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15569. Magoseph - 6/21/2005 3:21:33 PM

15570. Magoseph - 6/21/2005 3:24:23 PM

15571. Magoseph - 6/21/2005 3:26:57 PM

15572. Magoseph - 6/21/2005 3:33:10 PM

Well, the new lake room at my son's place will be 12X44 feet with windows all around from where they will see the lake much better than they did previously. The living room will have an arch to the lake room (so they call it--no more old porch!).

15573. Ms. No - 6/21/2005 4:25:34 PM

How exciting!

Now if I could only get my dad to send me construction pics. He finally dropped off a couple of disposable cameras full to be developed yesterday but who knows when he'll actually get the discs mailed to me. Seems like no matter how many times I show him or walk him through it he can't email the pics to me.

15574. Magoseph - 6/21/2005 4:45:44 PM

They have a crew there and several machines now-here's the first one on site. Anyway, my son and his wife won't stop improving their place for a long time--After this is finished, they will add a second floor with his and hers office and I suspect a bedroom/kitchenette/bathroom for a certain lady in her old age.

15575. Magoseph - 6/21/2005 4:47:27 PM

Well, they have no children and she has no parents and they both have plenty of money. The only thing is that they work too hard and too much, in my view, of course.

15576. Ms. No - 6/21/2005 4:58:46 PM

Here's a little something to brighten up your day!

Men In Coats

You'll need to turn your sound on for the background music.

15577. Ms. No - 6/21/2005 5:00:26 PM

If you're going to spend your dotage there, don't let them put you up on the second floor unless they install a lift of some kind.

15578. Magoseph - 6/21/2005 5:28:07 PM

I won’t be spending my dotage there—I’d rather live in my car or under a bridge than being a burden to my sons, Ms. No. Last year in spring, I was so upset with Flexy not listening to me about his health that I decided to scare the hell out of him, saying-- that’s it, I am leaving you! Discussing the whole thing with my daughter-in-law, I realized that if I wanted to move in with her and my son, I could do it—she’d be happy and so would he. I emigrated here because mainly I knew that I’d never be very independent of family if I stayed home. My father and mother’s families were so large and meddling, I could hav never escaped them, especially in having an uncle a major in the police and another one in the republican guard—these two guys found me even thought I had not registered in any embassy or consulate in this country and I didn’t want to be found yet. I’m still outraged at their nerve when I think about it.

15579. Ms. No - 6/21/2005 5:49:08 PM

I count myself very fortunate in my family. It's large and loving but not intrusive.

I realize I'd better keep close with my nephews, though, or nobody's going to come visit me in the rest home when I'm 90. ;->

15580. Magoseph - 6/21/2005 5:59:02 PM

I certainly won't be able to visityou by then, but you can visit me in mine.

15581. thoughtful - 6/21/2005 5:59:28 PM

We have no children and my nephew i wouldn't entrust to care for my cat, let alone me. So my only alternative is to be independently wealthy and afford the care I'd like to receive in my dotage.

That reminds me...I better go buy a lottery ticket...

15582. Magoseph - 6/21/2005 6:49:37 PM

We won't even care how we live by then, thoughtful.

15583. thoughtful - 6/21/2005 7:11:43 PM

Somehow, i'd like to be as hopeful as you, mags, but i've seen too many elderly people too easily mistreated and taken advantage of to feel comfortable with that.

Then again, I plan on living healthy for at least another 40-50 years, so the generation that will be caring for me hasn't even been born yet!

15584. Magoseph - 6/21/2005 7:51:05 PM

I'll probably make it to 90 or more if I inherited the family's genes, but I'm not sure I want to live that long. I should think that by that time, I would be tired to be around--probably being a pain to everyone around me and what is worse, not realizing I am.

15585. Magoseph - 6/21/2005 7:56:19 PM

The lawn mower conked out--now Flexy is on his way to get another one--the lawn boy went to town to get us some ice-cream in the meantime. Flexy is certainly hopeful that he will live for a long time--he plans to buy a lawn-mower that I think will outlive him and maybe me too.

15586. thoughtful - 6/21/2005 8:40:52 PM

Hubby and I have been married for 27 years. Our anniversary was last friday.

Why is it that we only ever have the same 5 disagreements? Why is it that we are unable to ever resolve them?

Not that they're critical to our relationship...they're the stupid little things. But they're so stupid and so little, you'd think we would grow past them. But no. They are perennial.

Like now. He's painting the foyer. I knew he would complain about the satin finish on the paint because he thinks it's too shiny. But I need that finish to be able to do the glazing treatment I want. He of course doesn't want me to do a glaze treatment. He wants wallpaper. I don't. So instead he's painting, but he's complaining. "It's way too shiny. This MUST be the wrong paint." But it isn't. Sometimes I just wish he weren't quite so predictable.

But I suppose he wishes the same about me...

15587. alistairConnor - 6/21/2005 9:29:23 PM

Congratulations Thoughtful... 27 years and still tolerating each other.

Me and the Mrs called it a day this morning. After a mere 19 years of marriage, 21 years together. We now have the opportunity to form mature adult relationships.

Yes I'm out of the closet now. I'm divorced and I'm... well not exactly proud, no.

15588. wonkers2 - 6/21/2005 10:20:31 PM

Free at last! Free at last!

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