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15071. thoughtful - 5/22/2005 8:38:48 PM

OK, I'll save my money then. No chargers.

I was talking to hubby about friends of ours who seem to be on the same path as us only about 10 years behind (we are older than they are).

They have yet to be through a situation like we have been, many times now, of cleaning out an elderly person's space as they're heading into much smaller quarters. You quickly realize that all those 'gotta haves' of yesteryear are nothing more than today's junk that you can't even give away. While we still have a basement full of stuff from my mother's, my MIL's and hubby's old maid aunt's place, we trashed tons of stuff. After awhile, by its very existence, the stuff becomes burdensome. I've acquired more stuff than I'll ever need. Less is truly more. Acquire with selection, not collection.

15072. arkymalarky - 5/22/2005 8:46:07 PM

My parents' place is going to be an absolute nightmare. We grew up in a two bedroom, one bath house, and they now have a five bedroom, three bath house which is filled to busting, and a huge yard filled with all kinds of (very lovely) yard stuff. They buy anything that catches their fancy.

Ours might be a nightmare to Mose one day, but mostly because of what I've gotten from my parents and grandparents. Hardly anything we see in our house we bought for ourselves, which has been great because we hardly spent anything furnishing our own place, but it could easily get out of hand.

Dad says whenever the stock market drops he reads Thoreau. I think he ought to try that tactic every spring, right before spring cleaning.

15073. iiibbb - 5/23/2005 1:09:37 AM

Any kids in your life?

This thing is a hoot. Don't pay more than $15.

15074. jayackroyd - 5/23/2005 2:31:04 AM

A cartoon for cat people

15075. iiibbb - 5/23/2005 3:10:02 AM

Ever give a cat a ping pong ball.

If you could harness the energy of a cat and a ping-pong ball in a bathtub... you'd be rich.

15076. arkymalarky - 5/23/2005 1:52:15 PM

I would assume you mean an empty bathtub. If you could get a cat into a full one with a pin-pong ball, you'd be doubly rich.

I read a good tip about bathing a cat (maybe in here--don't recall): lean an old window screen at one end of the tub and set the cat on it. He'll grip the screen while you bathe him. Supposedly. I've never tried it.

15077. Macnas - 5/23/2005 1:55:25 PM

Why, would you want to wash a cat at all for in the first place?

They spend 80% of the time cleaning themselves.

15078. arkymalarky - 5/23/2005 1:59:44 PM

All the time I had cats (before I realized after moving here that I'd become allergic) I never bathed one that I recall.

15079. arkymalarky - 5/23/2005 2:03:02 PM

I think we have a dog name: Doby. It has local relevance. Bob came very close to getting strangled over all this, I must say.

Now that it's buggy summer (and it will be VERY buggy this year, I'm afraid), I was thinking about how Diva would get all excited when we got the fly swatter or bug spray, because she loved to eat flies and wasps, especially horse flies. She'd eat about any kind of bug. She was the best little dog we ever had.

I'm picking the puppy up tomorrow. I'm still very sad about Diva, but I think I'm ready to get this new little pal, and Mojo definitely is.

15080. Macnas - 5/23/2005 2:17:10 PM

Arky girl, it'll be great.

You'll keep Diva in your heart, for sure, the way you do with all good friends.
But Doby will be a different dog, and there is nothing wrong with having fun all over again.

15081. iiibbb - 5/23/2005 2:30:22 PM

Diva must have been a smart dog to be posting in here all the time.

15082. arkymalarky - 5/23/2005 3:57:03 PM

I don't know if you ever saw the cartoon where the guy finds a singing frog and whenever he tries to make a mint off of it by showing it, it won't perform for the public. Diva was like that about posting. We could never catch her in the act.

15083. arkymalarky - 5/23/2005 3:59:18 PM

Mac, you're very right,and I'm glad I picked a puppy that wasn't ready and got time to adjust to the idea. In our small circle of old friends there are a handful of dogs in our little Hall of Fame, and Diva's definitely one.

15084. Macnas - 5/23/2005 4:00:57 PM

I remember that 'toon.

He used to sing "hello my baby".

15085. thoughtful - 5/23/2005 11:21:32 PM

yes I remember that toon too.

Re cat cartoons, one of my faves is 4 panel strip. In the first panel, the cat, wearing a cowl and a cape is sleeping on a chair. Second panel, same as the first. Third panel, cat opens one eye. Fourth panel the eye is shut. It has a big banner over it, "The Adventures of Wondercat!"

I wash my cat once a year, and more often than that I have to give him a butt washing. He's prone to a messy behind and he's graced us with his dingleberries on occasion. Probably because of his large girth, he can't reach back there. The 'spring cleaning' is to freshen him up after the long dusty winter. I wash him in the kitchen sink and always wear blue jeans into which he often digs his claws. He hollers like I'm skinning him alive, but he doesn't fight too badly. Oddly enough, it's when I'm trying to towel him off that he fights the most....go figure. Key with him I've found is to wash him in cool water. Water that feels comfortable for me really causes him distress.

15086. Magoseph - 5/24/2005 9:10:18 AM

Well, I just couldn't check out World Crossing this morning.

This server has reached its license limits for the day. Please contact the sysop at sysop@worldcrossing.com.

How weird!

Hi, Mac!

15087. Macnas - 5/24/2005 9:55:08 AM

Morning Mago

15088. Hobbes - 5/24/2005 10:06:49 AM

Hello, Mote.

Oh, it's just not me, Mago. Worldcrossing seems to be on the blink.

15089. Macnas - 5/24/2005 10:13:12 AM

I had a nice time last weekend. We went to a local “show”, or what Americans might call a county fair.
Lots of horses, ponies and draught, jumpers and hunters, dogs of every kind being walked and ran, cows being judged, big boned friesians, glossy black angus, docile Herefords brown and massive, handsome charolais with pale fawn coats and curly mops, big butt belgian blues, calves and springers, ducklings clattering around a water bath, bonamhs tucked in together sleeping in straw, four showers of rain that cleared the field each time, fish and chips and vinegar smells, hawkers selling, tall slides to watch my kids shrieking with glee on, mud and grass sticking to my boots, 4 wheel drives everywhere, police horses on show like rock stars, meeting neighbours and old friends, buying a tweed cap for my daughter who now won’t take it off, squinting at the sun when it showed itself, holding hands with my wife as we stroll around, and somehow, both of us feeling very much, at home.

15090. Magoseph - 5/24/2005 1:14:08 PM

Hello, Hobbes, nice to see you.

Mac, I was going to ask about your weekend, but I decided against doing so, not wanting to bother you again. What a terrific description you give us--I could see everything, I really could.

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