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16271. judithathome - 8/19/2005 4:37:52 PM

Lucky strike, Alistair! The Hawaiian gods must have you on their list.

Is the FOP involved? Who all was on this committee?

No to the first question and me, a bunch of other citizens, and informally, one of the councilmen and the Mayor. It's more of an action committee, a bloc who supports and works for the candidates we decide to run for office. The active councilman and the Mayor do not participate in the political activity but they are aware of what we are doing and receive all communications we send out.

Jen, as I'm sure you are aware, this is a very small community. It is split 70-30 over the police chief issue and I am on the side of the 70%. The other side feels it is just hunky dorey to send out broadsides with personal attacks (accusing people of adultry, spousal abuse, lying, theft of public funds, and being unChristian) and they don't care one whit if any of it is true. They attacked an 85 year old woman who has lived here all her life for speaking out agaisnt a man who was spreading lies about his opponent; they attacked a woman who writes a column in the local paper for being married more than once...she was widowed twice...spreading all this garbage about her on the night before she was taking her husband to Dallas for cancer surgery.

They are the reason I'm not too crazy about running for office any longer. On the other hand, I hate to let people like that scare me off.

16272. Ms. No - 8/19/2005 4:43:55 PM


I say check your blood pressure and if it's good then give 'em hell! I will personally send you a six-pack of whup-ass to open at your convenience.

16273. judithathome - 8/19/2005 4:55:45 PM

Well, I might need it.

But seriously, I don't think I will be the choice of the committee. For one thing, I've expressed my anger about the former police chief backing out on us and everyone else is handing down the "The poor guy, he's been hounded out of a job by these awful people" line.

No, he wasn't hounded out; he knew the same people were living here who were living here before, when he really WAS hounded out of his job...he kept assuring us he would come back up until the day after the new chief was voted out.

I've since learned he is living with a 22 year old woman who is not divorced from her former husband yet. I guess he rightly thought this wouldn't go over well with the 30%ers. That's all fine and good...but he knew he would be living with her weeks ago and should have, at the very least, let us know he had doubts.

16274. Ms. No - 8/19/2005 5:27:54 PM

Yes, he should have. That's just sorry, you know?

16275. thoughtful - 8/20/2005 2:50:19 PM

Using shutterfly, I've pulled together a bunch of my pics that I especially like and am having them made into a custom calendar which I'll be shipping out as xmas gifts.

It is just too cool to be able to do that.

Wouldn't be able to do it without having learned about shutterfly in the mote.


16276. Magoseph - 8/20/2005 3:20:25 PM

You can even purchase a custom calendar sofware program and do it yourself. I learned everything I know computer-wise in the Mote, over the years, of course.

16277. The Summer Woman - 8/20/2005 7:33:10 PM

Mago - Thanks for inquiring. I doing fine. Plumbing problems - water, not sewage.


16278. Magoseph - 8/20/2005 9:05:04 PM


It's very nice of you to come over and reassure me--I was afraid to have been too forward at your place, asking about something you didn't mention there.
Take good care of your self.

16279. The Summer Woman - 8/20/2005 10:33:27 PM

Hey, Mago - I come here more often than you might think!

16280. Magoseph - 8/22/2005 11:40:16 AM

Hello, Summer! I'm glad that you are of of us.

How are things, Mac?

16281. Macnas - 8/22/2005 12:33:42 PM

Grandio Mago, think I'll go for some lunch before tracing roof leaks.

Talk to you later.

16282. Magoseph - 8/22/2005 3:04:35 PM

Butch weights 60 lbs. You would think the two of us could cleanse his ears and put the ointment in without difficulty. Well, no, it is a trial every time. Naturally, it is not my fault.

16283. arkymalarky - 8/22/2005 11:37:47 PM

60 lbs is pretty large. Mojo is about 75 lbs and Gus is about 65 lbs, and they both look really big, though of course Gus is much furrier.

16284. judithathome - 8/23/2005 12:01:36 AM

Gus and Mojo are beautiful dogs. And of course, Mazie is adorable.

16285. arkymalarky - 8/23/2005 12:08:07 AM

Thanks! I should have taken a picture of Gus after he got back from the vet. They bathed and brushed him and cut his hair (not short--just to get the mats out). He looked gorgeous.

16286. judithathome - 8/23/2005 12:12:54 AM

He looked gorgeous the day he walked up. ;-)

16287. Magoseph - 8/23/2005 12:17:20 AM

How is Klaus, Judith?

16288. judithathome - 8/23/2005 2:34:51 AM

He's doing really well...still eating prescription food but at least it is agreeing with him.

16289. Magoseph - 8/24/2005 4:36:47 PM

I'm very glad to know that he is fine now, Judith.

Hello, Moties, life can be so mundane sometimes.

Butch escaped his leash last evening, ran after a squirrel, and came back with a kind neighbor who tackled him down, deep into the woods. I will save you the rendition of the agony that we experienced looking for him. Now, Flexy knows what a Border Collie/Labrador will do, given the opportunity.

This morning, we had no water and no electricity. They both came back everywhere, except in the kitchen. The way I feel now, I may just condemn this room forever and go to restaurants. It may be cheaper in the end and much more enjoyable than coping with plumbers and electricians.

What is new with you? Any tale of mishaps you would like to tell me about this morning, so that I can feel that I am not alone in house misery?

16290. Jenerator - 8/24/2005 5:38:36 PM

I have a different tale of woe.

I negotiated a way to go part-time this year. I alternate days and work only on B-days, but I teach 4 classes with no conference periods. This means I teach more than part-time and should be compensated. I also sponsor three clubs and have to attend clusters weekly.

Anyway, they're wanting to only pay me half-time salary - even though I am working more. So, definitely job frustration.

My mom has neglected her health and so she is having spinal fusion surgery on Monday (two days after my baby shower!). All of this could have been avoided if she had gone to the doctor 8 months ago.

I love my mom so much, but I do not understand why she neglects herself.

She probably won't be able to watch the baby this fall which I know will be hard for her, too.

I am not mad because that will inconvenience me, but it is a change that I have to account for, and I do not know who will be able to watch a 6 week old - or how I will afford it on a cut salary!

I hate it when people I love do not take their healths seriously.

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