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18472. thoughtful - 2/10/2006 8:56:37 PM

good news so far on my hubby. Doc said that the spot on his prostate wasn't of particular concern. He thinks the psa was elevated due to the infection and will retest it in a few weeks after he's off the antibios, and he suspects the psa will be back to normal. The kidney stone is unchanged since the last exam and the bladder and all look fine.

He also wants to do a rather unpleasant sounding test of scoping him through the urethra. Ugh.

But anyway, at least the doc didn't look at the test results and turn pale or scratch his head and say, "I never saw anything like this before!"

So, so far so good, and we're both much more relaxed about all of this.

18473. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 2/10/2006 9:02:59 PM

auguri (good omens!)

18474. wonkers2 - 2/10/2006 9:09:23 PM

We'll keep our fingers crossed. Even if he does have to have a needle biopsy, it's not a big deal--inpatient, about a half-hour as I recall.

18475. wabbit - 2/10/2006 9:44:58 PM

Very good news, t'ful, here's hoping things continue to improve!

18476. judithathome - 2/10/2006 10:03:51 PM

Yea for the good results, Thoughtful! This has been a good month for good results!

18477. judithathome - 2/10/2006 10:05:09 PM

Someone just dropped off a beautiful pot of blooming tulips for me and said "This is NOT a bribe to get you to run for Mayor!"

18478. Ms. No - 2/10/2006 11:23:56 PM

It's a sad thing for the state of Texas politics, but I believe you're far too honest to be mayor, Juditha.

18479. judithathome - 2/11/2006 12:48:41 AM

Yeah, for one thing, I'd have banned WalMart.

18480. wonkers2 - 2/11/2006 12:48:54 AM

Go for it!!!

18481. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 2/11/2006 12:57:17 AM

Judith, if you do run for mayor, fight Texas-Style– put loud speakers outside your voting precincts that play what this video plays along with signs that read: "If you vote Republican again you can expect to hear a lot of this!"

18482. arkymalarky - 2/11/2006 3:02:09 AM

You can't have any hopes of good politicians unless good people run. I think it'd be great.

18483. arkymalarky - 2/11/2006 3:22:58 AM

Great news about your husband, Thoughtful! I hope it continues to go well.

I had to take Mose to a nephrologist today. They flagged her yearly test for protein and said they just wanted to look into it since it had been elevated the last two or three years. He wants her to do a 24-hour test, but said he'd be very surprised if anything's wrong from the tests they did today. He just wants to make sure.

In other news, my isp keeps dropping the line and I'm starting to get irritated. I so wish I could get dsl out here. I called Dish and I can't even get satellite internet.

18484. alistairConnor - 2/11/2006 1:09:13 PM

... you can't even get satellite? Boy, that's remote...

I am still being indecisive about switching to DSL. I never thought I'd see it in my lifetime, and I'm just fine on my old-fashioned ultra-reliable 64k ISDN. But local government has rolled out DSL to 99% of the population of my departement, pretty impressive because it's largely rural. Of course in the little villages, and even more so in the gaps in between like my place, you're on the end of the line and you only get 512K anyway... not enough for movies etc...
The only real incentive to switch is that it would be cheaper than ISDN. But I fear it wouldn't be reliable because most of my neighbours have had problems.

18485. arkymalarky - 2/11/2006 6:33:04 PM

I've got satellite tv, but Dish Network hasn't gotten satellite internet out here yet, according to what they told me when I called inquiring about it. My brother and a good friend of mine live in different parts of north Arkansas, both much more rural than where I am, and they both have dsl. I would live with the dialup without complaint if they didn't keep dropping the damned connection while I'm in the middle of something. But with the rural ed work I'm doing and now what I'm doing with my two graduate classes, dialup is cripplingly slow.

And Dish has something else I really want--PocketDish--anywhere from 2.2" to 7" and you can record up to 3 movies or 30,000 songs--straight off Dish or from the computer. It is just too cool.

18486. wonkers2 - 2/11/2006 7:15:40 PM

For a rough estimate of the value of your home, try zillow.com, a new website being beta tested. Quite impressive site. Not all areas covered yet. zillow.com

18487. arkymalarky - 2/11/2006 7:59:12 PM

I just caught Bob redhanded. Someone knocked on the door, and being Saturday I looked out the window first, thinking it might be Bob's mom or sister but knowing that it could as easily be Jehovah's Witnesses. Unfortunately I opened the door before being sure, and it was Jehovah's Witnesses. They asked for Bob. Evidently this has been going on right under my nose, and I had no idea.

18488. wonkers2 - 2/11/2006 8:51:56 PM

The JH ladies are quite persistent. If you give them the time of day they keep coming back.

18489. PelleNilsson - 2/11/2006 9:00:19 PM

Would you really want to block Bob's spiritual development? What a harsh mistress you are.

18490. arkymalarky - 2/11/2006 9:15:48 PM


What kills me about Bob is how tough he talks about people imposing their religious views on others (he's given me an earful about the latest cartoon flap), but he actually enjoys visiting with the JH's when no one's looking. The thing is, he enjoys visiting with all kinds of people if they aren't pushy, and the JH's are usually satisfied just to visit, which suits Bob fine.

I told him next time they come by to ask what happened to the little old black couple that used to visit. He was a WWII vet, and they were very sweet. I will say this about JH's--they are the most naturally open and integrated church I've seen around the South. The man who stopped by today was Latino.

18491. wabbit - 2/11/2006 10:12:29 PM

There are a couple JH women who just love my father. If he isn't available, they just drop off the two publications and leave. They were here this morning and had the misfortune of meeting one of my brothers, who can be incredibly rude with anyone who doesn't see eye to eye with him (in truth, both brothers are that way). If they were men, my father would probably be equally rude, but as they are very nice women and seem entertained with hashing out a discussion, my father quite enjoys their occasional visits.

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