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Go to first message Go back 20 messages Messages 18350 - 18369 out of 29250 Go forward 20 messages Go to most recent message
18350. Magoseph - 1/30/2006 9:17:17 AM

Remind hubby not to forget to enquire about the root cause of the infection, thoughtful.

18351. judithathome - 1/30/2006 9:14:58 PM

Our weekend was a bust...the party on Saturday night was cancelled due to the host's illness. On Sunday, we couldn't find the group that was collecting petitions; it was a madhouse down there and we gave up after driving around for half an hour looking for a parking space.

THEN, our Chinese New Year's dinner was cancelled due to one couple and two others who were sick...so Keoni and I went to a local Chinese place that was good about 8 years ago....heh. You know what's coming: it was under new ownership and just dreadful...I don't mean just bad but dreadful. I ordered Moo Gu Gai Pan and they brought the pork mixture, which was not even hot, and 10 minutes later they brought the "pancakes" which were stone cold (and they weren't pancakes at all but spring roll wrappers that were half-thawed)...by this time, I was disenchanted and we asked for the check. The waitress asked if I wanted to take the rest of my meal home and I was so angry, I was rude. I said "No, I do not...I didn't even want to eat it here" We complained to the guy at the register and he just looked at us blankly and as we left he said "Come back soon" in a cheery voice and Keoni turned and said "Not a chance!"

The only good thing about the meal was that we didn't get ptomaine.

18352. arkymalarky - 1/31/2006 1:35:02 AM

"No, I do not...I didn't even want to eat it here"

HAHAHAHA! I've GOT to remember that one!

18353. arkymalarky - 1/31/2006 1:40:27 AM

I'm still laughing so hard I'm dropping tears into my keyboard. I can just see that exchange.

18354. judithathome - 1/31/2006 2:52:50 AM

So, who's up for a drinking game tomorrow night? Every time Bush uses the term "9/11" in the SotU address, take a shot of whatever you have on hand.

18355. arkymalarky - 1/31/2006 5:21:40 AM

What, are you trying to kill us all?

18356. alistairconnor - 1/31/2006 11:06:46 AM

Mmmm... Kidneys!

Take good care of that hubby, Tful.

18357. Macnas - 1/31/2006 12:01:30 PM

I think I'll have a drink every time he says "emer-cuh".


18358. alistairconnor - 1/31/2006 12:33:57 PM

If he mentions "Iran" and "nucular" in the same sentence, I'll finish the bottle and hide under the bed.

18359. alistairconnor - 1/31/2006 12:58:22 PM

... what else?
If he mentions "democracy in the Middle East" I'll toast him with a double arrak.

18360. Macnas - 1/31/2006 4:10:37 PM

Well alright then, we'll play buzz-word bingo. I bet he says the following:





18361. robertjayb - 1/31/2006 4:29:05 PM


18362. PelleNilsson - 1/31/2006 4:57:59 PM



18363. jexster - 1/31/2006 6:26:30 PM

My uncle, a Marine Corps Officer at about that time, has dibs on the book after I finish..look forward to it

18364. Magoseph - 1/31/2006 8:06:07 PM



18365. thoughtful - 1/31/2006 8:08:29 PM

Don't forget


18366. judithathome - 1/31/2006 10:40:27 PM

Okay...bonus shots if he works Coretta Scott King into it, too!

18367. judithathome - 1/31/2006 11:19:09 PM

My son just called and he said the doctor says he's okay. His platlet count is elevated because of the fact he has no spleen and as he ages, his count will be higher without one. He goes back in three months and the doctor said unless it continues to climb, not to worry about it.

So that's a huge relief!

18368. wonkers2 - 1/31/2006 11:28:15 PM

Good news!

18369. Jenerator - 1/31/2006 11:35:24 PM

Thank goodness.

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