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16109. Macnas - 8/9/2005 3:57:46 PM

That's very strange. As someone states in that article, adoptions to non-nationals outside the country are all but impossible. Our adoption agency would hardly allow it.

The fact that they were adopted out of South America, and they are two different children, i.e. not blood brother and sister, tends to suggest that this was a money based adoption. There are private agencies that you can basically sell your unwanted children to.
Irish children are rarely put up for adoption anymore in any case.

If I was a cynic, I'd say that the Roberts wanted two nice, white children, and bought them as soon as they came up for sale.

16110. thoughtful - 8/9/2005 4:15:38 PM

of course that wouldn't stop gopers from supporting him even if he did buy black market babies...after all that demonstrates how pro life he is...even (especially?) if it's white life!

16111. alistairconnor - 8/9/2005 4:21:41 PM

White life
Not the good life
but it's my life

16112. jayackroyd - 8/9/2005 5:30:10 PM

yeah, macnas, that's how I read it.

Strange, too, that they specifically want Irish children. Not merely white children. I wonder if they wanted some kind of Catholic seal of certification as well.

Since I've never had the thing about wanting children, I can't say I understand it. But it seems just plain weird to me that if you were gonna adopt a kid, it would have to be a certain skin color, never mind national heritage or hair color. (This isn't a reverse racism thing; I find Mia Farrow just as weird.)

OTOH, this guy's whole life has political opportunity written on it, so it would be passing strange for him to do something really skeevy in acquiring his children.

And this is an appointment, not an election. It's hard to construct a coherent argument for why this would bother you enough to publicly reject the guy for office. (It might ruin a guy running for office. Secret ballot and all.)

16113. Macnas - 8/9/2005 6:24:39 PM

I'm not sure that there was any specific wish on the part of the Roberts to adopt Irish children. The article and the background information does not give any indication of it, whatever about the musings of those who post to that website.

Again, if I were a cynic, nay, not just a cynic, but a conspiracy theorising, black helicopter new world order nutjob head-the-ball jackinthebox cynic, I might say that they wanted Irish children because they have a better than even chance of being genetically pure blood white, that is, they have not been contaminated by the genes of asians and africans.

Alas, I have a notion that I have some Norman blood in my genetic makeup, so I may well be contaminated, quel dommage.

16114. jayackroyd - 8/9/2005 6:33:46 PM

No, making that claim (that they wanted Irish children) is an inference not supported solely by the information in that article. Nor is there any other material I know of to support such an inference.

I'm not sure what genetically pure blood white is, but I do admit that I thinking along those wacko lines you're exploring.
Does this mean that you do not believe that you are the father of either, or both, of those children?

But this line of discussion does force me to post this video again: Bill Maher on Roberts on Tonight Show

16115. Macnas - 8/9/2005 6:44:07 PM

With regards to possible paternity, I think I was at the dog track those nights, so it couldn't have been me.

Besides, any child of mine will be cursed with black or red hair, green eyes and a mean disposition. I seriously doubt I'm capable of siring blonde good-natured children.

And alas again, I cannot watch that video, due to my creaky old workstation running an even creakier version of NT.

16116. Jenerator - 8/10/2005 4:21:10 AM

Oh and Jen? Why shouldn't I run for council? It's a small village, not the city. I am very familiar with and liked by 70% of the population and am very familiar with all the ordinances and regulations of the place.


That's good that you're well-received by a majority of the population and that you're familiar with all (??) of the ordinances. I suspect that there's a whole lot more to local politics than what you see and hear about, though. Procedure is one thing and then there are different divisions within each town, village or city that really need people with more than a pasing familiarity of specialization (code, utilities, tax laws, etc.)

Mostly, I am suggesting that you do not run because I think it [local politics] will be a source of great grief for you. I have seen what it has done for various councilmen and councilwomen and nine times out of ten, the issues are buried under power struggles and personality clashes and alliances.

You are too nice to be swallowed up by that garbage.

Are you advising against it because of the small mindedness of small towns? That IS one disturbing factor, I'll grant that.

EGO is the biggest disturbing factor of politics, for me. I have two councilpersons that are on my personal shit list because of what they have done to me and my family. They could care less about what is good for our city, it's all about personal gain and the perception of being right.

I could tell you all kinds of stories.

16117. RickNelson - 8/10/2005 8:03:42 AM

Hello, you talkin' to me?

He's about 4 months here. He's 14 months now.

Watta boy!

This is Jacob.

16118. alistairconnor - 8/10/2005 8:04:34 AM

You can tell he's a poet!

16119. RickNelson - 8/10/2005 8:10:58 AM

Dad taking the boy for a stroll along the coastal, waterbreak.

My brother inlaw's kids are the three to the right, my sister inlaw's kids are the middle holding Jacob, and the two to the left. My daughter, now 20 is in the top middle.

16120. RickNelson - 8/10/2005 8:17:58 AM

This is Andrea and Jacob at the beach in Miri City, Sarawak, Malaysia. You've read about these sunsets before.

16121. alistairconnor - 8/10/2005 8:21:13 AM

I can see the first picture, not the other two.

"Yahoo! AtroCities
The web site you are trying to access has exceeded its allocated data transfer. Access to this site will be restored within an hour. Please try again later."

Damn. I'll have a look later.

16122. RickNelson - 8/10/2005 8:22:47 AM

Drat! Is there a more reliable site to save pictures for loading?

16123. alistairconnor - 8/10/2005 8:40:03 AM

People use Shutterfly.

16124. RickNelson - 8/10/2005 9:03:01 AM

Dang it, I'm tired now, it's 3am. I've been trying to sign up for Shutterfly, now that I've downloaded the free program.

Something is messed up via the server or my settings.

I hooked up Roadrunner cable just this past evening.

3 meg took 9 seconds. Using my 56k it would have been over an hour.

16125. RickNelson - 8/10/2005 9:04:50 AM

hmmmmm. I can see the pictures at the present time, but I have re-opened the photo page where they reside. It's a Geocities, Yahoo site. I figured it would be a quick trial for staging photos. But, if it's only active when I've loaded the page, I wont like it.

Now I'll test that theory.

16126. RickNelson - 8/10/2005 9:07:17 AM

I've closed that browser window, and I can still see them. I know that it isn't supposed to matter, but I can't shake trying weird solutions.

Well, as alistair noted, it was the server exceeding the allocated data transfer rate. I hope it will show these from now on?

16127. RickNelson - 8/10/2005 9:28:19 AM

dang it, they've disappeared again. This transfer rate is way to low, it's their scam to make me buy the pro version. I'm gonna get rid of two of the six photos, and maybe these four will always be available.

The site states I have to wait an hour to access my page.


16128. alistairconnor - 8/10/2005 9:29:19 AM

Your browser has a local copy in cache, because you've already seen the pictures. That doesn't prove that other people will be able to see them...

I can see them all now! Ah ooh wow! I love that cousins picture. And the sunset of course...

The problem is, once a few people take a look at them in any given time period, you'll hit your transfer quota again... shutterfly would be better, if you can get it to work for you.

Congratulations about the broadband, it's time I checked out the rumours that I could get DSL at home...

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