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1794. Ulgine Barrows - 9/2/2006 6:23:29 AM

Yeah, remembering Khaval makes me grin!

1795. Ulgine Barrows - 9/2/2006 6:54:22 AM

ooooh, on the playground
we learn so much

~The Gossip, Listen Up!, Standing In The Way Of Control


1796. Ulgine Barrows - 9/2/2006 7:40:50 AM

You're just a heartache in disguise
Won't you keep my heart from breakin'
If it's only for a very short time

~Queen of Hearts, Juice Newton

1797. Ulgine Barrows - 9/2/2006 7:59:44 AM

Honey, you know it makes you mad
Why is everybody tellin' everybody
What you have done
Baby, I know it makes you sad
But when they're handin' out the heartaches
You know you got to have you some

Playing with the queen of hearts
Knowin' it ain't really smart
The joker ain't the only fool
Who'll do anything for you
Laying out another lie
Thinkin' 'bout a life of crime
'Cos that's what I'll have to do
To keep me away from you

1798. Ulgine Barrows - 9/2/2006 8:01:00 AM

~Queen of Hearts, Juice Newton

1799. Ulgine Barrows - 9/27/2006 7:09:14 AM

20253. Magoseph - 9/23/2006 10:16:28 AM

I don't know what happened to post 20250, Ulgine, but 20247 and 20248 were deleted.

Ah, Magoseph, you're not the first to erect a Cal shrine in the hopes she might come back here and thank you for defending her honour.

Honour in the English way, as if Cal would understand that.

Cal is more like honor, your hour is up.

Yes, this is totally bizarre, and so is your delete key.

Lordy, I love autumn and that snap! in the morning air!

1800. Magoseph - 9/27/2006 1:08:16 PM

Ah, Magoseph, you're not the first to erect a Cal shrine in the hopes she might come back here and thank you for defending her honour.

Ah, Ulgine I’m so hurt that I grieve that you do not know better than this sentence above shows.

1801. Ulgine Barrows - 9/29/2006 6:21:10 AM

You fooled me, then, mago.
Not the first time it's happened.

1802. jexster - 10/18/2006 11:05:46 AM

1803. Jenerator - 10/18/2006 1:18:15 PM

Jex and his cache of porn. What a guy!

1804. jexster - 10/18/2006 1:43:24 PM

AC brought it up. The boiz sake ya wet don't they!

1805. Ulgine Barrows - 10/19/2006 5:00:52 AM

Wabbit! waxbills ! was Dict you are in fact A drug a dies "...num, I hope you are following on my journey of trying to learn new things. in

1806. Ulgine Barrows - 10/19/2006 5:18:15 AM

J am so tired of it all... and yet : uld Ma it constantly amusers

1807. Ulgine Barrows - 10/19/2006 5:25:59 AM

Well didn't my new PCP make me look hike A Bork. DORK This per is evil nr

1808. Ulgine Barrows - 10/19/2006 5:30:48 AM

Just got a tablet PC, fool see if you can read what T I Ia. _ FEZ's Ma write

1809. wabbit - 10/19/2006 1:37:18 PM

Cool, Ulgine, I'll be interested to see how the handwriting recognition training goes. Meantime, it seems the tablet PC has a way with words that is all its own!

1810. Ulgine Barrows - 10/20/2006 7:57:00 AM

It frightens me when you come to mind
The day you dropped in the shopping line
And my heart beats faster when I think of all the signs
When they carried you out your mouth was open wide
The cat went astray and the dog did pine for days and days
And we felt so guilty when we played you up
When you were ill, so ill
What sticks in my mind is the sweet jar
On the sideboard. And your multicolored tea cosy
What sticks in my mind is the dew-drop hanging off your nose
Shrivelled up and blue
And I'm getting older, too
But I don't want to die like you
Don't want to die like you


1811. Ulgine Barrows - 10/20/2006 7:59:31 AM

the handwriting recognition

is wretched, absolutely wretched

1813. alistairconnor - 10/20/2006 12:45:03 PM

You, look hike A Bork? Never, Ulgine!

What album is the XTC from?

1814. jexster - 10/27/2006 5:29:55 AM


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