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16457. Magoseph - 9/6/2005 12:43:16 PM

You and Judith have the gift of making me laugh aloud, so suddenly am I struck by the aptness of your short one-liners.

16458. thoughtful - 9/6/2005 3:10:57 PM

Just to let you all know, my MIL passed away on saturday. It was really a good thing as we saw her before she died and, even though she was well drugged on morphine and not conscious, her poor frail body was gasping and struggling for every breath. It was very hard to watch. She made it to 91 though, which is far too old to worry about dying young.

She survived her husband of 55 years of marriage by 16 years, and I'm sure he's delighted to have her back, but we on earth will miss her.

16459. alistairconnor - 9/6/2005 3:16:54 PM

May she rest in peace, Thoughtful. My sympathy to you two.

16460. Magoseph - 9/6/2005 3:57:16 PM

Thoughtful, my condolances to you and your family.

16461. Ms. No - 9/6/2005 4:33:01 PM

T'ful, I'm glad her suffering is done, but I'm sorry for your loss. Give my best to Mr. T'ful.

16462. Magoseph - 9/6/2005 4:53:02 PM

Ms. No--I'm thinking of taking Butch outside this afternoon, chain him to a tree, hose him down, shampoo him, and then rinse him out, all that in the sun. Is that an acceptable way to treat him, I’m asking you Should I use a bathtub in the house, or a shower-stall? I mean, this dog weighs sixty pounds, is rather fierce and wants to run after every wild animal he smells in the area. I am double his weight,—will I be able to hold him, you think? He obeys me, so far, but what if he goes after me, being subjected to such treatment? I don't want to involve Flexy in this matter at all because it may be such a production, I'll be in bed the rest of the day recovering from the experience.

16463. Magoseph - 9/6/2005 4:55:15 PM

Until now, I brushed him faithfully every day, but now I must bathe him somehow--he stinks too much.

16464. thoughtful - 9/6/2005 4:56:52 PM

A/C, mags, ms no...thanks muchly.

16465. judithathome - 9/6/2005 5:31:57 PM

Thoughtful, so sorry for your loss but if she was in that much pain, it's a blessing.

16466. Ms. No - 9/6/2005 6:34:14 PM


Theories abound on whether or when and how to wash dogs. When Billie starts to get too dusty/oily I generally put her in the tub and wash her with Baby Shampoo so that if it gets in her eyes it won't hurt her.

She does not like the bath.

She does not like the hose on the front patio.

She loves to lay in mud puddles at the park.

Butch may love a bath, there's no way to know until you try him at it. I'd say tie him on a short lead outside and try to bathe him there --- it'll cut down on clean-up in the house. Nothing like having to wipe half a dog off the bathroom floor, they shed like mad when you bathe them.

16467. Magoseph - 9/6/2005 7:15:57 PM

Thanks, Ms. No--I will wash him outside as soon as it's warmer than today. I'm sure we'll have some days yet when it'll be warmer than just seventy degrees.

16468. Ms. No - 9/6/2005 9:42:21 PM

I wouldn't worry about it being too cold yet. Remember, he's got a fur coat and is probably happier at 60 degrees than 80 degrees. As long as you bathe him when there's plenty of sunshine left in the day he should be fine.

16469. Magoseph - 9/6/2005 9:45:52 PM

Oh, good then, I'll wash him tomorrow. Thanks a mil.

16470. thoughtful - 9/6/2005 9:59:28 PM

Thanks, judithah.

16471. thoughtful - 9/6/2005 10:04:09 PM

We used to wash our dogs in the tub...we'd get in naked with the dog. Our tub has glass doors with a detachable showerhead on a hose so it worked rather well...glass doors kept dog in, hose allowed us to direct the spray away from eyes and ears.

Most important not to get eyes or ears wet, esp since your pup has already had ear issues.

Dogs never like being washed but will tolerate it. Baby shampoo is good...or so is dog shampoo which pet stores will sell.

We also wash our cat on occasion and I find he really protests with what I think is comfortably warm water. He protests much less when I use cool water...don't know if dogs are the same, but there you are.

Of course some dogs have a natural odor which won't be washed away...our dear trixie who was part cocker spaniel had a distinct cocker spaniel odor...part of the joy of dog ownership.

16472. Magoseph - 9/6/2005 10:21:19 PM

Ah, yes, the natural odor, I have to get used to that, but it sure is hard for me. I really like the house to smell fresh and clean. Now, it smells like Butch and me, his odor and my perfume, which lately I have come to spray around too much.

Oh, well, he's part of our life now. I just have to remember to bake some cookies before people come over. Judith today gave me a good idea. She suggested that I use some of these dryer sheets and sleek his coat with them.

Not a bad idea to use the bath with the shower and the enclosure. I have to put myself in a state of mind to cavort naked with Butch, though.

16473. thoughtful - 9/6/2005 10:31:38 PM

cavorting naked with a dog is lots of fun!

also try febreze if you haven't tried it...it really works to eliminate odor.

we ran into some musty odor problems with furniture from the old house and that stuff really worked. After we polished and dusted the furniture, we sprayed the drawers with the febreze...smelled like febreze for awhile, but when that odor was gone, so was the mustiness.

16474. Magoseph - 9/6/2005 10:38:28 PM

I want to get this gadget you see on the picture, actually, two or three. Have you used it?

16475. judithathome - 9/6/2005 11:13:12 PM

Magos, I used to have a machine you plugged in and it used little discs of scented felt...it was great. This thing is much the same and I'm sure it works the very same.

The thing I would suggest is if you get it and like it, load up on the scented discs and keep them in reserve...the fact they stopped selling my machine's discs is what killed it for me. If you don't have enough of them (like if they stop making them) the machine is useless.

16476. Ms. No - 9/6/2005 11:26:26 PM

You want to be careful about perfuming the dog --- he could have an allergic reaction. Also, if they smell too perfumey they have a habit of fixing that by finding something dead to go roll in. Nothing stinks like Corpse Blossom Doggie.

If he's clean but still has a really strong odor you might try brushing him with a little baking soda, just make sure you get it all off him so he doesn't lick it. I doubt it would hurt him, but it might make his mouth foamy and that tends to scare the neighbors.

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