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15230. Magoseph - 5/30/2005 11:56:13 AM

Well, you're a hard act to improve on Mago...

Thanks, Mac, but not really-- if I were, there'd be more new posters in here.

15235. Magoseph - 5/30/2005 12:45:10 PM

Sorry, but I lost a post trying to get Jex's post to the Inferno. I think it's one of mine, but I'm not certain.

Excuse-moi, Jex, but that was over the limit.

15236. Magoseph - 5/30/2005 12:47:20 PM

Oh, my God, I just realize I lost more than one post. If it is one of yours, please accept my humble apologies.

15237. jexster - 5/30/2005 12:57:42 PM

Tabernac!, Choleque de merde!

God got ya ma cherie..:)

AC that was "Nice!" not "Nice!" and the picture from just outside the city should have visited

15238. jexster - 5/30/2005 1:07:10 PM

Clique ici AC

[I wouldn't try if I were you Mlle. Mago]

15239. Macnas - 5/30/2005 1:24:56 PM

Was that house(!) used in the film "Being There" ??

15240. jexster - 5/30/2005 3:45:35 PM

Yes I believe so and in Hannibal the Cannibal

15241. Macnas - 5/30/2005 4:05:58 PM

I cannot remember any of "Hannibal", but I recall "being there" quite well.

That is one big house. 8000 acres to stroll around in to boot.

15242. judithathome - 5/30/2005 4:16:49 PM

We were going to stay home today and then, yeasterday, a friend we haven't seen in 6 months called and invited us for steaks and champagne. So now we are going to his house...pool, monster grilling station, sauna, the works...for the day and will see how much money selling used foreign cars really can buy. ;-)

15243. judithathome - 5/30/2005 4:17:25 PM

Not yeast-erday but....you know.

15244. Macnas - 5/30/2005 4:28:06 PM

Does he want to buy mine? I'll throw in some footwell mats as well..

15245. Magoseph - 5/31/2005 8:44:46 AM

Location shootings at Biltmore Estates
• The Clearing—The Clearing LLC / Fox Searchlight Pictures (2002)
• Hannibal—MGM/Universal (2000)
• Patch Adams—Universal Studios (1998)
• My Fellow Americans—Warner Bros. (1996)
• Richie Rich—Warner Bros. (1994)
• Forrest Gump—Momentum Films for Paramount Pictures (1993)
• Last of the Mohicans—Forward Pass, Inc. (1991)
• Mr. Destiny—Grapeshot Productions (1990)
• The Private Eyes—Tri-Star Pictures (1980)
• Being There—Lorimar Productions (1979)
• The Swan (1956)
• Tap Roots (1948)

15246. Magoseph - 5/31/2005 2:46:48 PM

Judith, how did it go last night?

15247. Ms. No - 5/31/2005 5:00:58 PM


I had forgotten we have common roots! It was one of those bits of knowledge flying far under the radar for the past few years. I like your school link, my dad went to Episcopal High School.

15248. thoughtful - 5/31/2005 5:22:22 PM

I'm on pins and needles today...brother went in for an angioplasty and stent on his carotid artery...hoping to prevent another stroke, like he had in March. He's being operated on now and I'm waiting to hear. I hate waiting.

Dang he's only 53.

But to look at him, he looks much older. He's a smoker, drinks beer doesn't eat right and has diabetes. He's betting our 80 year old mother will outlive him. It doesn't have to be that way, but if he's not willing to change his lifestyle....

15249. Magoseph - 5/31/2005 6:47:12 PM

Oh, I feel for you waiting to know--please let us know what's going to happen.

15250. judithathome - 5/31/2005 6:49:27 PM

Good thoughts for your brother, Thoughtful.

Mags, it was fantastic! These are friends we see only once a year, usually, and we'd never seen their house. It's out in the country and is absolutely beautiful. A pool and party area and the landscaping is gorgeous, as is the interior of their house. Very open and comfortable. She has done a really nice job of decorating with an eclectic mix of modern and antiques.

We had a great time and the food was delicious. Nice weather and good music, good food, and good conversation with friends...the perfect day!

15251. Ms. No - 5/31/2005 7:25:13 PM

Well wishes for your bro, Thoughtful.

15252. thoughtful - 5/31/2005 7:36:22 PM

Thanks Mags, Judithah and Ms No....

I heard from hubby and he came through the procedure ok.
They're keeping him in the hospital for a few days though. Apparently his artery was severely blocked and now that they've opened it up, they're afraid he might pop a brain artery if they let his bp stay normal, so they're lowering it a lot and will gradually raise it to let his brain readjust to the new greater blood flow.

I just hope this scares the shit out of him so he turns his health habits around....

but somehow, I don't hold out much hope. And his wife is no help at all. She looks like an auschwitz survivor and she lives on coffee and cigarettes.

Let's just say there's lots of room for improvement there...

15253. Ms. No - 5/31/2005 7:38:49 PM

I had rather a craft-y weekend. Now, understand that I'm not much of a dab hand at crafts. My grandmother sewed like nobody's business but she didn't teach my mother nor did she teach me. My mom didn't have time or inclination if she'd had time for craft projects. She doesn't knit, she doesn't decoupage, she doesn't paint or scrapbook. Hell, I keep photos just like my mother does: in a box on the shelf with all the empty albums I've never gotten around to filling up.

For myself, I've done some ceramics (a bitch if you don't have a kiln of your own and a room that can be totally devoted to clay) I've done some painting --- I suck unless it's abstract stuff on denim. I've beaded a little - I like to collect and hoarde cool-looking beads and dream up beading projects but I don't actually like to put them together. There are any number of companies insisting that anyone can be a fabulous scrap-booker, but I don't have the mini-van or the kids at soccer camp that I think are mandatory accessories for that.

So, I took up leather tooling. Quit snickering, it's not that kind of leather.

I've attended exactly three classes at the Tandy Leather store and I've found that leather tooling is possibly the most gratifying craft in the world. You can be a totally suck-ass beginner at it and your projects still look kind of like they're supposed to. Truly.

I'm almost done with my first project --- I've only been working on it in class since there are tricks and skills to each phase/tool used. I've learned an incredible amount just on this first one. So much that I picked up another pattern to try at home on some scrap leather that I got. My second piece is already worlds better than my first one if only because I figured out how not to hit the stamps so hard. (I told my instructor that I just have a lot of aggression.)

So now I'm all antsy to do more and more and more, but I'm about a month away from having the hand-skills needed to start any real figure carving. I'm very enthused about it all, though. I think I may have finally found a craft/hobby I can stick with.

It just occurred to me that I might have rhapsodized about this already. Blame it on the tanning fumes.

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