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16444. Magoseph - 9/5/2005 10:48:49 AM

Hello, Mac!

16445. Macnas - 9/5/2005 11:10:58 AM

Hello Mago.

16446. Max Macks - 9/6/2005 12:08:51 AM

Hi Mago

16447. Magoseph - 9/6/2005 12:17:37 AM

Hi, Max!

16448. absensia - 9/6/2005 5:17:06 AM

Hi everyone, nice to see you. Good going, Mags!

16449. Macnas - 9/6/2005 8:41:31 AM

Mago is a star.

16450. Magoseph - 9/6/2005 10:53:51 AM

Thank you, Abs. It's so nice to hear from you.

Since I found out ago there's no bound to my ego, I always thought that I'd have been just the type to enjoy being a movie star. I thank you very much for the compliment. You always brighten the day for me, Mac, especially whem you take the time to answer my morning hello.

16451. Magoseph - 9/6/2005 10:55:05 AM

whem=when, of course--I should always preview and I do most times.

16452. alistairconnor - 9/6/2005 11:36:48 AM

Je te fais la bise, Mago
Tu sais que je suis malpoli, souvent j'oublies

16453. Magoseph - 9/6/2005 11:51:38 AM

Ali, ça n'a pas d'importance que tu sois poli ou non envers moi--je t'aime quand même et en dépis de tout. Et puis en plus, je suis fidèle, moi.

16454. alistairconnor - 9/6/2005 12:05:29 PM

Ah ça! Même quand je ne suis pas poli, je reste fidèle... je t'aime Mago.

16455. Magoseph - 9/6/2005 12:15:48 PM

Ah, moi aussi, beaucoup, Ali.

16456. Macnas - 9/6/2005 12:33:34 PM

Touching, I may cry.

16457. Magoseph - 9/6/2005 12:43:16 PM

You and Judith have the gift of making me laugh aloud, so suddenly am I struck by the aptness of your short one-liners.

16458. thoughtful - 9/6/2005 3:10:57 PM

Just to let you all know, my MIL passed away on saturday. It was really a good thing as we saw her before she died and, even though she was well drugged on morphine and not conscious, her poor frail body was gasping and struggling for every breath. It was very hard to watch. She made it to 91 though, which is far too old to worry about dying young.

She survived her husband of 55 years of marriage by 16 years, and I'm sure he's delighted to have her back, but we on earth will miss her.

16459. alistairconnor - 9/6/2005 3:16:54 PM

May she rest in peace, Thoughtful. My sympathy to you two.

16460. Magoseph - 9/6/2005 3:57:16 PM

Thoughtful, my condolances to you and your family.

16461. Ms. No - 9/6/2005 4:33:01 PM

T'ful, I'm glad her suffering is done, but I'm sorry for your loss. Give my best to Mr. T'ful.

16462. Magoseph - 9/6/2005 4:53:02 PM

Ms. No--I'm thinking of taking Butch outside this afternoon, chain him to a tree, hose him down, shampoo him, and then rinse him out, all that in the sun. Is that an acceptable way to treat him, I’m asking you Should I use a bathtub in the house, or a shower-stall? I mean, this dog weighs sixty pounds, is rather fierce and wants to run after every wild animal he smells in the area. I am double his weight,—will I be able to hold him, you think? He obeys me, so far, but what if he goes after me, being subjected to such treatment? I don't want to involve Flexy in this matter at all because it may be such a production, I'll be in bed the rest of the day recovering from the experience.

16463. Magoseph - 9/6/2005 4:55:15 PM

Until now, I brushed him faithfully every day, but now I must bathe him somehow--he stinks too much.

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