just hearing one of her announcements was enough to Cap'n Dirty into Cap'n Stiffy. 14732. PelleNilsson - 4/27/2005 4:59:37 PM Thank you for digging out those posts, Mago! 14733. Macnas - 4/27/2005 5:02:21 PM "Cap'n Stiffy"?
Laugh??, I nearly shat in the blue cupboard. 14734. wabbit - 4/27/2005 5:03:27 PM hahaha, shades of Derek and Clive! 14735. Macnas - 4/27/2005 5:17:43 PM Where is Justin de Villeneuve when you need him? eh? eh? what a c*nt. 14736. Magoseph - 4/27/2005 5:22:22 PM Oh, you are very welcome, Pelle--the trouble with looking in the Archives is that I am sidetracked by my own posts. 14737. arkymalarky - 4/27/2005 6:49:37 PM Message # 14713
Thanks Mags. I'm hearing that from a lot of quarters. I'm looking forward to a very restful summer. We're not going anywhere, either, and I'm very glad of that. Gas prices are too high, anyway.
I must join the chorus on MsNo's phone voice. Seems like there ought to be good money in that, somehow. 14738. judithathome - 4/27/2005 7:22:47 PM Heh...I'm sure there IS.
I'd go broke doing anything on the phone. I've been told I sound like an 11 year old boy.