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1857. prolph - 2/9/2007 6:32:48 AM

I may be the only one to dislike jesxter's constant anti semiti posts but
why is he doing it?
jexter it would be pleasent if you would quit.

1858. Ulgine Barrows - 2/9/2007 10:46:00 AM

Yeah, I could do without those, prolph

His login is jexster, tho.

Simple pleasantries. Hello jexster, hello prolph.

Jews have been money-handlers for years; it's a respected tradition; and I don't know which post upset you, prolph.

1859. Ulgine Barrows - 2/23/2007 7:16:48 AM

Ow, my eyes hurt. I wish I could cry. Really, they hurt. I don't care if you do.

1860. tmesis - 3/1/2007 2:53:45 AM

Speaking of anti-semitism, a question I saw being posed in another forum:

"Did Jew bitches give blowjobs in Auschwitz for the protein?"

1861. wonkers2 - 3/1/2007 3:04:52 AM

Are you sure your name might not better be emesis?

1862. tmesis - 3/1/2007 3:42:50 AM

Don't shoot the messenger. It was so outrageous that I laughed.

1863. wonkers2 - 3/1/2007 4:01:38 AM

It is so outrageous that it doesn't bear repeating.

1864. wonkers2 - 3/1/2007 4:02:30 AM

We already have enough trouble from Jexter's outrageous posts that don't bear repeating.

1865. wonkers2 - 3/1/2007 4:03:02 AM

I wouldn't shoot you, but iiibbb might. He's armed and dangerous.

1866. jexster - 3/1/2007 4:28:32 AM

I don't think it is at all funny and YHWH knows I am always there for a good Sand Nigger or Jew Joke..Polish Italian whatever

Just call me Gunny

    nobigotry ] .mp3 (400k)

    Drill Instructor: I am hard, but I am fair! There is no racial bigotry here! I do not look down on niggers, kikes, whops or greasers! Here you are ALL equally worthless! And my orders are to weed out all non-hackers who do not pack the gear to SERVE in my beloved Corp. Do you maggots understand that?
    Recruits: Sir! Yes sir!
    Drill Instructor: Bullshit! I can't hear you!
    Recruits: Sir! Yes sir!

1867. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 3/1/2007 5:30:50 AM

NYC Urges People Not to Use N-Word
The Associated Press
Wednesday, February 28, 2007; 4:17 PM

NEW YORK -- The City Council approved a resolution Wednesday urging New Yorkers not to use the n-word, citing its long history as a racial epithet and its widespread use among entertainers and youths as a term of endearment.

Councilman Leroy Comrie, sponsor of the measure, began the effort weeks ago at the start of Black History Month. His proposal gradually gained nationwide notice and support.

"People are using it out of context," Comrie said. "People are also denigrating themselves by using the word, and disrespecting their history, disrespecting the history of a people and a country, and also putting themselves in a negative light that we need to correct."

Other communities have passed similar measures, and a historically black college in Alabama recently held a four-day conference to discuss the epithet.

In New York, supporters gathered at City Hall, many wearing small pins featuring a single white "N" in a circle severed by a red slash.

1868. Dubai Vol - 3/1/2007 9:16:29 AM

First post in the inferno, but can't think of a better place to post it.

Acid. Specifically LSD. Ingesting it was the best thing I ever did. Discuss.

1869. tmesis - 3/1/2007 4:30:54 PM

Hey Jersey landfill, Cantor Fitzgerald wants its employees back!

Larry Silverstein needs some underwriters for the Freedom Tower, and they are undermanned.

1870. judithathome - 3/1/2007 9:25:42 PM

Dubai, no way in hell would I ever ingest LSD. I went on some pretty strange trips in the 70s and they scared me enough to never want to go for anything stranger.

And pot made me paranoid as hell.

1871. anomie - 3/3/2007 7:58:10 AM

Dubai, why is it so high on your list?

Without actually admitting that I ever did it... It would be nice if the we could get the good effects without the bad. The bad being the paranoia Judith mentions, and other strange thoughts, like a sort of de-personalization, or seeing yourself at a distance with the awareness that you might be in both places. The best thing was ( I would assume), the change in perceptions of sight and sound. I mean even w/o hallucinating, the sight of leaves on trees seemed to flow into the eyes as if the light blended with the tree to form a substance of some kind. And a pluck of a sngle guitar string sounded like a symphony of overtones.

But what an odd to think about at this stage in my life.

1872. Ulgine Barrows - 3/3/2007 10:17:47 AM

"Full Metal Jacket" is on HBO tonight, playing in the background, and I thought of all you lovely folks.

I'm sorry. That is just a sick movie. And I've been in a sick mental state when I've made most of my posts here. That's my connection.

That scene where he shoots the drill instructor, and then blow his own brains out....sick.

But now they're shooting gooks in the jungle, and that's OK.

1873. Ulgine Barrows - 3/3/2007 12:05:43 PM

I remember taking some LSD when I was 14 and staring at my eyes in the mirror; it was horrible.

1874. Ulgine Barrows - 3/3/2007 12:30:12 PM

My big brother gave me that LSD, and he can sit and rot in his jail for all I care. I have been getting bills in his pseudo name for months, bill collectors calling weekly, if not daily. He is older than me, and he should be ashamed to put me through this ordeal.

Eh. I'm done with his nonsense.
Signed, not taking any collect calls from jails

1875. Ulgine Barrows - 3/6/2007 9:14:27 AM

Great, more hospital and ambulance bills arrive daily, for a brother who's older than me.

I am so angry. If I don't get to slap that older brother of mine before he dies, I'll be angrier, still.

1876. judithathome - 3/6/2007 4:04:25 PM

Does he live near enough to you so that is an option?

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