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16353. PelleNilsson - 8/28/2005 4:12:18 PM

OK. And what are you aiming for?

16354. arkymalarky - 8/28/2005 4:27:32 PM

Thanks, Thoughtful! I loved that test, and I know it was a better one for me to take than the GRE would have been. In fact, I wasn't going to mention it (;-)), but we got our scores as soon as we finished the test, because it's on the computer now, and I ranked in the 99th percentile, so I was thrilled. The lady said it was the highest she'd ever seen. Wish I had options to do something more in graduate school than I have right now.


In the short term I'm aiming for the raise--$7000 a year--in time enough to get the benefit for my retirement plan, which uses the highest three years of my salary as a teacher to determine my retirement. I can retire in four years with full benefits, and can work part time or full time on something else, or take some time off, or just quit working. It's not the field I would have chosen, but I'm limited by time, location, and monoey, and I would be fine with the work if I chose to use the degree (curriculum and instruction, with an ESL emphasis), but the course of study is not very interesting. I may also look into law school after I retire, in order to do more with rural education in Arkansas.

16355. PelleNilsson - 8/28/2005 4:58:02 PM

It's not the field I would have chosen, but I'm limited by time, location, and monoey, and I would be fine with the work if I chose to use the degree (curriculum and instruction, with an ESL emphasis), but the course of study is not very interesting

Maybe I'm dense, but I don't find that sentence very illuminating as to your scholarly intentions.

16356. arkymalarky - 8/28/2005 5:19:28 PM

The first sentence is the illuminating one: it's for the money. This is a strongly state-supplemented program, which means getting the degree will cost much less than a masters in another area, while the raise in my salary will be significant. I will be able to pay for my part of the expense of the degree (which will take about 2 years to get) in one year of teaching, and my retirement benefits will be much higher, as well.

It's also a good program for part time work, if I decide to go that route after I retire. I'd be working with ESL students and their families. Before I retire from teaching, I will be the person responsible for dealing with ESL issues, in addition to teaching. I'll have time set aside in the school day specifically for that.

After I retire I may go to law school and continue to work on rural education issues, and having a good MAT score and a good GPA in a masters program will help, especially since I was such a slacker in high school and as an undergrad.

16357. arkymalarky - 8/28/2005 5:20:46 PM

I was originally planning to get an MLA (Master of Liberal Arts), but this degree is more useful and more economically sensible for me.

16358. arkymalarky - 8/28/2005 5:25:53 PM

Man, things are looking bad for New Orleans. One of Bob's best friends lives there, and since she's an RN I figure she's there for the duration.

16359. PelleNilsson - 8/28/2005 5:53:24 PM

I'm not an American, arky. What is ESL?

16360. thoughtful - 8/28/2005 6:36:16 PM

ESL=English as a Second Language

16361. PelleNilsson - 8/28/2005 6:41:42 PM

People like me, that is, who don't grok acronyms like MAT, GRE, and ESL.

16362. thoughtful - 8/28/2005 6:45:30 PM

I never pursued it as i ran out of time, but i did train to be a teacher for literacy volunteers...but for those who can't read as opposed to those who speak a different language.

Problem is people are shy to come forward admitting they can't read, whereas people are less embarrassed to admit they can't speak english when they're from another land.

I was considering teaching literacy in prison as the recidivism rates are significantly lower once an inmate has learned to read, and they are willing to admit it, seeing as they'll do anything to occupy their empty time. However, I just wasn't sure it was an environment I could handle.

Perhaps once I retire, it's something I can explore...

16363. PelleNilsson - 8/28/2005 6:56:22 PM

That would be an admirable thing to do in my opinion.

16364. arkymalarky - 8/28/2005 7:37:30 PM

Oh, duh. Sorry Pelle. I thought back in Irv and DanD days that ESL was used a lot (and I thought it's where I first encountered it). Not to make excuses, but this stupid isp is so slow, particularly today, besides tying up my one phone line, that I post in a rush any more.

Thoughtful, Bob is about to start teaching GED math classes (it stands for General Education Degree, I think--for high school graduate equivalency) one night a week, and it's a great chance to help adults who want and need extra help to get an education and didn't qualify for special services in public schools. They'd love to have someone like you, and I'm certain there's a GED program or something like it in your community.

16365. arkymalarky - 8/28/2005 7:45:27 PM

Actually, as fond as Americans are of PC acronyms, they're now using ELL (English Language Learners) instead of ESL.

16366. PelleNilsson - 8/28/2005 7:51:26 PM

No problem, arky. I was just provoking you a bit, thinking that if you are going into ESL (ELL) you must not take much for granted.

16367. arkymalarky - 8/28/2005 8:55:39 PM

Hahaha! You're too subtle for me--or I'm too dense for you.

That's so true. And I should know that already, having had numerous exchange students and plenty of EFL's who have trouble understanding me.

16368. Macnas - 8/29/2005 9:59:35 AM

We call it TEFL, teaching english as a foreign language.
Many people I know have done it, gives them a chance to head off to Italy on the pretence of working.

16369. Magoseph - 8/29/2005 1:59:39 PM

Hello, Mac, wonkers, and every other precious Motie out there!

16370. Macnas - 8/29/2005 2:05:57 PM

Hello Mago.

16371. Jenerator - 8/29/2005 6:45:28 PM

My mom is in recovery as we speak.

Her interbody spinal fusion surgery went well according to the neurosurgeon and so we are waiting to see her in about an hour. She has a long recovery period (3 hours), and will be out of it when we see her, but I am relieved that so far so good.

Her back brace is ENORMOUS and so my heart is sad that her life will be greatly altered once she is awake and begins the healing process. She has to wear thebrace for six months!

That said, I am glad she finally got the treatment she needed and that we are blessed to live within proximity of one of the best neurosurgeons in the US!

Anyway, I appreciate all of your kind thoughts and prayers.

16372. wonkers2 - 8/29/2005 7:40:41 PM

I hope it turns out well!

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