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19047. wabbit - 4/1/2006 2:20:13 PM

Happy belated birthday, t'ful! Also Patsy (3/17)! And everyone else I've missed!

And a Happy April Fool's Day from Google.

19048. Magoseph - 4/2/2006 10:53:37 AM

Good morming, wabbit, I was taken twice yesterday by my sons--I just couldn't disappoint them.

19049. thoughtful - 4/2/2006 3:16:19 PM

Oh thank you every one for the birthday wishes.

We had a wonderful party last night with friends from years ago, some whom i haven't seen in decades. Food was great. Both the merlot and the chardonnay were excellent. Got raves on the chocolate mousse cake and a great time was had by all.

(I looked terrific if i do say so myself in my new donna ricci dress and was told many times that I certainly don't look 50.)

So much fun...it almost made it worthwhile to turn 50!

19050. arkymalarky - 4/2/2006 6:36:46 PM

Congratulations on a wonderful evening, Thoughtful!

19051. Macnas - 4/3/2006 10:31:33 AM

Happy birthday Thoughtful, here's to savouring what's past, and being hungry for what's to come.

19052. thoughtful - 4/3/2006 1:31:18 PM

Thanks guys!

19053. thoughtful - 4/3/2006 1:36:29 PM

So I went to the Wiz's opening at the gallery yesterday and met him in person. Funny how in person you get a very different impression of people. Of course, he was a wee bit stunned to have some woman walk up to him and say, Hi, I'm thoughtful!

His artwork is beautiful and how it's done is even more fascinating. Lots of people and I saw some papers being filled out. Weather was fabulous. So all in all, I'd say a very successful show!

19054. judithathome - 4/3/2006 1:50:33 PM

I envy your both things, Thoughtful...getting to see his work and meeting Wiz!

19055. Magoseph - 4/3/2006 1:55:37 PM

Yes, me too, Judith, too bad that we are stuck at home with a leg and an arm.

19056. judithathome - 4/3/2006 2:00:00 PM

Well, I have high hopes that the Great American Watercolor Tour will one day take place and I will get to meet the man and see his work.

19057. arkymalarky - 4/3/2006 2:51:32 PM

Oh that's so great, Thoughtful!

I'm on spring break, but it's pretty booked. I'm taking MIL to the doctor in a few minutes, and Mazie's got to go for her one year vet visit. A few other town errands and income tax and a doctor visit for me this week, then I've got to spend as much time at home as possible, writing the two research papers for the two classes I'm taking, plus catching up on my regular job.

19058. arkymalarky - 4/3/2006 2:53:42 PM

And the special legislative session on education funding begins this afternoon, so I'll be spending at least one day in Little Rock. The university had spring break a couple of weeks ago, so I still have the two night classes this week.

19059. thoughtful - 4/3/2006 3:01:47 PM

Well his art isn't watercolor...rather it's done through solar etching on glass and then the color is added as part of the printing process so no two pieces are ever the same.

I asked if he had a particular sky in mind as he colored them and he said no...he likened it to a jazz player who knows all the elements and then assembles them to make unique creations.

Very neat stuff.

19060. judithathome - 4/3/2006 3:37:06 PM

Well, I was just quoting what I recall him dubbing the Tour...I'm probably wrong.

19061. thoughtful - 4/3/2006 10:09:16 PM

well he could come in and correct us...it may be that he does both, but i only saw the prints.

regardless, he intimated yesterday that he's getting tired of the mote as, no matter how nice he tries to be, seems he's always getting slammed by someone.

this place is getting deader'n'a doornail

19062. arkymalarky - 4/3/2006 10:51:23 PM

I disagree. But I've been here ten/eleven years and I've never seen a time of any length in the Mote or the Fray when that wasn't posted. In the spring and summer, from Fray days, it would go almost completely dead, which disappointed me because that's the only time I had time to participate after the first year in the Fray, when my work schedule was probably the easiest it's ever been in my career.

The Mote is obviously not what it once was, but it's no more or less busy than it has been since the exodus of a few years ago. The house is always a lot quieter when you get a divorce, and that's not necessarily a bad thing compared to the alternative. Since we don't have a dynamic that lends itself to drawing in new prospects unless they're urged in by someone who knows us--sort of like a blind date--it's stayed quieter. But Alistair is the one who is actually able to look and tell one way or another, I believe.

There are a lot of forums on the net now; many are more dynamic and more active, but also less personal, more slanted one way or another, and more restrictive. I hope Wiz stays on. He adds a lot here.

19063. arkymalarky - 4/3/2006 10:55:57 PM

I feel about the Mote like I do my school. I love it, I enjoy it, and I am glad to overlook the blemishes. I don't consider smallness a negative, but if enough others do and it's one day no longer here, I'm done with forums. Just like I'm done with teaching if my school closes.

19064. PsychProf - 4/3/2006 11:06:20 PM

I talked with Irv Snodgrass today. He is fine, healthy, and has a busy life.

19065. wonkers2 - 4/4/2006 1:34:48 AM

Give Irv my regards. His mother taught my children at Brookside school. Where is he? Why doesn't he come back to the Mote? And where have you been, professor?

19066. arkymalarky - 4/4/2006 2:09:50 AM

That's great to hear, PP. Thanks for the update.

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