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18931. judithathome - 3/17/2006 6:17:21 AM

I don't see why being the creative force behind the show warrants them a pass, Jen. They still have some shoddy stuff.

Everyone comes down on WalMart for selling nothing but Chnese stuff but Sear's does it, too. Looks good on camera while those families are weeping over the new place to live but come back in 6 months and see how well it's held up.

18932. Magoseph - 3/17/2006 2:52:31 PM

Maybe today is the day for Flexy to take off the splinth he still wears on his wrist--I suppose if the bad break is healed, we may go into rehab after today's doctor visit.

Have a nice day, everyone!

18933. alistairconnor - 3/17/2006 3:43:47 PM

"splinth" is a nice neologism... would that be a splint made out of a piece of skirting-board?

18934. Magoseph - 3/17/2006 4:01:45 PM

Ali, I always was very good at thinking up néologismes—Actually, the word is “splint”.

By the way, Judith, I forgot to thank you for the snack of Graham Crackers, peanut butter, Nutella, and rasberry jam. Flexy finally gave up his daily beloved chocolate bar.

18935. arkymalarky - 3/17/2006 6:02:08 PM

I hope the splint comes off, Mags.

I've gotten into chocolate here lately. I've always liked chocolate, but I'm keeping it a lot more handy than I used to.

18936. arkymalarky - 3/17/2006 6:05:10 PM

I'm off today, but we don't have spring break until the first week of April. I like doiing it this way, because we get a little much needed break after state tests, nine weeks grades, and parent/teacher's conferences, but don't have such a long stretch between spring break and the end of school.

I've got two large papers to do for these two classes, and this weekend is when I start on them.

18937. thoughtful - 3/17/2006 6:09:28 PM

18938. Jenerator - 3/17/2006 7:10:37 PM


Sears doesn't make the homes - custom builders do, and they're made using top of the line and state of the art equipment. Sears furnishes the homes and I don't think their appliances fall apart. Kenmore, Kitchen aid, sub zero - you name it.

18939. judithathome - 3/17/2006 8:25:08 PM

Fine...whatever. I don't watch the shows and should probably have kept my mouth shut.

You said "creative force behind" the shows...so what did you mean, then? That they sponsor it? Maybe you meant "driving force"? The creative force would seem to me to be the producers or the writers.

Yes, they have some good brands that are sturdy. I still don't like Sear's.

18940. Magoseph - 3/17/2006 11:51:24 PM

Flexy's wrist is healed, no rehab is necessary. Just let your wife do the heavy duty household chores, said his charming doctor.

18941. thoughtful - 3/18/2006 12:28:26 AM

congrats to flexy.

18942. judithathome - 3/18/2006 11:30:21 PM

Keoni is such a dear...he schlepped through the rain today to buy groceries and went to three different stores to get everything. And just now he came in from the last place and brought with him, just for ME, two dozen long stemmed white roses that are absolutely the most beautiful roses I have ever seen!!

He got them to cheer me up because I've been stuck at home all week and it is gloomy as hell outside. Let me tell you, they worked!

18943. arkymalarky - 3/19/2006 5:14:43 AM

I'll bet they did! That's really wonderful.

I guess if you're stuck, the weather might as well be sucky, but either sucks either way--being confined and the weather being a mess. We just got back from Hot Springs--took Mose and the b/f to La Hacienda for his b'day, with a gift certificate they got us for Christmas. We move kinda slow around here. The drive was awful with this rain, and I was very glad to get home. Bob kept offering to drive, which made it worse. No thanks dear. Just shut up, close your eyes, and hang on.

18944. judithathome - 3/19/2006 9:56:57 PM

Wish I'd been along...I love their food!!

18945. arkymalarky - 3/19/2006 10:07:53 PM

I thought about you there, and that we'd have to make a day to go this summer!

They were absolutely PACKED, and Hot Springs was bumper-to-bumper traffic. I guess racing season, rainy night, and whatever else, but it's getting impossible to get around in Hot Springs any more. They need to do something to relieve the congestion. I much prefer going there to going to Little Rock, but it's getting to be such a popular place for everyone that it's simply not equipped to handle all the people and traffic.

18946. judithathome - 3/19/2006 10:10:36 PM

I guess everyone likes it better than Little rock, huh?

I can see why, though. It's a great little town!

18947. arkymalarky - 3/19/2006 10:34:43 PM

It's beginning to seem that way. I do wish they'd get a few things there, especially a good health food store.

I shouldn't diss Little Rock too much, since they're really working on making the River Walk a lively and interesting place, but they aren't there yet, imo.

18948. judithathome - 3/20/2006 12:26:00 AM

Arks,, we're getting drenched like mad here...it has raind like crazy, really hard downpour, for about an hour straight. After a steady light rain all day yesterday, last night, and today and now this...we should be floated away before the Sopranos is on tonight.

That is, if it even IS on tonight...dish satellite keeps going out in this deluge.

18949. judithathome - 3/20/2006 12:26:34 AM


18950. Magoseph - 3/20/2006 12:54:04 PM

Thank you, thoughtful.

Yesterday, a kid on a skateboard, holding a dog by its leash, narrowly avoided a car and in the process broke his leg—I saw all this because Butch was barking crazily at the kid and his dog. I called 911, then the parents—busy afternoon…It turned out, the family just had bought a part of a road we owned. So now, I have some neighbors who want to be my friends—something I took pains to avoid, not wanting people coming over for a cup of sugar or whatever…

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