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17307. Magoseph - 10/30/2005 2:42:53 PM

Good, it's exactly the time to jog to town.

17308. alistairconnor - 10/31/2005 10:47:01 AM

Heard on the radio this morning : the Infante (is she still called that when she's married? King of Spain's daughter) had a baby girl, who is thus second in line to the throne, after her mother.

Unless a little brother turns up later. The government (Socialist) wants the constitution changed, to eliminate this sexist anomaly.

What a hoot. the Rebuplican martyrs must be turning in their graves.

17309. alistairconnor - 10/31/2005 11:02:11 AM

Erratum. Republican.

It's clean-out-my-desk day here at the railways. I'm just short of three years here. Starting the new job on Wednesday.

As today is the middle of a long weekend (Toussaint tomorrow) the aperitif for the colleagues won't be setting me back too much.

17310. Magoseph - 10/31/2005 11:24:18 AM

Bonjour, Ali,

(is she still called that when she's married?

I checked El País and the paper refers to her as “la Princesa” and to the new-born as “la infata Leonor”.

Is your new job in Lyon?

17311. alistairconnor - 10/31/2005 12:03:16 PM

Yes, new job is in Lyon, right in the middle in fact, near la Tête d'Or. Commuting will be considerably worse, I'll probably get the train into town to stabilise my travel times, but it'll be over an hour each way. Though it's an easy bicycle ride from my girlfriend's place...

Lyon has a new public bicycle system, it started this summer. You get a subscriber's card, and you can use it to pick up a bike at numerous locations... I haven't tried it yet, but I hope to become a frequent user. From station or gf's to work and back.

Here's an excellent summary of the system from Wired.

17312. Magoseph - 10/31/2005 12:14:42 PM

17313. Magoseph - 10/31/2005 12:16:26 PM

Ali, in the travel section of the NYT, there's an article I can't link to and I don't why I can't. It is titled "My Chateau Is Your Château". The picture above is from this article. I have saved the article that is about Burgundy wines.

17314. Magoseph - 10/31/2005 12:28:13 PM

This bicycle system is really quite an ingenious program, Ali.

17315. Magoseph - 10/31/2005 12:33:25 PM

Here, the article about wines, Ali

17316. Magoseph - 11/1/2005 9:14:27 PM

Hello? Hello? Anybody there? Echo!

17317. Ms. No - 11/1/2005 9:19:21 PM

Hiya Mago!

17318. Magoseph - 11/1/2005 9:27:38 PM

Hello, Ms. No--It's very nice to hear from you.

17319. Ms. No - 11/1/2005 9:30:51 PM

It's good to see you as well. It seems a bit slow today. I actually have work to do but my brain is scrambled so I'm avoidant today.

What's your day like?

17320. Magoseph - 11/1/2005 10:27:51 PM

Ms. No---is there a TV next to you? You should try to see what's going on right now. The Democrats are in close session right now. They're revolting, it seems.

17321. Ms. No - 11/1/2005 10:39:51 PM

No TV here at work. I suppose I'd better go look for some online news.

17322. arkymalarky - 11/2/2005 1:34:55 AM

I'm watching the Denver vote on teacher pay based on student performance.

People really don't want anyone teaching poor kids. But this program does give financial incentives to teachers to teach in poor districts, so that's a good thing.

17323. Magoseph - 11/2/2005 12:36:17 PM

Hello, Moties.

They're revolting, it seems.

I think I should have written, They are in revolt...

Maybe not, what do you think?

17324. Magoseph - 11/2/2005 12:38:33 PM

How will student performance be determined, Arky?

17325. judithathome - 11/2/2005 9:29:19 PM

I hate to call them revolting just as they are starting to grow spines so I prefer "They are in revolt"!

17326. Ms. No - 11/2/2005 9:51:14 PM

I just hope they get their act together.

J, you've got mail. ;->

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