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15549. Ulgine Barrows - 6/20/2005 7:51:26 AM

Holy crap, Magoseph! I've heard of dust allergies, but what do you have to live with? Flexy would hate our house.

Glad he's OK.

15550. Macnas - 6/20/2005 8:00:32 AM

Say hello to Flexi for me Mago, and tell him if he can't stay out of the garage, put on a dust mask.

I'll have a pint for him later on tonight.

15551. Ulgine Barrows - 6/20/2005 10:14:40 AM

Yes, let's all pray in our way.


15552. alistairconnor - 6/20/2005 10:27:03 AM

"praying" is not the term I would use, but I'm thinking positive thoughts for Flexy.
Give him my kind regards, and tell him to behave.

15553. Magoseph - 6/20/2005 12:48:09 PM

Judith, thank you for your concern and sorry for mistaking you for Arky. Ulgine, Mac, and Ali, thanks for your good wishes.

15554. wabbit - 6/20/2005 1:49:01 PM

I agree with Macnas, Flexy should wear a dust mask if he has to do something like that again. Or hire a high school kid to do it. Glad he's ok.

15555. thoughtful - 6/20/2005 2:19:36 PM

Good news all around then while I was gone...no clot, flexy's recovered. Congrats one and all.

Saw brother on Sat and he was actually starting to listen a little about the changes he needs to make in his lifestyle..not that that means he'll do anything, but at least he's listening...at least I feel better as I was able to say my peace.

I'm just stunned tho at his appearance. Dr. Schwarzbein talks about metabolic aging which is the aging related to the poor treatment of your body that is preventable...I should take a picture of he and i side by side. He looks like he's a 70 year old man, not the 53 he is. He admitted that his diabetes has never been in control since he got it. And later I found out that his wife told my husband that he says he drinks a 6-pack of beer each night, but that she knows it's more given all the empties. I was stunned. No wonder his sugar isn't in control!

And of course he's still smoking, though he seemed to smoke less in front of us. Claims he will quit when he gets the new inhaler coming in. Another shocker was when they figured out that they're spending about $800/month on ciggies. That's a freakin' mortgage payment! If that alone isn't enough incentive to quit, I don't know what is!

But it's clear from conversations with him that the stroke has damaged his brain...he has a lot of difficulty getting words to come to him when he's talking. That's not coming back.

I'm going to dig around and see if i can't find a simple to follow website on diet and exercise for diabetics. He won't read a book, but he might read a web site...maybe that will help get through to him....

But fundamentally he's never exhibited a drop of discipline in his life and I doubt he's going to start now.

15556. wonkers2 - 6/20/2005 2:31:05 PM

If he lives long enough, he'll soon find himself hooked up to an oxygen tank for emphysema.

15557. thoughtful - 6/20/2005 3:18:01 PM

It's a real toss-up as to what will kill him...the diabetes, the clogged arteries, stroke, the booze, lung cancer, heart attack....so many options there!

15558. wonkers2 - 6/20/2005 3:26:23 PM

He apparently has a death wish! When I see smokers huddled in doorways outside their office buildings in the winter, I think what a bunch of losers! (No offense intended to moties who may be smokers!)

15559. Macnas - 6/20/2005 3:47:48 PM

Just out of interest, why no offence?

15560. judithathome - 6/20/2005 3:48:18 PM

...he has a lot of difficulty getting words to come to him when he's talking. That's not coming back.

My son had this difficulty after his stroke and it DID correct itself. His may have been milder than your brother's though.

15561. wonkers2 - 6/20/2005 3:57:59 PM

Macnas, well, I have had several friends who have not been able to stop smoking (one still alive, the other prematurely dead from emphysema after 5 years hooked up to an oxygen tank). I found it counter-productive (both to stopping smoking and continued friendship)to rag them about their habit.

15562. Macnas - 6/20/2005 4:18:34 PM

Never mind me wonkers, I've been called worse.

15563. Ms. No - 6/20/2005 4:56:43 PM

Some of my best friends are Negroes.

15564. judithathome - 6/20/2005 9:24:57 PM

Doctor just called me and asked how the leg is doing and told me they are setting up an apointment for a bone density test next Tuesday. He said he thinks the pain, which is lessening a bit, is a Baker's cyst that burst and that there is nothing to do for it except wait for the pain to subside. Great.

15565. Magoseph - 6/20/2005 9:59:00 PM

I just looked up about the Baker's Cyst--it's better news than a clot--why will you have a bone density test?

15566. judithathome - 6/21/2005 12:23:16 AM

To see of the Miacalcin nose spray is helping my bones at all. If it's not, then I will have to discontinue it.

15567. arkymalarky - 6/21/2005 1:01:55 AM

Mags, you didn't confuse Judith and me. I posted earlier. Glad to hear everything's ok. The dust mask is a must when you have allergies. I don't do any of the yard work, but I'm not very allergic to dust, so housework is no problem (at least not because of allergies).

15568. Magoseph - 6/21/2005 3:18:21 PM

Digging for a lake room

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