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15600. judithathome - 6/22/2005 7:20:50 PM

Congrats on mastering the lawn mower, Magos! I'm sure Flexy realizes you are, indeed, indispensable.

15601. Neato - 6/23/2005 11:40:47 AM

Alistair, I'm sorry about you and the missus calling it a day.

I have been in NZ for a wee while, caring for my mother, who is 83, and not too good, apart from her mind which is very good indeed. So I am beginning to think that maybe a bit of brain malfunction might be good along with the body's.

15602. Neato - 6/23/2005 1:09:43 PM

Where are you shacking up, Alistair - in the newly renovated barn?

15603. arkymalarky - 6/23/2005 4:10:57 PM

Hey Neato!

The ideal might well be for both to go at the same time. My grandmother's mind went before her body, and she was a challenge in the last few years of her life, especially the transition from home to "independent living" to a nursing home. She'd climb on the roof, hide stuff everywhere, imagine intruders, and she almost set her house on fire and could have killed someone with her car before my parents managed to get it away from her.

15604. alistairconnor - 6/23/2005 4:16:25 PM

Sounds like you've been having a rough time with your mum, Neato... she's not going gently into that good night?

In the end I decided to stay in the main apartment of the moulin. I've bought it off the ex. (haven't paid her yet, seeing the bank on Tuesday). The first three months were the worst (And the second three months. They were the worst too!)
but I've come to quite enjoy being a part-time batchelor (and overrun by the kids on the weekend)

15605. Macnas - 6/23/2005 4:36:33 PM

That's an interesting question, hypothical and all as it is: Where would I go if I had to break up with my Missus? (assuming she had not eviscerated me with a rusty shovel of course)

I suppose there is the obvious, go to my home place, but fond memories and all that I have of the place and everyone in it, I find it hard to spend more than an hour there anymore without feeling like I want to run away as fast as I can. So I dread to think what staying there would be like especially under the circumsances of a break up.

I don't know. A friend of mine who broke up with his wife lived in his car for 3 days, before he got the stones to go to his sisters place and beg a room. I'll never forget helping him colect his belongings from his (ex) house, I never saw anything so sad as his material goods and clothes in black plastic bags on the back seat.

Another fellow I know left the country and has never returned. He's in London, making a living but totally baseless.

I know it seems like the worse few months of your life alistair, but you sound like you have it together.

15606. jexster - 6/24/2005 1:14:48 AM

Isn't she

    Hello everyone!

    If you are receiving this e-mail, you have signed up to be part of the Mayor's contingent in the 2005 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT) Pride Parade on Sunday, June 26th.


    This year, the Mayor's contingent color is pink in honor of the 10th anniversary of the Pink Triangle @ Twin Peaks, you can check out photos from last years dedication at


    Pink Triangle Park and Memorial


    Details about the Pride Parade can be found at www.sfpride.org

    Stand up, stand out, stand proud!

    Information you need to know about the Mayor's contingent:

    · contingent name - Mayor Gavin Newsom

    · contingent number - 55

    · contingent staging area - H located on Spear Street @ Folsom

    · arrival time at the staging area (Spear Street @ Folsom) is 9:00

    · sign in with Jason Chan 415-845-4713, who will have a list of all your names and t-shirt sizes

    · contingent lead staff will be wearing pink badges. see contingent lead staff for assistance

    · we will be handing out candy to the spectators. Please do NOT throw anything into the crowd

    · the contingent should be finished with walking parade route by 1:30 PM

    Thank you all for taking part in this years LGBT PRIDE Parade.

    Remember have fun and be proud to be part of one of San Francisco's largest annual events

15607. arkymalarky - 6/24/2005 2:15:47 AM

Sounds like a real wing-ding, Jex. Hope you have fun!

If I broke with Bob I would rent the itty-bittiest apartment I could find in the college town nearby and live with my dog. If Bob dies before me I will stay here. If I don't chicken out.

15608. Magoseph - 6/24/2005 10:15:41 AM

It is nice to have Neato back--one of these days, I may have the courage to tell how my mother dealt with old age, but I'm not ready yet--still mourning, I guess.

Arky, that would be the ideal life for me too living near a college town--I did that for five years before I married Flexy. There was a place I remember with fondness—professors and students speaking foreign languages met twice a week—it was fun helping new arrivals accustom themselves to university life.

15609. Magoseph - 6/24/2005 10:16:06 AM

Hello, Mac!

15610. Macnas - 6/24/2005 10:23:17 AM

Hello Mago, I trust Flexy is recovered and up and about?

15611. Magoseph - 6/24/2005 11:02:39 AM

Oh, yes, Mac—he proved that by mowing part of the lawn yesterday. Flexy is concerned about his lungs because about 20 years ago, he had double pneumonia. The doctor who treated him at the time told me that without penicillin he would have died. Flexy is determined to make it as long as his mother did and that is 95. Do you have any special plans this weekend with the missus and kiddies?

15612. PelleNilsson - 6/24/2005 11:47:19 AM

We are off on vacation. See you in ten days or so.

15613. Macnas - 6/24/2005 11:50:17 AM

Double pneumonia eh? I had that when I was 2 years old.

As for the weekend, I'm not too sure. If the weather is fair I might do some yard work, as the yanquis call it, that needs doing. If the weather turns out very good, I might take us all to the sea. If I can borrow a rod I'll do some rock fishing while I'm there.

Lot's of "if's", but I'm easy about it.

15614. Magoseph - 6/24/2005 11:50:50 AM

Bon voyage, Pelle!

15615. Macnas - 6/24/2005 11:50:52 AM

Pelle, have a good time, talk to you when you get back.

15616. alistairconnor - 6/24/2005 11:58:10 AM

Hey Mago, here's a little whiff of madeleine for you :

This weekend, we (me and the girls) are going to the Fête de la Transhumance in Die.

I'd like to drive down there tonight so that we can see the sheep driven through the streets tomorrow morning. And all the associated concerts, feasting, markets and other festivities. And stay with friends a little further north, in the Vercors.

15617. alistairconnor - 6/24/2005 11:58:51 AM

Oh bugger! I had a whole lot more detailed recommendations to formulate, Pelle...

15618. alistairconnor - 6/24/2005 12:02:37 PM

... are you still listening?

In particular, on the correct way to view the nuclear power station at Flamanville. On foot. Pick up a map that details the Sentier de Grande Randonée (GR) can't remember which number, which follows the coast all around the Cotentin peninsula... take a picnic, make a day of it, get a taxi back to the car at the end of the day. Something like that.

15619. alistairconnor - 6/24/2005 12:05:10 PM

That's a general recommendation, choose any section of the GR. Visit obscure little castles : my favourite is Pirou, from whence the barely-de-Vikingised lords took off on a crusade and ended up kings of Sicily.

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