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18998. arkymalarky - 3/25/2006 4:45:21 PM


18999. arkymalarky - 3/25/2006 4:45:33 PM


19000. arkymalarky - 3/25/2006 4:45:49 PM


19001. Magoseph - 3/25/2006 4:53:05 PM

I'm going to watch for that 20000, I tell you, Arky. I sent you an article about your governor--have you received it?

19002. judithathome - 3/25/2006 5:01:33 PM

If it's something about the ass possibly running for President, I'm sure Arky got a huge chuckle out of it...I know I would!

19003. arkymalarky - 3/25/2006 9:11:03 PM

Thanks, Mags!

I'm too scared to laugh, Judith, especially after seeing how things worked out with your governor.

19004. judithathome - 3/25/2006 10:25:29 PM

Oh yes, you have a point. I recall spitting coffee out my nose the first time I heard the Republicans were shopping Bush's name around for President. I thought is was some sort of political joke!

I guess we really should be more sober about the rumors we hear, no matter how far-fetched they may seem.

19005. arkymalarky - 3/25/2006 10:49:51 PM

I don't put anything past possibility any more, esp wrt electing the president and considering how the Supreme Court is shaping up.

19006. judithathome - 3/26/2006 12:13:23 AM

I'm surprised our current governor hasn't made noise about running for President. I guess they're afraid he can't keep his hands off the boys long enough to get past the primaries.

I'm expecting any day now to see some swift boat action against him in that regard. He seems to hang with guys who are rather "chatty".

19007. OhioSTOPAS - 3/26/2006 1:35:22 PM

Hi, everybody! I've been out of touch, but for a good reason: I got a new job a few weeks ago as in-house counsel for a large financial services company. It's like the job I used to have, but (I never told you all this) lost in January 2004. The last two years have been difficult, with low-paying jobs (legal and non-legal, full- and part-time), but things are looking up like they haven't been since at least the late 90's (when my old job turned sour).

The new job's been time-consuming, especially since the used junker I'd been driving died - while coming home from my first day at the new job! - and I have a long bus commute. But after a few paychecks I'll be getting a new (well, new to ME) car so I'll have more free time to come to the Mote and rant about the Republican outrages of the day.

But for now, I'll be out of touch for another good reason: we're driving to Florida on Friday for a week, staying at my in-laws' place. (Am I a classic brother-in-law or what?) Even better, my two older children are flying down from Boston and New York repectively, so all five of us will be together for the first time since Christmas.

So I guess the short version of the foregoing is "I cannot stay, I came to say, I must be going." Best wishes to everybody, and see you next month!

19008. wonkers2 - 3/26/2006 3:21:57 PM

Good news! Welcome back, pal!

19009. arkymalarky - 3/26/2006 4:46:50 PM

Congratulations, Ohio!! I'm very glad to know that we'll be seeing more of you in the future.

19010. PelleNilsson - 3/26/2006 5:28:16 PM

Good to hear that things are picking up, Ohio!

19011. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 3/26/2006 5:33:50 PM

Indeed, Ohio, and congrats on the new job and renewed hope!

19012. SnowOwl - 3/26/2006 9:44:05 PM

Great to hear that things are improving, Ohio. Congratulations.

19013. Jenerator - 3/26/2006 10:01:56 PM

Hi Ohio!

19014. judithathome - 3/26/2006 10:29:03 PM

Good news, Ohio! Very happy for you!

19015. Magoseph - 3/27/2006 1:47:49 PM

Good news this morning, Ohio will be back soon!

Hello, everyone, I don't have time to do anything lately, except caring for Flexy and Butch. This entails shopping, cleaning, feedings, walks, petting, entertaining, paying bills, answering mail, both kinds, and running errands. Oh, I watch TV, movies, read the papers, and lurk in favorite forums, but somehow these activities are just fodder for the stories I tell Flexy.

Actually, I am having fun.

Anyway, where is Ms. No?

19016. alistairconnor - 3/27/2006 3:25:27 PM

... Feeding, walks, petting...
Flexy is a lucky man.

19017. judithathome - 3/27/2006 5:35:04 PM

FINALLY I got out of the house last night!! We went to a dinner party at this beautiful house...people we'd never met before. We were one couple in a four couple dinner party given by the assistant director of the theatre we support with donations every year. She is very young and lives in a small apartment so the older couple offered their house for the party and Dana (the girl) did all the cooking and serving and cleaning up. It was "in appreciation" for the support all of us have given over the years.

She made chicken tetrazinni which was excellent and baby carrots and Ceasar salad. For dessert there was an almond pear tart...really delicious.

The house was stuffed with antiques and it turned out the hostess had bought things from me before when I was in the antiques business...she remembered my booth. Small world.

Great converstion and a really nice evening...but I literally felt I had been let out of a cage. I think I'd have enjoyed it even if the people had been boring and the food dreadful!

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