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16284. judithathome - 8/23/2005 12:01:36 AM

Gus and Mojo are beautiful dogs. And of course, Mazie is adorable.

16285. arkymalarky - 8/23/2005 12:08:07 AM

Thanks! I should have taken a picture of Gus after he got back from the vet. They bathed and brushed him and cut his hair (not short--just to get the mats out). He looked gorgeous.

16286. judithathome - 8/23/2005 12:12:54 AM

He looked gorgeous the day he walked up. ;-)

16287. Magoseph - 8/23/2005 12:17:20 AM

How is Klaus, Judith?

16288. judithathome - 8/23/2005 2:34:51 AM

He's doing really well...still eating prescription food but at least it is agreeing with him.

16289. Magoseph - 8/24/2005 4:36:47 PM

I'm very glad to know that he is fine now, Judith.

Hello, Moties, life can be so mundane sometimes.

Butch escaped his leash last evening, ran after a squirrel, and came back with a kind neighbor who tackled him down, deep into the woods. I will save you the rendition of the agony that we experienced looking for him. Now, Flexy knows what a Border Collie/Labrador will do, given the opportunity.

This morning, we had no water and no electricity. They both came back everywhere, except in the kitchen. The way I feel now, I may just condemn this room forever and go to restaurants. It may be cheaper in the end and much more enjoyable than coping with plumbers and electricians.

What is new with you? Any tale of mishaps you would like to tell me about this morning, so that I can feel that I am not alone in house misery?

16290. Jenerator - 8/24/2005 5:38:36 PM

I have a different tale of woe.

I negotiated a way to go part-time this year. I alternate days and work only on B-days, but I teach 4 classes with no conference periods. This means I teach more than part-time and should be compensated. I also sponsor three clubs and have to attend clusters weekly.

Anyway, they're wanting to only pay me half-time salary - even though I am working more. So, definitely job frustration.

My mom has neglected her health and so she is having spinal fusion surgery on Monday (two days after my baby shower!). All of this could have been avoided if she had gone to the doctor 8 months ago.

I love my mom so much, but I do not understand why she neglects herself.

She probably won't be able to watch the baby this fall which I know will be hard for her, too.

I am not mad because that will inconvenience me, but it is a change that I have to account for, and I do not know who will be able to watch a 6 week old - or how I will afford it on a cut salary!

I hate it when people I love do not take their healths seriously.

16291. thoughtful - 8/24/2005 7:14:35 PM

I'm curious how one avoids spinal fusion....what kind of health care would help?

16292. wonkers2 - 8/24/2005 8:10:19 PM

Good posture, back exercises and careful lifting (with your legs)??? (I don't pretend to expertise.)

16293. wonkers2 - 8/24/2005 8:11:05 PM

Cap'n Dirty sez, "I've found sex oncet a day to be helpful!"

16294. PelleNilsson - 8/24/2005 8:40:10 PM

Jen, please convey my best regards and best wishes to marshame.

16295. arkymalarky - 8/24/2005 8:45:22 PM

No real mishaps here, at least not yet. I already had to miss work today to get a minor problem from spring surgery tended to--a little scar tissue from a suture, but I'm feeling better than I have in a long time. The school year is off to a great start, though my schedule is way overloaded this year.

WRT your mom, Jen, I hope she does well with the surgery. People seem to get so busy these days, they neglect things they should tend to until they just can't function any more. WRT your job schedule, in AR the district has to figure out the exact amount of time a part time teacher is working and pay that percentage of the f/t salary, plus the stipends for any extra duties. Of course AR pay is not as high as many districts in TX, but at least it is fair in relation to other teachers in a given district.

16296. arkymalarky - 8/24/2005 8:47:19 PM

Oh, Mazie did get out of her pen the other day, but she didn't go anywhere, thank goodness. I got home and she was on the porch with the two big dogs. Our patio umbrella had blown onto the fence in a little storm and it evidently made the gate fly open when it hit.

16297. arkymalarky - 8/24/2005 8:48:08 PM

AND, in AR, by law you must be provided AND COMPENSATED for a preparation period if you are teaching part time.

16298. thoughtful - 8/24/2005 9:50:19 PM

only reason i ask is I managed to avoid spinal fusion but only by opting for a different surgery. All the traction, chiropractic, exercise, and physical therapy and drug therapy was to no avail.

16299. woden - 8/25/2005 12:04:04 AM

Sorry to hear about your mom, Jenerator. Hope everything is ok otherwise.

16300. Macnas - 8/25/2005 8:12:43 AM

Jen, tell marshame that we're all wishing her the very best and a quick recovery.

Hello woden, how's married life suiting you?

16301. Magoseph - 8/25/2005 11:34:22 AM

Hello, I plan to visit the new addition on my son's house one of these mornings (see new pictures in Good Life). Now, they can make plans for floor, ceiling, and furnishing.

As for the homefront, things are just fine because the water and electricity have been restored completely.

Best wishes to Jen's Mom.

Hey woden, nice to see you here.

Hello, Mac!

16302. Macnas - 8/25/2005 12:51:44 PM

Hello Mago.

16303. Jenerator - 8/25/2005 5:24:35 PM

Thanks all of you, I know that your well wishes will mean a lot to my mom.

She started experiencing some pain in January and that's when I told her she needed to get it checked out, She wouldn't. We almost performed an intervention in May because she was taking so many Tylenols and complaining of chronic pain and limited functioning. Again, she refused to go to the doctor. In June, I noticed that her right leg was visibly smaller than her left and expressed major concern. She blew it off and said that she'd see her doctor later.

By July, my husband and I demanded that she go and she finally acquiesced, but it took 6 weeks to get into the doctor.

he noticed that part of her spine had become unstable and that she had a severely pinched nerve and herniated disk. If she put off treatment, she would lose her leg and the ability to function from the waist down.

Was that a wake up call???

I am not entirely sure. She is having the surgery on Monday, which should alleviate the pain of the pinched nerve, but she has still expressed a dread about missing work!

Missing work??

We went out to lunch the day before yesterday and I picked her brain, I wanted to know why she was neglecting herself - both of her parents died because they did not get the medical help they needed. Did she want to be next?
Yes, I even laid some guilt on her explaining that she would be abandoning her grandbabies.

It all boiled down to some sort of weird guilt stemming from the work ethic pounded into her brain by her Depression surving parents. For them, sickness was weakness and only the truly sick should go to the doctor - not people with back pain, etc.

It was as if I had to convince her that she was not having elective or cosmetic surgery.

I hope that this down time will force her to relax and recover. What I mostly fear is that she will not allow for healing to take place, but will further damage herself by insisting on not following doctor's orders.

If only she knew how this made me, my husband and her friends feel. We all love her so much and feel so helpless over her obstinance in all of this.

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