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16399. Magoseph - 9/1/2005 12:45:32 PM

That is just too bad, Jen, but throw your weight around and scream bloody murder and these inadequate nurses will quack in their shoes and fulfill your every wish.

16400. judithathome - 9/1/2005 1:10:58 PM

So I'm up at the crack of dawn today...you might think it's because I'm going to pick up my car bright and early but you'd be wrong.

16401. Macnas - 9/1/2005 1:48:38 PM

Judith, I get the impression that everything is not going your way right now.

16402. judithathome - 9/1/2005 2:02:18 PM

Ha...you are so right! This has been the August of my Discontent.

16403. Magoseph - 9/1/2005 2:08:30 PM

Has school started where you are, Mac.? I thought that maybe you took a holiday before it did.

16404. Macnas - 9/1/2005 2:20:07 PM

I took last Friday off Mago, for my wifes birthday.

And yes, both my kids went off to school today, and about time too, lazy devils.

16405. Magoseph - 9/1/2005 3:44:35 PM

Maybe your wife will have some rest now--I realize in retrospective that many of the trips I took with the boys during the summer when they were children happened because it was easier to provide entertainment for them this way than at home. I would manage to end every trip in a place where they could participate in sports. Once they exhausted themselves, I would head for home and for a while enjoyed a quiet house, that is, until the next trip. I realize also now that the kids actually tricked me often to the point that I had only one thought in mind and it was: Let’s get the hell out of here right now!

16406. Macnas - 9/1/2005 4:15:00 PM

Indeed Mago, she said to me a few minutes ago that she found the whole thing very "liberating".

16407. Magoseph - 9/1/2005 4:39:12 PM

I bet she felt that way! You know, at first after they were gone, I thought there was something was wrong with me walking down the street without two energetic boys trailing me. When I realized they really were gone for ever as boys and I had done with them the very best I knew how, the sense of liberation was so powerful that I was giddy with i. Time for me, I thought and then I went to the nearest university and enrolled for a teaching degree.

16408. alistairConnor - 9/1/2005 5:08:51 PM

This week I am at home with my daughters and my mother. They have somewhat divergent needs.

Yesterday I took the girls rock climbing, and my mother sat and watched. That worked well.

16409. Macnas - 9/1/2005 5:15:39 PM

Is your Mam visiting?

16410. Magoseph - 9/1/2005 5:15:46 PM

You could have brought your girl friend to keep company with your mother.

16411. Macnas - 9/1/2005 5:20:45 PM

See the bear in the cage! go on, poke him with a stick! lookit him! poke him some more!

16412. Macnas - 9/1/2005 5:21:20 PM

See yez tomorrow.

16413. alistairConnor - 9/1/2005 9:34:44 PM

Yes, my Mam has just done a three-week tour through the Baltic states, then Petrograd to Moscow on a boat. I ordered her to spend a week with us before going back to NZ.

Oddly enough, Mago, I did bring the girlfriend... she's the climbing instructor.

I introduced her to the girls as "a friend" (je crois que l'ainée a senti qu'il y avait anguille sous roche). I confessed all to my mother of course.

16414. Ms. No - 9/1/2005 9:45:17 PM


Know anything or have any opinions about WireHog?

16415. SnowOwl - 9/1/2005 9:48:07 PM

You'd better come back too, Alistair. I think we're going to need your vote.

If Brash wins I may have to emigrate.

16416. alistairConnor - 9/1/2005 10:15:53 PM

Never fear Snow, I'm going to download a ballot paper off the internet, and fax it back or whatever. Yes I will vote.

I still think a Labour/Green government is the most likely outcome, even as a minority government.

Have you seen the Frogblog?

16417. alistairConnor - 9/1/2005 10:18:30 PM

Wirehog, No :
I never heard of it before... looked it up, it looks cool...
that is not a qualified opinion or anything

16418. Snowowl - 9/1/2005 10:41:43 PM

Nice blog, Alistair.

I've been politically apathetic for years. In fact, I've been breaking the law by not even being on the roll. However, this year I'm motivated enough to enrol and actually vote.

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