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1761. Jenerator - 7/27/2006 2:20:19 PM

i and Jenerator, well, she's special.

Gosh. THANKS Tmesis! I guess I'll put you on the Christmas list after all.

1762. wonkers2 - 7/27/2006 2:22:15 PM

Yeah, as in "special ed." :-)

1763. Macnas - 7/27/2006 2:27:29 PM

wonk, you are a bad man.

1764. wonkers2 - 7/27/2006 2:38:20 PM

I said it with a smile, and I hope Jenerator took it that way. Despite our disagreements I would be sorry if she left the Mote. In fact, I can't think of a single Motie that I would like to see leave. To the contrary, I wish some of the ones who've left would return, even ACE and the crazy Israeli settler. And of course the ever-acerbic but erudite pseudoerasmus. And JJBiener who could be relied on for a concise summary of the latest GOP party line. (In this respect he reminded me of the American commies who had to be nimble to keep in tune with the latest party line from the Comintern.)

1765. Jenerator - 7/27/2006 2:42:02 PM


I know what you meant, stinkerbutt!;-)

I was just saying the other day that I miss Ace and Rustler.

1766. Macnas - 7/27/2006 2:49:21 PM

yep, I agree with all that, but I know things change as time goes on, thats all.

1767. arkymalarky - 7/27/2006 4:39:28 PM

This is true, and the Mote changes less than a lot of things, which is one thing I like about it. This relationship has lasted a whole lot longer--and with a lot less grief--than some others I've had. ;-)

I miss almost everyone who's no longer here, for whatever reason they've gone, but I really would like to hear from JJ about his views on the current state of affairs as an informed moderate Republican(?).

1768. tmesis - 7/28/2006 2:46:57 AM

alastairConnor: I've never posted much here but did lurk from time to time. I first learned of The Mote through the International thread on Salon's TT(!) and only retrospectively learned of the Fray. TJL/pseudoerasmus, Wolf, Khaval Alazman and many others I don't remember amused me on a regular basis. Geez, that was a long time ago. I haven't come across a forum filled with so many smart people since.

1769. Jenerator - 7/28/2006 3:00:07 AM


Bite me.

1770. Jenerator - 7/28/2006 3:00:41 AM

Khaval wasn't on the Fray unless she had a different moniker.(?)

1771. Jenerator - 7/28/2006 3:01:10 AM

And she was a psycho bitch from hell, no wonder you were fond of her.

1772. tmesis - 7/28/2006 3:22:06 AM

Jenerator: are you spastic?

1773. wonkers2 - 7/28/2006 3:35:57 AM

The Cap'n sez, "Jen, what about the Cap'n?"

1774. alistairconnor - 7/28/2006 10:10:24 AM

Khaval! Oh yes she was!

And she was MY kind of psycho bitch from hell. I'll have her back, any time.

Yes, the good old days were good, no doubt about it. The idea that they might come back if only we did X or Y, is an illusion, a fallacy. We inherited a fantastic bunch of dominant personalities from Slate, but internet entropy made it pretty much inevitable that people would wander off. And as we're not affiliated to any huge commercial front-end that will pull people in, there is no way that those days will come back.

1775. JEnerator - 7/28/2006 1:29:16 PM

are you spastic?

Only for you!

1776. RickNelson - 7/28/2006 1:56:16 PM

Anyone want to invade the Fray, enmass?

I'm a fan of ya'all and will always be.

For these past two years, in order to get my rocks off, I've been venting about W, to be at war or not to be at war, and once in awhile I look in on Poetry Fray. Mostly I hit Today's Papers. There are a few real strong personalities and just once in a while I get the impression someone is really trying to interact with their mind instead of their gut. Actually that's to harsh, but it's also the gyst of the emotion that permiates the three sides of TPFray. The Dem liberals, the GOPers with rightwingnut spastics(lol), and the Independents. They're all there.

Arkie is a moniker there, I try to see if one Arkie is like another Arky, but they're not.

Pace is one of those you might want to read and get some interaction time with.

DisgustedVet, Cotton and the few that hang together in that crowd are good for down-home talk about American issues, without the feuding.

If a feud you want a feud you can get, try therealwiley.

there's a former dittohead, and there's Sashal another Isreali as we once had. Sashal doesn't seem to have the baggage ours did.

Anyway, flame me for asking, but I'm still hanging in TPFray and would like some of the gang too. It took a long time to try and stomach more Fray, but the articles are in some way different, and the Fray is sort of more relaxed, as in the editors are deleting really bad actors. I've come to want that, rather than just setting them to ignore. F'em, they should be deleted. They're flaming spammers. Real f'n dope brained morons. So, that's my take, and there was once a group of Moties who would break into "we shall overcome" such editting. Not me, it's a good thing, when done right.'

At present it's done right.

Anyway, Moties forever!

1777. RickNelson - 7/28/2006 1:57:44 PM

Btw, if psychprof has been abused, then we need and inferno with me involved.

Is he gone now?

1778. alistairconnor - 7/28/2006 2:20:52 PM

PP abused? I dare ya to find a cite!

I expect he's gone back to his own forum, if it's back up. That's a shame, I wish he would drop in more often and do something other than complain.

1779. RickNelson - 7/28/2006 2:32:26 PM

complaining is good for the purpose it's intended, and I'm first among the class of venting bar none. We've known shakers of the tree, like calgal.

I just always hope that those like PP wont leave forever. Not that I'm regular any more.

I do a lot of venting in TPFray these days. But that place has a lot of abusers.

1780. Macnas - 7/28/2006 2:32:48 PM

Don't say that! He might defenestrate himself.

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