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15015. Magoseph - 5/18/2005 3:52:25 PM

It's foggy, but he lillies of the valley are finally in bloom.

15016. Magoseph - 5/18/2005 3:53:33 PM

Can you see the pictures, Arky?

15017. arkymalarky - 5/18/2005 4:06:53 PM

Yes, as far as they've loaded. They're faster than usual today. A lot of days I just can't wait for the pictures to load (I dropped my separate computer phone line, so I only have one phone line now). They're very nice, Mags

15018. alistairconnor - 5/18/2005 4:20:48 PM

Le lys dans la vallée. Very Balzacien, Mago.

Ah les femmes de trente ans...

15019. Magoseph - 5/18/2005 5:23:09 PM

I'm more a Nana’s sympathizer, Ali--as a kid, I heard so much about one my ancestors and his obsession with Zola and the Dreyfus affair. My father had all the books then—wonder what happened to them now. He was a contremaître in a silk factory and quite a drunk on Sundays. As soon as he retired, he went from one of his children to another and everyone gave him wine. Since he had ten kids, he died happy within a couple of years--no one had the courage to keep him sober. After his funeral, the neighbors were scandalized because they heard his children and his friends laughing aloud--they were relating to each other anecdotes about him. It’s strange the things that come to mind sometimes.

15020. thoughtful - 5/18/2005 6:08:43 PM

those don't look like the lily of the valley that i know...they look too tall and the leaves in the pic are feathery.

Here's what I call lily of the valley...muget des bois?

15021. thoughtful - 5/18/2005 6:09:58 PM

actually in the pic that looks to me like white bleeding hearts.

15022. judithathome - 5/18/2005 6:18:15 PM

The lilies of the valley I had in Germany looked like thoughtful's first picture...such lovely and sweet smelling little beauties; hard to believe they are poisonous.

15023. thoughtful - 5/18/2005 6:23:02 PM

they also make a terrific ground cover for shady areas...if you don't mind them taking over everything. my roadside rock garden is just loaded with them...and i guess its shady enough for them to survive the summer though the maple tree that used to be in the middle of the garden is long since gone. They do die down at end of season though so lend no color throughout the winter

15024. Magoseph - 5/18/2005 6:41:07 PM

We had those plants last year:

They were so ugly, i couldn't stand them, so I took them out--now the lillies of the Valley took over their place and we like that much better.

15025. thoughtful - 5/18/2005 7:06:36 PM


15026. Magoseph - 5/18/2005 7:51:27 PM

Yes, they were ferns, but these were really ugly.

15027. jexster - 5/18/2005 9:27:18 PM


I just learned that the New York Times has announced that beginning in September, they will charge 50 bucks a year for access. A few in England do this and if the practice spreads, it will shut down vital news media access for concerned, civicly engaged, citizens throughout this country, especially lower income individuals.

ACT UP today..contact the NyT Ombudsman

15028. judithathome - 5/18/2005 9:30:39 PM

Well, there'll be no living with Ace now...he was just highlighted on CNN's Blogsphere daily report. He asked to keep his real identity anonymous because of possible real life threats, possible employer problems, and the fact that, being a conservative, it might hinder his chances in liberal Hollywood when his screenplay is finished.

Kudos, Ace.

15029. jexster - 5/18/2005 9:40:34 PM

Ooops..misinformed..I will only lose Krugman (I love him but 50 bucks a year to get him?). I could give a rat's ass for what Tiny Tim Freidman or Brooks think, say or do.

Still, this practice needs to be nipped in the bud before it spreads like a nasty tumor

    NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--May 16, 2005--The New York Times announced today a new online offering called TimesSelect, which for a modest(!!!!) fee will provide exclusive access to Op-Ed and news columnists on NYTimes.com, easy and in-depth access to The Times's online archives, early access to select articles on the site, as well as other exciting features (better be VERY exciting for 50 bucks!)

email the The Public Editor

15030. jexster - 5/18/2005 9:51:05 PM

Boy what a sad comment on the state of journalism in AmeriKa

I love Ace

I want him

Now more than ever

Anyone have his home contact info?

15031. judithathome - 5/18/2005 10:23:50 PM

Heh...not even the little hottie Blogsphere (or whatever it's called) reporters on CNN could get that info out of him.

15032. thoughtful - 5/18/2005 11:33:01 PM

good for Ace! and they say cnn has such a liberal bias...to highlight a guy like ace? they're getting more rw all the time!

15033. arkymalarky - 5/19/2005 12:12:18 AM

One of their main news anchors is dating Rush Limbaugh.

I pretty much quit watching CNN.

15034. judithathome - 5/19/2005 12:42:49 AM

I may.

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