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17563. Jenerator - 11/21/2005 8:41:57 PM

This is similar to what I saw, but it was a lot bigger.

17564. judithathome - 11/21/2005 9:18:07 PM

Mine looked like the one Thoughtful posted but its head wasn't as red...more mauve-ish.

Whatever, if I had seen one like you did, Jen, I'd have been freaked, too!

17565. thoughtful - 11/21/2005 9:55:15 PM

The immature ones have lighter-colored heads:

They get redder as they age.

It could also have been a different type of vulture.

17566. judithathome - 11/21/2005 9:56:30 PM

Well, this one wasn't humongous so maybe he was young. And off course.

17567. Jenerator - 11/21/2005 10:50:58 PM

Well, I am going to be gone until after Thanksgiving. I hope all of you have a lovely holiday!

Marshame, husband and the kids and I are going to a restaurant to eat the turkey. None of us want to cook or clean.


P.s. Judith, I am sorry for being mean to you in DR.

17568. thoughtful - 11/21/2005 11:00:03 PM

Happy tgiving day jen.

17569. Magoseph - 11/21/2005 11:05:48 PM

Thoughtful, did you see my question post 17588?

17570. judithathome - 11/21/2005 11:08:39 PM

Judith, I am sorry for being mean to you in DR.

Jen, no need to be sorry...we both feel strongly about certain things and speak our minds. That is a good thing and it's understandable that sometimes we'll clash.

17571. thoughtful - 11/22/2005 12:05:14 AM

sorry mags...i was listening to it, but didn't see it. I had the sense that they were pulling a fast one on him just to get under his skin...I mean they started saying that mary matalin was invited but imus was not and that makes no sense....so i think they were pulling a fast one on him.

17572. arkymalarky - 11/22/2005 1:22:42 AM

The picture Thoughtful posted looks like the ones around here. They're everywhere, but rarely do they get hit by cars, amazingly. They say if you almost hit them, they'll barf on your windshield--which I can well imagine, considering their diet, but have never experienced firsthand, thank goodness.

17573. robertjayb - 11/22/2005 2:00:23 AM

They say if you almost hit them, they'll barf on your windshield---

I can attest to that. Very Unpleasant.

17574. wabbit - 11/22/2005 2:29:47 AM

Maybe Jen saw a black vulture?

17575. arkymalarky - 11/22/2005 2:44:37 AM

Oooh, really Robert? I always wondered if that was a rural myth.

17576. wonkers2 - 11/22/2005 4:47:23 AM

Yeah, robert, are you sure it was barf?

17577. robertjayb - 11/22/2005 5:41:12 AM

No, I can't be sure which end of the bird the copious discharge came from but it splashed the hood and windshield of my first car. I was on the way to school when I topped a hill and disturbed the creature having breakfast in the middle of the road. He flew up and erupted.

17578. Magoseph - 11/22/2005 1:03:24 PM

Thanks, thoughtful--that makes sense.

17579. thoughtful - 11/22/2005 4:38:02 PM

mags, they were pushing it further this a.m. russert was on saying he had a bus full of 22 people headed for Charles' for tgiving.

I think when they first started it though, imus was not in on it and was really ticked off...he let loose the 'p' word which was a bit of a shock.

17580. judithathome - 11/22/2005 5:56:17 PM

Dinner last night with MsNo and her mom and stepdad was fabulous...our table erupted into laughter so often, we got stares from other diners!

17581. Magoseph - 11/22/2005 6:02:21 PM

They really got him this time--Imus is not much of an actor and he clearly showed his displeasure. I can't get over how well Charles played the whole scam. I guess they had to end it because Imus intended to have his kid tomorrow begging Charles to let him come to his house Thursday.

The "p" word? I missed that and now I can't figure what it is.

17582. thoughtful - 11/22/2005 7:00:19 PM

He very seriously called charles a 'prick'and then suddenly cut into music.

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